This chapter is sort of Mikoto learning how to talk and walk and stuff like that... yay!


Sakura happily walked down the streets of Konoha in the early hours of the day. Today was a special day, it was Mikoto's first birthday and Sakura was excited to babysit her today. Sasuke, sadly, was assigned a mission today so Sakura got the pleasure of spending the day with the little girl.

Sakura lightly tapped on the front door of the main Uchiha manor for Sasuke to let her inside. And a minute later he opened the door and let her inside.

"It's your birthday!" Sakura cooed as she pulled the little girl off the floor. "Sasuke, did you get her anything?"

"Why? She doesn't know it's her birthday." He scoffed as he prepared for his mission. Lately he had been allowed to go on missions that were outside of Konoha. Sakura sighed lightly and turned back to the little girl.

"I have a gift for you!" She chimed as she reached into her lavender coloured bag. She pulled out a box, not bigger than her forearm and placed it infront of the child who was giggling and flailing her arms.

"I'm leaving now." Sasuke called outas he opened the front door and was gone in a second. Sakura sighed and turned back to the child who was now holding the wrapped gift.

She helped the little girl open the wrap and it revealed a box with the label 'Pull Along Toy - Snail.' Sakura smiled and opened the box with ease and set the toy on the ground.

"I had one of these when I was a little girl." She said, she stood up and demonstrated how to use the pull along toy. "I know you can't walk yet, but when you do you can play with this."

She handed the pull along dog to the little girl and she happily waved it around. Sakura couldn't get over how cute Mikoto was getting. Her hair was tied into two pigtails on the sides of her head. Her cheeks were a rosey pink that accented her black hair and eyes very well and her complexion was a snowy white, much like Sasuke's.


'She's coming along very well...' A man thought to himself as he watched over Sakura and Mikoto in the living room. He smiled lightly behind his orange mask and nodded. 'Very well indeed. She will take Sasuke's place in time...'

And with that, the man disapeared.

x (The next week)

"You're going to learn how to walk." Sasuke said as he looked at the child to his left as she sat on the couch. She blankly looked up at him with no idea what he was talking about.

Sasuke picked her up off the couch and sat her on the floor infront of him while he knelt down. He grabbed her hands and lifted her up onto her feet. He let go to see if she could at least hold her weight, and she did. He stood up and leaned forward, grabbing her tiny hands as he did, and pulled her forward, making her take some steps.

She started giggling like a madman, for some unkown reason. But after her giggling fit he tried again. He then put her at one end of the living room and walked over to the other side.

"Come here." He said as he motioned with his hands for her to come. She wobbily stood up and put one foot infront of her. Her first step. Then another then she fell onto her bum. She whimpered, proceeded to get back up and try walking again. She wobbily walked back over to Sasuke without a problem after that.

"Good job..." Sasuke said as he picked her back up off the wooden floor.


"Daddy." Sakura repeated herself once again when she stared at the child then pointed to Sasuke. Mikoto repeated the action of pointing but did not repeat the word.

"Da-ddy" Sakura said once again while pointing to Sasuke. Sakura was the only one who would bother teaching Mikoto the word 'Daddy' seeing as how Sasuke would never call himself daddy.

"Daaaaa." Mikoto slurred and pointed towards Sasuke who was leaning in the doorway.

"Alllmost." Sakura said, "DA-DDY!"


"Daddy." Sakura corrected.

"Daaaadyy" Mikoto managed and pointed to her father.

"Good job!" Sakura cheered, ruffling Mikoto's hair. "Don't you think Sasuke? Her first word!"

"Hn." Sasuke grunted, although it seemed like an 'I don't care' kind of 'hn', it was more of an 'I'm proud' hn.

"Daddy." She said proudly and watched as Sakura gasp and smile at her. "Daddy." She said again with a big toothless grin.

"Well I'm leaving." Sasuke said as he turned towards the doorway and left the house. Mikoto suddenly looked said and turned to Sakura with a face full of tears.

"Daaadddyyyy." She whimpered and looked back at the door.

"He's coming back, don't worry!" Sakura smiled as she set Mikoto back on the floor beside her toys. Mikoto walked towards the door sadly and sat infront of it, as if she was waiting for him to come back.


Sasuke opened the door to his house after a long day on an S - ranked mission with that idiot Naruto. Him being along made the day a little bit longer. He closed the door behind him and he heard a faint voice that sounded like it was coming closer to him. He kept his eyes on the hallway door and saw Mikoto running up to him with a big smile on her face.

"Daddy!" She screamed happily while glomping his leg. Sasuke bent down and picked her up by her amrpits.

"Well I gotta go now!" Sakura chimed, running her feet through her boots and opening the door. She was late for her shift at the hospital.

'Maybe I should find a new babysitter...' Sasuke thought as he watched Sakura run out of the Uchiha District. He shrugged it off and continued to the kitchen.

"Did you eat?" She just looked up at him and shook her head.

"No?" Sasuke asked, he wanted her to learn another word. So he'll work on that.

"Nnn." She murmered and shook her head.


