Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of the characters

Salvation Through Medication

Chapter 1: Prologue

There was only one thing that he truly loved in this world. and that was taking the life of other human beings. As if he can even be called that himself. Normal humans didn't do the kind of things he did. He'd be labeled as a killer, a murderer, a sick man with an incurable disease lodged somewhere deep in his brain. That was an excuse that people used to hide the fact that it wasn't a disease, people chose to do these kind of things on there own. It just made the public feel better to know that they couldn't turn up like them. Not that he cared, he was only killing to fill the empty void that was his life, it made him feel alive to cut down someone, strangle them, and mutilate there bodies until they were unrecognizable. He had started to see himself get talked about on television, and there were articles about him in the papers.

"The Black Nihilist Strikes Again." Black Nihilist? It had a nice ring to it, he wasn't sure about the color, guess it was because black is usually the color associated with death and darkness. Nihilist though. Someone who has extreme skepticism and denies all existence. That suited him well. He'd have to go pay a visit to who ever came up with the name and congratulate them for their cleverness. He had been a mass murderer for over a year now, but they were just now beginning to acknowledge his work. He had lost count of how many humans he had desecrated. Sometimes he thought about the loved ones of the people he killed, maybe they felt as empty as him. Well, he didn't really care if they did.

It had been a week and four days since he's killed someone, and the police have yet to find the body of the last one. It would most likely be another full seven days before anyone thought to check the forest. Every half mile there was a limb or other body part buried six feet deep into the earth. Along with the countless others no one even seemed to notice were missing. He never did anthing else to his victims except kill them, anything beyond that was a waste.

He had a strong feeling that tonight was the night he was going to kill again, now he just needed to find the winning contestant. Well, what do we have here? A young woman exited the coffee shop across the street from him. At least, he thought she was a young woman. She dressed like an adult, but she seemed a little short for her age. Hopefully she was an adult, he didn't do children. Aside from that, with her black hair and intimidating eyes, she looked like the type to fight back, which made it more entertaining for him. He followed a good amount of distance behind her. He didn't stand out like a sore thumb like the serial killers in the movies, wearing a heavy trench coat, dark shades and a hat. To everyone else he looked like an ordinary man on his way to work. Though he was rather pale compared to others, the sun wasn't one of his favorite things either. He didn't need the cover of the dark at night to kill people, he was much too skiled to be your everyday murderer.

Where on earth was this woman going? they had been walking for what seemed to be half an hour now. She turned the corner into an alley. Finally some privacy. He didn't have a knife on him, he guessed he would just have to use his hands.

He closed the distance between him and his prey, pulling his hands out of pockets and reached to wrap them around her neck. He was merely inches away from strangling her to death when the girl spun around, finally noticing him, all the color drained from her face and the fear could be seem in her eyes. And then he felt the cold metal against the back of his head and heard the click of a gun hammer being pulled back. The girl stumbled back and fell to the ground, petrified. He brought his hands up to frame the sides of his head.

How could he be so careless? He was always aware of his surroundings. How did he fail to notice that while he was following the girl, he himself was being followed? "You're under arrest for the murder of countless victims, anything you say can and will be held against you in court, Black Nihilist." His hands were pulled behind him and he was handcuffed. He had been caught. The next breaking news would be one of rejoice, the people of the city could rest easy knowing that the crazed serial killer had been caught. And the rookie cop that did the catching would definately get a promotion. Trash, all of them. Not even a little prison sentence could stop him for being who he was. The Black Nihilist. A serial killer. A murderer.

A/N: Yes, I know that this chaper was rather short, but it's just meant to be the introduction to the story. Everything will be occuring in the chapters to come. I hope you all enjoyed this much~ leave a review and tell me what you think so far. Much obliged! :]