I had asked him why he wasn't wearing a shirt, but he hadn't answered that. Instead he had told my that I needed sleep. Now, I'm not dumb. Alek was in my bed not wearing a shirt and he wanted me in the bed too. I was going to torture Alek. I got under my covers and turned the opposite direction of him. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to him. I could feel his perfect, so very perfect body against my back. "Alek" I said "what are you doing?" he leaned in, his lips to my ear.

"I'm showing you how I feel, because I can never seem to say them to you." I wish he hadn't of said that, because my heart melted right then and there. He kissed my shoulder, my tank top even seemed revealing to me right now. I could hear the quickening heart beat against my back. His hand was sliding down my arm, slowly. "You're perfect" He said against my neck.

I wanted to tell him that I wasn't perfect, but I couldn't even remember how to speak. It was like my life was in one of those twix pause things. I could only feel his touch, and hear his breathing and smell his Alek scent. His face was already etched into my mind. It was late, I could have fallen asleep. Instead he turned me over on my back, He was still next to me, watching to see how I would react. He must of liked my reaction because he was then on top of me. "Tell me when you get uncomfortable" He said in a serious tone. He brushed his lips over my collar bone, and then kissed my neck. He made his way to the edge of my mouth. Then in a heart beats amount of time, I knew what Alek tasted like. He nasted of mint and something sweet, like caramel and chocolate. It was not a quick kiss where you would see if the other person liked it, it was a kiss that you knew the other person liked. His hand was beside my head, holding him up so he didn't break me. He let go, and sounding a little bit desperate I told him to not stop kissing me. Alek got up, after a very long kiss that I hated to see end and walked around my room. His shirt still off, I couldn't help but look at his chest, or his arms. "So, tomorrow... we're still on?"

"of Course" I nodded, I was about to get up when he was laying beside me again. His eyes looked like cat eyes, which wasn't surprising at all. I could feel that he didn't want to leave, or maybe that was me not wanting him to leave. I laid on his chest closing my eyes for all of three seconds. My phone was going off, Alek answered it.

"Chloe's phone" he said with a smug smile on his face. "Yeah, we're training." He told Amy who hung up on him.

"Great, now I'm going to have to explain that" I looked at him, his eyes to be exact. I had never seen a pair of eyes so beautiful like his, and that might seem like a cliche but it was true. "I love you" I told him. He smiled, and said he hoped I would say that.

"I love you too" he said. I waited for him to disappear like a dream, or take back what he said and the kiss in a jerk way of saying that he was testing me but never did. I knew that if he hadn't of felt the same way I would have felt bad. At least, he did. Alek had showed me a lot of how he felt tonight, but I liked it much more how he said it.