"Nnnnnoooooo." She stuttered and looked up at him happily. He nodded. "No." She said again.

Sasuke opened the fridge and pulled out a some fruit. "Do you want this?"

"No." She chimed happily and pointed to the bag of baby carrots. He pulled them out and set them on the counter.

'Hmph. Next thing I'll know is that I can't get her to shut up.' Sasuke thought, somewhat proudly.


"I just have a feeling. I know she's busy with the baby and all. But we were talking so much! And she suddenly just stopped writing to me." Souta sighed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I guess... But be careful? You don't know who or what are at those hideouts." A girl said as she patted him on the back as a friendly gesture.

"Yeah yeah. But don't tell sensei I'm going there." He started, "under no circumstances!" He then grinned and waved behind him, suddenly he was gone.

"Here it is!" He grinned and put his arms behind his back. He then found an entrance and snuck in.

"Kaeda?" He called out and peered into some of the doors.

"Hello?" A woman called out from the end of the hallway. Souta turned and walked towards the woman in black.

"Who are you?" She asked as she crossed her bandaged arms.

"I'm Souta Yokoyama. And you?"

"Hey! Your Kaeda's little bro!" She chimed as she clapped her hands.

"Yeah! Hey, where is she? I wanna see her!"

"About that... She was killed. I'm sorry." Mizuki hung her head low. Her best friend... Knocked out and then killed for the tailed beast within her. Terrible.

Souta shivered. "What about... Aiko?"

"She was taken by her father."

"Sasuke Uchiha?" Souta asked. He now knew what he was going to do. He was going to track down Sasuke Uchiha and meet his niece. Mizuki nodded.

"I have no clue where he is though. I'm super sorry."

"Hey it's ok. I knew those terrible akatsuki were after the tailed beasts. I just didn't think they'd get her. Anyways, I better go get information on Sasuke Uchiha."

"Yes, but be safe."


"Ughhh. Nobody knows where the hell that Uchiha bastard is. Laaame." Souta chimed to himself as he walked out of the corner store with a bag of food. "He isn't in the land of lighting... He isn't in any of Orochimaru's hideouts... He ins't in the land of Wind... The land of Fire?"

Souta watched as leaf ninja walked passed him. He hadn't asked any leaf ninja if Sasuke was in Konoha. He hurridly walked towards them and tapped one on the shoulder.

"Hey, you're from the village hidden in the leaf? I was wondering if you knew someone I'm looking for."

"Yeah I sure am! And who are you looking for? I know almost everyone!" The blonde boy beamed, his blue eyes widened and his smile was big.

"I'm looking for a guy names Sasuke Uchiha... Do you know him?" The boys eyes widened and he furiously nodded.

"Yeah of course I know him! We're best friends! Why are you looking for him? Did he do something bad?"

"Um no. Well. His daughter is my niece..." Souta replied as he awkwardly scratched his head.

"Wooow! I'll take you to him. We're heading back now. Tag along! I'm Naruto Uzumaki by the way." He grinned and shook Souta's hand.

"I'm Souta Yokoyama. How far away is the leaf village?"

"Like, half a day away. We better get moving..!"


"It sure is hot here..." Souta whined as he saw the village gates in the distance. "I'm from a village where there's snow everyday all year round. I'm sorta not dressed for the heat either..." Souta pulled at his thick hoodie like it was a rotten piece of food.

"I'd hate to be in the cold all the time!" Naruto grinned at the boy beside him. "Anyway, we're here. I'll show you where Sasuke lives? Although he's probably on a mission with the anbu right now. But you cna meet Mikoto and Sakura!"

"Mikoto? Sakura?"

"Ummm. Mikoto? Your niece?"

"I thought her name was Aiko...?" Naruto shrugged and replied.

"I dunno. Talk to Sasuke about that. Alrigt we gotta turn here..." The two turned into the beggining of the Uchiha district. And a couple minutes later they made it to Sasuke's house.

"Alright. Sakura babysits Mikoto. She's real nice, so don't be afraid of her. Unless you piss her off, then she's scary." Naruto chuckled and started off out of the district. Souta thanked him and turned towards the front door of the large house. He knocked a couple times and heard a woman call something along the lines of 'one second.'

He waited for a couple second awkwardly. He was pretty excited to see his niece for the first time after he's heard so many comments about her from his sister.

The door slowly opened and a woman, no taller than himself appeared with a child in her arms.

"Hi, can I help you?" She smiled nicely while readjusting the toddler in her arms.

"Ummm. This might be weird to hear, but I'm her uncle..." He trailed off and looked at is feet. "So yeah."

"Ohh..." Sakura mumbled. "Come in." She stepped aside and let him walk into the living room. He took a seat on the couch and looked back at Sakura.

"So, you're Mikoto's uncle?" Souta nodded and looked at the little girl in Sakura's arms.

She was cute, like Kaeda had said. But too bad she didn't get their emerald green eyes. Just plain black. Kind of boring but she had a cute face.

