Disclaimer: All characters and things associated with Harry Potter belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers. This writing is for pure entertainment only.

Summary: Set in the distant future, happily ever after would not last, and Hermione is no longer safe in a dangerous world. Will her children find a way to save her before everything in their world is destroyed?

Chapter 1

Hugo Weasley opened his eyes as stray strands of light connected with his face as the managed their way through the partially dilapidated roof over his head. He glanced around quickly, his red hair falling into his eyes, as he searched for the one person he could not lose; not now, not when everything else in his life was practically gone.

Hugo let out a sigh of relief when he saw his older sister, Rose, tangled up in a, using some rubble as a bed, her wand tightly in her hand.

"Rose…" Hugo whispered, his British accent completely gone, and replaced with the toughness of a New York accent.

Ron and Hermione had moved their children out of England ten years earlier, when Draco Malfoy had somehow to secure his spot as the Minister of the Ministry of Magic. No one had seen it coming, but it was not a pleasant welcome. Draco had grown strong over the years after he had left Hogwarts far behind, both politically and magically, and somewhere along the line he had managed to obtain such an important job. Immediately, pure-blood laws had begun to grow again, despite Hermione's efforts to stop them, and soon it was no longer safe for Hermione to be associated with the Department of Magically Law Enforcement. After all, Draco was using his powers to "reduce the number of mud-bloods in the Ministry to make sure that the structure of the Wizarding World did not fail."

Hermione had been devastated, but knew Ron was right when he told her England was no longer safe for their family, and so they had to move to America. Harry and Ginny had stayed behind, having little to fear, but missed their extended family dearly, and visited often.

That was four years earlier. Now, even America was not safe. Malfoy had penetrated every inch of the Wizard World, and the Third Wizarding War had started. No one could believe how stupid they all had been, not realizing that Malfoy had been building an army to eradicate all muggle-born wizards and witches and their offspring.

"Rose…" Hugo whispered again.

"What…" Rose mumbled, slowly opening her eyes and brushing her brown hair out of her eye. She was grateful the red hair she had when she was younger had changed to match the color of her mother's; it was hard enough being seventeen, and she was convinced red hair wouldn't have helped.

"You weren't supposed to fall asleep." Hugo told her.

"Shit…" Rose mumbled, sitting up. Her British accent also replaced by an American one. "Sorry…"

"Its okay, I guess we are safe." Hugo told her.

"For now…" Rose stood, stretching, and wiping dust and dirt from her jeans. The night before had been rough, with death-eaters out by the hundreds. She and Hugo had hardly escaped, and she wasn't certain if her cousins had made it. All five children had gotten spit up.

"We should try to find James, Al, and Lily are…okay…" Hugo said to his older sister.

Rose nodded; she wouldn't know what to do if something had happened to her cousins. They were the only family that she had left aside from Hugo for certain. The children had been separated from Ron, Harry, and Ginny weeks earlier in an encounter with werewolves and were subsequently on their own, trying to survive.

"Let's go." She motioned for Hugo to follow her down the broken stairs of the abandoned house they had spent the night in and out the door, onto the abandoned streets of London. England had been hit the worst.

"It's so quiet…" Hugo moved cautiously next to his sister, both of their wands out. The rubble around them, the collapsing and smoldering buildings, made the street look like a war-zone.

"I hate Europe…" Rose grumbled. She had been so mad when Ron had made them come back, but it had made sense. They needed to find Hermione and of course Draco would have taken her back to England, maybe even back to Hogwarts.

Hermione had been kidnapped by Draco Malfoy four months earlier, and as far as her husband and children knew, had been forced into slavery with the rest of the muggle-born wizards that Draco had collected. That was why there were in England, the Potter's and Weasley's would do anything to get Hermione back.

Suddenly, a bright blue light appeared in front of Rose and Hugo, stunning them both, until the face of their cousin Albus appeared and grinned.

"Shit, Albus…" Rose let out a sigh of relief as she looked through the blue light and saw James, Albus, and Lily all make their way out into the crumbling street.

"You guys are okay!" Hugo was relieved as he picked his favorite cousin, Lily, up in his arms and twirled the fifteen-year-old girl around.

"You too, I see…" James smiled at his younger cousins, not sharing their American accent. "Bloody good news…"

"Well, we are alive." Rose nodded. She didn't know if that meant much anymore.

