Thank you to all that have reviewed to past stories in the Koori saga. I hope that you enjoy this story as Koori goes through her own journey during the third book of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Again, thanks to all of my reviewers, I know that all of you guys/girls watch and wait for me to update. You have no idea how much your reviews really help me shape Koori's character. Thanks! I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Koori woke up with a start. She looked around the dark room that she was in and immediately wanted to scream. She kept her emotions to herself once she saw Iroh sitting across from her in a cell similar to her own. She looked at the cell floor and saw that there was a small straw bed and nothing but steel to protect her skin from the harsh waters around her.

"Spppppp," she whispered.

Iroh turned around and shook his hand. He also waved his hand to tell her that now was not the right time. Koori listened intently to the guards at the front of the prison. "I can't wait to get back home. I haven't seen my family in months," said a soldier.

"Yeah, this stupid war is starting to get on my nerves. It seems like every time I get a new girlfriend, they deploy me again and the girl can't wait. I go through girls like underwear."

Koori clasped her hands on the cold bars and breathed in. It was hard to breathe and Koori knew that this is how they would stop Koori and Iroh from firebending their way out. The air had low amounts of oxygen in it and Koori coughed at the sudden intake of carbon. The guards walked up to her cautiously.

"How are you feeling?" one asked.

"You took a pretty big blow to the head," the other one said.

Koori took these people as nice officers at first, and then Iroh looked over at her and shook his head. Koori gave a genuine smile, attempting to win over these two soldiers in order to escape.

"I'm feeling better," Koori said as she grasped the back of her head and felt the bump.

"Good," said one soldier. He knelt down to her and spat in her face. "We wouldn't want the Fire Lord's new toy to be severely damaged."

Koori rubbed the spit off of her face as they walked away and out of the prison. "General, what has happened?" Koori asked.

"You were hit in the head by a rock. You are now the newest addition to my brother's hoard of concubines and slaves," Iroh said with a sigh.

Koori stared at him, lifeless. "A…concubine…?" Koori asked. The words dug deep into her soul. She vowed never to become one again.

Iroh thought that she did not know what a concubine was. "Koori," he said with a sigh. She looked up at him timidly, tears in her golden eyes. "It's a sex slave."

Koori turned red and she let her head droop between the bars of her cell. "I told myself that I would never become a concubine…ever again."

Iroh turned his body completely toward her. "You were a concubine previously?" he asked.

Koori looked at Iroh with tears now pouring down her pale cheeks. "That is what I was to Master."

The cell went silent and Iroh stared at the crying girl in front of him. He wanted to issue her words of encouragement, but nobody but the Fire Lord's brother knew how truly cruel and demented his brother was. He took in a deep breath and choked on the air. The air was horrible, no firebender without proper breath control and a healthy pair of lungs could ever firebend in this hell. Koori was turning her body away and he saw her lean forward just enough to place her hands against her face. She was crying and Iroh stared to feel his eyes water. This girl had been through so much, and nobody was there to reward her for being so brave. Iroh wanted to reach out and touch her shoulder, tell her that everything would be okay, but he couldn't, and doing so would just be a lie. He let her go. He didn't say anything and didn't move. He just kept watching the poor slave that had once lived a happier life.

The guard that had just spat in Koori's face was now walking toward Iroh. He held a set of keys in his hands and was juggling them around between his fingers. Iroh saw Koori move deeper into the shadows of her cell. He was relieved that she moved away because he did not know what the soldier had in mind. Iroh placed both of his hands on his belly and stared at the guard intently. The guard unlocked Iroh's cell and then walked in. He quickly shouted to his coworker and suddenly, Iroh was being removed from his cell. The guard chained his hands together and then chained his feet. Iroh could see through the darkness of Koori's cell and could tell that she was watching. He saw her beautiful golden-brown irises through the dark and he suddenly had the urge to apologize. He didn't know why, but he was wondering why he was being moved.

"What is the problem, soldier?" Iroh asked.

"Containment issues. We don't want you two getting any ideas now that the girl is awake," one soldier answered.

Iroh nodded. He knew that the soldier was lying. He just didn't know why. He was taken out of the prison and into another. There was a woman guard in the room and she took him to his cell. She gave him a piece of bread and some fresh water. "I only wish that I could give you more," she whispered.

