Author's note:

M. Cali' Ai- I rock your mike, you rock a trike, OOPS! Your diaper's wet again!

Toddler Tanya- That's not true!
M. C. A.- What?!

T. Tanya- I wear pull-ups, and I'm tellin'! (runs off) Daddy!

Ichigo- Hey, who's kids are these?!

T. Tanya and T. Myesha- Daddy!

M. C. A.- That answer your question?

Ichigo- I don't even know their names!

M. C. A.- That's Myesha and that's Tanya.

Ichigo- What?! They were both teenagers the last time I saw them! What's going on?

M. C. A.- To answer his question, January 25 was the two-year anniversary of They Do WHAT? (and DAMN did I come a long way!). Since the characters of "Myesha" and "Tanya" are only two years old, I figured you could spend the day with them as toddlers.

Ichigo- (picks up Myesha and Tanya and stares at them) They are kinda cute…

T. Tanya and T. Myesha- Daddy!
Ichigo- As long as Myesha doesn't call me baby daddy.

T. Myesha- Baby daddy, baby daddy!

Ichigo- Hey, stop that!

M. C. A.- Oh, I almost forgot. Melanie and Jacqueline are a little over one and a half. They'll be spending the day with you too.

Baby Melanie and Baby Jacqueline- Dada!

Ichigo- (talking over the girls) Hey, let's all be quiet no-OW! Myesha, stop pulling my hair! Melanie, stop teething on my leg! EVERYONE BE QUIET!

Girls- (silence)

Ichigo- Okay, now let's-Oh no! Please don't cry!


M. C. A.- As you can see, Ichigo's great with kids. (walks off) Have fun Ichigo!

Ichigo- Hey, wait! You can't leave me like this!
M. C. A.- Chapter start!

Ichigo, Myesha, Rukia, Tanya, Melanie and Jacqueline all slept on futons in Ichigo's room to commemorate the beginning of Ichigo and Myesha's relationship. If that weren't the case, it would have been like a scene from a harem anime.

Even though they had slept in the same bed before, Ichigo and Myesha felt awkward sleeping together that night. They didn't go to sleep until around three in the morning. When they did finally doze off, Ichigo and Myesha were sprawled out in a funny position. Myesha had her head on Ichigo's chest and her left arm around him. Ichigo had his right hand up his shirt on his stomach and his left arm around Myesha. Their mouths were open, and a small line of drool connected Myesha's lip to Ichigo's shirt.

It was well past nine, and Ichigo was slowly being tugged away from his sleep by giggling. At first he tried to ignore it, but the giggling could be heard again. He groaned quietly and pulled his right hand from under his shirt to look for Myesha's left hand. When he found it, he held it up and turned on his side so that they were face to face (well, not really since his chest was still in her face). His eyes were still closed as he spoke.

"Myesha… Myesha!" he groaned.

"What, man?" Myesha said. She was still drifting somewhere between being asleep and being awake.

"What are you giggling about?" Ichigo said.

"Man, ain't nobody giggling." Myesha murmured.

Their conversation would have ended right there if the giggling didn't continue.

"Then who was that?" Ichigo asked. Even though they were both half asleep, Myesha could hear that he was getting a little irritated. She sighed before speaking once more.

"I dunno, maybe the Smurfs is happy because the Jolly Green Giant gave them some good weed."

Suddenly, the soft giggles in the room turned into full-out laughter. Ichigo and Myesha's eyes shot open and they saw Tanya standing over them with her cell phone.

"Got it!" she said, before running to Rukia and the others to show them the picture. They laughed even more.

"I swear, you two looked like deer looking into headlights." Melanie said between laughs.

"Wait a minute, got what?" Myesha said as she bolted to her feet.

Ichigo simply sat on the floor, running his fingers through his messy hair. Then, he noticed moisture on his shirt, so he looked down to see a small stain that only could have been left by Myesha's drool.

"Hey, watch where you're drooling you numbskull!" he said. Myesha only ignored him since she was looking at the pictures Tanya took of them when they were asleep.

"I'm sorry, you two just looked so cute together." She said between chuckles. Myesha looked in silence until she got to the last picture.

"Hey, delete that one!" Myesha said. She tried to snatch the phone from her much shorter friend, but she always had faster hands than her, even before they got their powers.

Tanya continued to dodge Myesha's attempts to get the phone until she finally ran across the room, teasing her since she couldn't steal it. Just before Myesha could chase Tanya across the room, Ichigo wrapped his arm around Myesha's waist and held her still.