"Yeah I am. I dind't even know she was here until I found out my sister was dead. So I went searching for information on Sasuke Uchiha and here I am."

"I see. Well I'm Sakura Haruno. I'ts nice to meet you." Souta smiled.

"My name is Souta Yokoyama."

"Well this is Mikoto. Say hi Mikoto!" Mikoto just looked up and Sakura and back to Souta. She waved her little hand at Souta.

"Hi." She managed and snuggled up to Sakura, still keeping her gaze on Souta. The front door suddenly opened and Mikoto bolted up to look at who was there.

"Daddy!" She screeched and hopped off Sakura's lap and glomped Sasuke's leg like she usually did. He greeted her and picked her up then someone caught his eyes. Sasuke walked up to Sakura and Souta on the couch and looked Souta over.

Souta didn't like him. Just in particular. He looked like a mean guy, a mean look on hsi face. And those mean eyes. Cold hearted eyes. Why would his sister ever sleep with him. He didn't know.

"And who are you?" Sasuke glared at the boy on the couch with cold eyes.

'Why would Sakura ever let a stranger into my house.' Sasuke thought angrily in his mind as he readjusted his daughter in his arms.

"I'm Souta Yokoyama."

'Yokoyama...Where do I know that last name from? Yokoyama...Yokoyama... Kaeda Yokoyama. That was her name...'

"And?" Sasuke pretended to not know who he was, which he wished he didn't.

"I'm your daughters uncle. Her mom was Kaeda Yokoyama? My sister." Souta snapped angrily. Sasuke merely raised an eyebrow.

"And why are you here?"

"Why wouldn't I be here? I wanted to meet my niece." Souta retorted to his nieces father. Then it struck him. He wanted to ask if he could stay there, but seeing the way their converstation was going it didn't seem like that would happen.

"Hn." Sasuke grunted and turned back to Sakura. "Thanks for watching her." Sakura nodded then got up.

"Do you have a place to stay Souta?" She asked with a worried smile. "Because I think Sasuke should let you stay here." At that remark Sasuke snapped his attention back to Sakura.


"Yeah I think I should stay here too." Souta grinned evily and watched Sasuke's expression turn into an angry one.

"Yes Sasuke. Let him stay here. But I gotta go now... I'll see you next week.." She called out as she walked down the hallway. Souta mentallly laughed. He had hoped he could have a neatral relationship with the father of his niece but that's obviously not an option anymore.

Sasuke sighed heavily. Now he had to take care of another one. This was something he was not expecting. But maybe he could get him to babysit instead of Sakura...

'Hmph. This is a good idea.' He thought snarkily as he took a seat on the opposite couch of Souta.

"Daddy!" Mikoto called out when tugging at the collar of his shirt. "Can I haf food?" Sasuke nodded and got up and walked into the kitchen.

Sasuke was so impressed with Mikoto talking skills. She was picking it up very easily and remembering words easily. And she was only taught 'daddy' a couple months before.

"That one." She said, pointing to the yogurt in the fridge. He pulled it out and fed her in an awkward silence, even Mikoto could feel it. She could feel the tension in the room between her father and her uncle.

"Who's that?" She slurred between mothfulls of her strawberry Banana yogurt.

"Nothing. But you've got to have a bath and go to be now." Sasuke replied as he threw the spoon into the sink and carried Mikoto to the bathroom.

"Noooo! I don't want to!" She screamed and hit Sasuke's chest with her little fists. Angry tears welled up in her eyes as she kept hitting him until she gave up and took a bath. When she was done she was dressed up in light pink feetie pajamas and she was set down in her crib.

Sasuke walked down the hallway and confronted Souta.

"You can stay here as long as you help out around the house." Sasuke said as he leaned against the doorway.

"Yeah, I expected that. What could I do?

"You can babysit Mikoto instead of Sakura."

"Alright, that's good. I was hoping I could babysit her." Souta smiled. Maybe his chances of being on neautral terms with Sasuke could be saved. Maybe.

"You can have the bedroom right here." Sasuke pointed to a room beside him and walked away to his own bedroom.

'Sweet.' Souta thought happily as he walked into the large bedroom.


"Bye daddy!" Mikoto happily called out when Sasuke had left the house and left her with her uncle. She turned and looked at Souta with her big black eyes full of wonder.

"Uhh. Are you hungry?" Souta asked his niece who was now playing with her toys on her own. She shook her head and continued playing with her toys, clearly not caring. "Fine." Souta slumped onto the couch and turned on the t.v. He put it on the kids chanel because they shows he watched were not appropriate for a one and a half year old. He put on Phineas and Ferb and she would giggle here and there.

Feeding her wasn't an easy job. She would either smack it out of his hands or spit it out then giggle. But she ended up eating because she was actually hungry.

When Sasuke came back Souta saw a side to Mikoto that he thought didn't exist. She ran up to him happily, like she hadn't seen him in years and glomped his leg tightly and never letting go. Sasuke proceeded to pick her up and she would snuggle up to him lovingly.

Souta had a feeling she would grow up to be a daddy's girl.