Iroh looked at the woman. She looked like an average Fire Nation civilian with hazel eyes, black hair, and pale skin. Once Iroh looked deeper, he could tell that something was different about this woman. "What is your name, madam?" he asked.

The woman looked. "I will not tell you. I try not to get attached to the prisoners. But, I will be taking care of you while we are at the prison in the Fire Nation."

Iroh nodded. He was content with having such a nice woman aid him during his time in confinement. He was still puzzled as to why he was moved, though. The male guards had left a while ago and Iroh looked around his new cell. There was still the pile of hay and nothing but steel, but Iroh saw that the hay was cleaner and the prison looked like it was being taken care of. He sighed when he thought of the poor girl in the rooms next to him. That's when he heard it…the sickening sound of her screaming.

The guard eyed Koori and then whispered to his friend. She watched intently as they started to walk toward her cell, gaining momentum as they continued talking. She moved back to the darkest part of her cell as they opened the door. One followed the other as they entered and they locked it behind themselves.

"We're going to play a game," one soldier said. Koori kneeled before standing in front of him.

"I do not wish to play any game at all," she said.

"Good," the other soldier said, laughing, "because it's not up to you, and you don't decide who gets to go first."

One soldier grabbed Koori and threw her against the wall. Koori screamed. She watched the soldier undue his trousers and lift up the dress she was wearing. Koori kicked him in the gut. She wanted to firebend, but found that she couldn't take in enough air. The other soldier quickly threw Koori onto the ground and let his friend continue hiking up her dress. Koori was flailing now, and the soldier did as much as he could to keep her still. Koori screamed loudly and finally, she felt a piece of cotton being shoved into her mouth. Koori kicked, but the soldier who now had his erection fully out caught her legs and pinned them down with the inside of his arms against his sides. Koori felt his fingers against the inside of her thigh and he pulled her underwear to the side. She could then feel his member against her skin and both of the soldiers started to laugh wickedly at this point. Koori couldn't help but scream through the piece of fabric in her mouth.

The soldier shoved himself in immediately and Koori cringed in pain. She was so dry and he just threw himself in. He got into a comfortable position while his friend watched Koori writhe in pain. "Do you think she's a virgin?" he asked.

The soldier inside Koori shook his head. "Nah, there's no blood."

Koori could feel him pumping and she wanted him out. He came soon and Koori watched in horror as his friend traded places with him. He went into the same position and entered her smoothly because his friend had used his semen to make her wet. Koori struggled under the strong hands and finally gave up like she had done with Zhao many times before. The soldiers were laughing as they were raping her. The second soldier came and Koori thought that they would be done, but they weren't. They were talking as the second soldier was still deeply inside her body.

"I want to make her have an orgasm. I've never seen a true one before. Why not practice?" he said. The other quickly agreed as he stroked his covered erection. Koori gritted her teeth as he placed his finger on her clitoris while still inside her. He moved slowly at first and then started to groan like an animal while he sent shivers into Koori's legs.

Koori closed her eyes. She did not want to let these men see the forced pleasure that they were giving her. She closed her eyes so tightly that she began to cry as the soldier who was fully clothed tore open her shirt. He stared at her breast binding at first and then quickly tore through them. The soldier who was close to coming for the second time watched her breasts jiggling with delight. He grabbed a firm grasp onto one and played with the nipple until it hardened under his fingers. His friend couldn't take this anymore and as the one inside her came again, they swapped places. Koori suddenly felt her arms being tied together as the first soldier forced himself inside her. The second soldier, who was still eager for more, sat on her stomach and grabbed her breasts. He pushed his erection through the center of her breasts, literally tit-fucking her and moaned in pleasure. The first soldier who was still inside her placed his fingers on her clitoris just as the second one had. He started to play with it, making it go in circles and move gingerly to his shoving. Koori couldn't take the pressure anymore. Suddenly, the spasms hit her body like rocks and she came. Both soldiers immediately got off of or out of Koori and started to watch her while masturbating. The face that she made and the wetness of her womanhood pushed them both over the edge. The ejaculated on top of her stomach from either side and then clothed themselves.

Koori was loosened from the bindings on her arms and then watched the soldiers walked away like nothing happened. "The Fire Lord always gets the nicest things," one soldier complained.

The other looked back at Koori and smiled wickedly. "He may, but for now, we still get to play with her."

I want to know what you think. Please review!