"It means something…" Albus told his cousin, placing a hand on Rose's shoulder.

"Right, so what are we going to do today then?" Lily piped up. "Lookin' for our parents or looking for your mum?" She motioned to Rose and Hugo.

"Might as well do both at the same time…since we have no idea where any of them are." Rose rolled her eyes, slumping her shoulders and walking ahead of the group of teenagers. Her mother was fresh on her mind. Rose and Hermione had not had the best relationship, as Rose had grown older. She wasn't a rebel, but she did like to do her own thing, and her mother had clearly been the kind of teenager who couldn't take a strand of hair out of place. Hermione and Rose had clashed constantly.

Now, all Rose wanted to do was take every single thing she had ever done to upset Hermione. She wanted her mother back, and she knew with each passing day, they were getting closer to losing her.

A month earlier, before they had set out on their journey, Malfoy had sent Ron a visible message, showing Hermione being tortured and tied to a bed. Ron had not meant to show his children, but they had gotten a hold of it and watched it. Rose could only imagine what Malfoy had been doing to her mother, and she knew, under those conditions, even a woman as strong as Hermione would eventually break.

"Look…we ought to eat something before we start this up…" Albus was standing next to Rose now. The two were close, like brother and sister.

"This place is a shit hole…" Rose motioned around to the decrypting buildings. The death-eaters had hit the town hard the night before.

"There's a little café a few miles up the road. We saw it this morning." Albus said.

"You serious?" Rose raised an eyebrow.

Albus nodded. "Apparently that side of town didn't get hit as hard as last night."

It turned out that Albus had been right. There was a small café on a small strip of buildings that seemed untouched by last night's attacks. The roads were busy and people were moving about as if nothing had happened. The shop shared a much more somber attitude with wizards and witches wearily sat around the shop, silence in the air as they all read the Daily Prophet.

"This is awful…" James mumbled to himself, engrossed in his own copy of the paper.

"I don't wanna know…" Rose said, her voice low.

James' eyes met his younger cousins and he nodded, his black hair falling in his eyes. When all was said and done he would ask his mother for a haircut. "Alright then."

"I wanna know." Hugo grabbed the paper from James, looking at the article James had been reading. He swallowed hard, his hands shaking. "Rose…you…you should look at this…"

Rose saw the expression on her brother's face as and immediately grabbed the paper from him, her eyes falling on the picture of her mother, sitting next to Malfoy, his hand wrapped tightly on her thigh as her legs were chained to the floor. She looked as if she were about to cry any minute.

"What the fuck is this?" Rose growled.

"Read it." Hugo said softly, shock filling his eyes.

Rose glanced at the article, and then back at her cousins and brother before reading it outloud. "Minister Draco Malfoy has decided, a surprise to many of his supporters, to wed Hermione Weasley, as it has been discovered earlier this week she is with his child. She will be the only mud-blood allowed to in the ministry or on Hogwarts grounds. Sources close to the minister believe this is only a temporary solution as the child she carries seems to be of some importance to him…" Rose was shaking, placing the paper down.

"Bloody hell…" Albus' voice was soft.

Rose nodded, her eyes brimming with tears. "I knew it. I knew…what he was doing to her…"

"Why would he risk that?" James asked. "I mean…to mix his blood with hers…its against everything he stands for…"

"They said the child is special to Malfoy." Lily reminded them.

"There's gotta be more to this…" Hugo said.

"Damn right." Rose was angry now, her jaw set. "And when we find Malfoy, I am going to kill him myself…once we get to the ministry…"

"We can't do anything drastic right now, Rosie…" James told his younger cousin in a calming voice, glancing around to see people looking at her. "We don't want to draw attention to ourselves…"

"But indeed you already have, Mr. Potter…" A familiar voice came from behind the teenagers.

All five teenagers turned to see Professor Minerva McGonagall smiling down at them, though she looked fair older and more tired then anyone could have ever imagined.

"Professor McGonagall?" James stood. Although she had never taught him while he had been at Hogwarts, his family had remained close to the professor.

"It is good to see you again, all of you…" Professor McGonagall placed a hand on Rose's shoulder. Although Rose had never been one of the best students when she had attended Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall had a special place in her heart for Hermione's daughter.

"Can we help you, professor?" Albus asked.

"Actually, I am here to help you." McGonagall said. "We haven't much time…please follow me." She moved quickly, leading the group of teenagers to the back of the café.