Welcome to our new story. This normally belongs to xmystery21x in deviantart. Because we want more ideas, so I suggest putting this up in . Also this isn't end up yet like its name-Vampire Fan Fiction. We are looking more ideas from you. And this is a crossover of [Yu-Gi-Oh!], [Fullmetal Alchemist], [King of Bandits] and [Bleach] in the coming episode. Hope you enjoy it.


Three years have passed since Yugi & his friends graduated high school. Since then, Joey & Tristen went spending time with his sister Serenity, Tea' moved to New York for her dancing career, & Bakura returned with his dad traveling the world. All the while Seto continued his reign of Kaiba Corp., & Duke as well over his game shop's business. Grandpa sadly passed his game shop's legacy down to Yugi's decisions after leaving the earth two years ago.

While returning home from a late college class one night, Yugi saw a bright glow a few blocks away. He turned slightly & thought to himself.

"What's going on over there?"

A few faint screams came from beyond; Yugi gasped & ran frantically toward them. As he turned the last corner, he came to a quick halt as a entire building before him was a blaze. The screams continued to breach outside, echoing through Yugi's mind. "Oh no, I've got to do something;" He thought to himself. Yugi bolted to the front door; dodging flames as he vigorously running up flights of stairs to rescue the people in danger's way. "Is anyone out there?" He yelled. "Help us!" two children screamed, "Save us Please!" The fire continued to chew away the building, falling rafters were everywhere. "This whole place is falling apart, I have to act fast," Yugi said to himself. After dodging & searching, he found to the victims & rushed them downstairs to safety. 'Go! Get out of here & find help fast!" The kids shook their heads & ran into the town. As Yugi let a sigh of relief, he headed downstairs to the door. As he went, the door slammed shut & locked before him. Stunned, he yanked at the handle but nothing budged. "What the hell? C'mon!" he says to himself.

As Yugi continued to tug & kick at the door, a dark shadow over came his back. He slowly turned around & as he faced the stairs, a tall man in black with red eyes thrust a dagger all through his left chest & ripped his heart into shreds. Yugi's eyes widened as he hunches &gasps for air to breathe. His vision blurred as his knees hit the floor.
"There, now there's no threat to us anymore huh," whispered the murderer. Yugi fell to the floor, strongly inhaling for breathes & reaching out. Tears ran down his cheek; he whispered "He...lp...". As his arm fell limp, another man in noble clothes caught his hand. Tilting his head, Yugi saw bright blue eyes, as ice & glowed into the darkness around him. "Be still young one, for this question you must answer? Do you wish to live or die tonight?" the man whispered into Yugi's ear. With his last breath & blurred eyes he said quietly, "Live…Please…help…me…" As Yugi passed out, the stranger said to himself, "don't worry my child; you're safe now."

Nicholas cradled Yugi's limp body in his arms, holding his neck close to his own as he bit deep into Yugi's throat; thriving on his heart, pulsing through his mind. Yugi moaned as chills of extreme pain & pleasure surged throughout his being. Slowly, Yugi fell into a deep sleep. "As one life ends, a new life & clean slate begins? He whispered as he disappeared into the darkness with his third child in hands.

The next day, Edward arose to a splitting headache. "Sheeesh, morning already?" he thought. As his arms stretched & gave a large yawn, he got up from his desk & organized his books back into their places. The door to his library room opened suddenly, as his blood Father came in. "Edward, good morning my son," he said with a slight grin upon his face.
"Morning old man," Ed said back. "What you doing here this early pop? Ya know what time it is." he asked.
"I do, but it was late last night…If you don't mind, I was saving a good soul from the hands of Death also…I brought him home to rest & be out of harm's way."
"Huh? Why'd you bring him here? Don't humans have hospitals for that, old man?" Ed said as he tilted his head.
"Hah hah, yes. But this one is different my child. You could say a new addition to our family."
Edward raised a brow & shrugged. "Why? Unless…is this the Legendary Third Son you've been predicting in the past like with me & Jing by chance?"
"Yes my child, it is. Come. I want all of you to welcome him to his new life & home," he said as he walked down stairs.
On their way down, Nicholas's house tender & butler Damien came out of his room; awake & ready to tend to his master's & son's needs. So he followed to greet his new master & fellow half brother on the main floor.
As they reached the last of the stairs, Jing & his pet crow/ companion Kiir were waiting. "Hello, what's going on here might I ask?"
Nicholas gave a light chuckle. "I just introducing your new little brother to your family my child."
"What? A second younger brother?" Jing thought.
"Take a look my sons, be gentle…He's very weak at the moment. He only has ten percent of my blood in him for now; he needs plenty of rest..." He spoke softly.

As Yugi lay on the couch limp, breathing so faintly; his face rosy from the rush of blood that was given to him…Edward & Jing knelt by him with somber smiles on their faces. Jing whispered, "Don't worry little one…You have nothing to fear from us."
"Yea, we're your big brothers now. You're safe with us ok?" Ed says softly after him.
"Yes they are, & in my absence; they'll take great care of you my new son. Alright? Anything you need, we will provide," Nicholas continued.
Yugi slowly nodded his head with half closed eyes. Thus, he fell asleep.
"So where is he gonna sleep then old man?" Ed asked.
"My quarters are on the fifth floor for awhile. Jing, till my leave you can either share Edward's space on the fourth floor or one of the guest rooms on the second floor? It's your choice."
"But what about Kiir & my treasures?" Jing asked.
"You can leave them; they'll be safe," he said.
"Ok, thank you." Jing sighed.
As Nicholas cradled Yugi's body once again, he carried him to Nicholas's bed to rest as dawn approached. "As you all were; please do not disturb me unless the act is urgent. That understood?"
"Yes Sir," they said collectively. "Sleep well Master," Damien said with a bow.
"I'm off to the University old man! Got work to do, hah hah," said Edward with a stretch.
Jing grinned, "Good night Father" he said with a bow as well. Thus the night ended, & a new day began.

First, Amy (xmystery21x) is the one who writes this. I'm the one who loves it so I asked her for a permission to draw it into comic. You may find out in my deviantart gallery for the comic and for the fictions and original drawings of it, just go to her gallery as well. *shrugged*

Specter: What was that mean…?*= =;*

Ah! Before I forget, REVIEW and I edited it a lot because as my English has improved so I found out there are many mistakes in here and so…you know what's next^^