"Ichigo, lemme go you orange-haired asshole!" she said, not letting up on her insults since he called her a numbskull earlier. She continued to struggle, but Ichigo was still holding her still.

"Wait, how the hell can you even hold me still with one arm?" she asked.

"That's a damn good question!" Jacqueline said. "Why don't we hand him a baby elephant and see if he can hold it still too? They do weigh about the same."

"Oh, blow it out your ass Jacks!" Myesha said in mock anger.

"That is not true!" Melanie intervened, her voice taking a slightly sarcastic pitch.

"You better tell her!" Myesha said, still trying to break free from Ichigo.

"That's right I will!" Melanie continued. "Myesha does not weigh as much as a baby elephant. She weighs as much as two fully grown cows."

"And a chicken!" Jacqueline added.

Everyone in the room burst into laughter except for Ichigo and Rukia, who didn't fully understand their sense of humor. Sure, they understood the jokes, but they wondered why Myesha was laughing just as hard as her friends were instead of trying to kill them. They came to the conclusion that she loved her friends that much.

"Like I give a hot damn, my baby daddy just found out he likes the big girls. Ain't that right Ichigo?" Myesha turned around and faced Ichigo, whose face was turning slightly pink.

"My baby daddy likes a challenge, isn't that right Ichigo?" she continued in a dotey voice, as if she was talking to a baby. Ichigo looked away with a deeper blush on his face. He knew what she was hinting at when she said 'a challenge'.

"Sh-shut up! Come on, Karin and Yuzu are probably waiting to serve breakfast." Ichigo said, suddenly noticing how empty his stomach felt. He took Myesha by the hand and led her to the door. Everyone else followed closely behind.

"I guess we'll go and watch TV or something." Tanya began.

"Because we already ate without y'all lazy asses." Jacqueline finished.

"Really?" Myesha said in surprise. "I thought they was all about the whole 'family meals' thing."

"They are." Melanie said. "But they got tired of waiting for you. Karin seemed a little P.O.'ed if you ask me."

On their way to the dining room, the group ran into Karin, who proved Melanie right. She was pissed off. She looked up at her older brother and spoke in an irritated voice.

"Hey, don't think that just because you have a girlfriend now you can neglect your own family!" She said, poking him in the chest after ever few words. Ichigo looked at her in surprise at first. Then, he smiled and placed his hand on her head.

"Don't worry, I'll sleep walk if I have to next time." He said. Karin blushed a little as she tossed his hand off of her head and walked away.

"I guess you know what that means~" Myesha said in singsong. Ichigo gave her a look of utter confusion. She face palmed and waited until they got their food to explain why Karin blew up on him.

Myesha told Ichigo that since he was Karin and Yuzu's older brother (who seemed to be just slightly awkward around the ladies) had another girl in his life, they realized that he wouldn't spend as much time with him. She went on to tell them that it was the exact same way with her when her three older brothers when they first started dating.

"They'll get over it; soon enough, school will get to be a real pain in the ass and they'll become worried with boys other than yourself. Then, you'll be an almost non-existent, orange poof to them." She finished.

"So, I'm gonna turn into a 'poof'?" Ichigo asked sarcastically.

"You won't be a poof to me." Myesha said. Then she started laughing, "Good Lord, have mercy! I can't believe I'm saying this lovey-dovey crap!"

"Yeah, so cut it short then." Tanya intervened. "We've gotta go see Urahara. Ichigo, give your body to Kon because we're going to the Soul Society for a few days."

Author's note;

Ichigo- I hate you.

M. Cali' Ai- Oh c'mon, they couldn't have been that bad!

Ichigo- I had to do 15 sets of Gangnam style just to get them to stop crying, and then I had to sing Halo to get them to go to sleep. Do you know how picky they are?

M. C. A. - Okay, I guess you've worked hard enough for a break. (snaps fingers and the girls grow up)

Myesha- Damn, that was a good nap.

Jacqueline- Yup-yup!

Tanya- You sing pretty good Ichigo.

Melanie- (sniggers) You dance pretty good too.

Ichigo- Shut up!

M. C. A. - So, I don't know what this chapter is. I really just wanted to post something to commemorate the two year-

Entire Bleach Cast- TWO YEARS!
M. C. A. - -anniversary of my first fanfiction. Thank you to everyone that's been sticking with me. Much love.

By the way Ichigo, it's a lot easier to get Myesha to go to sleep now.

Ichigo- Like I care!

M. C. A. - All you have to do is sing Differences by Genuwine.

Myesha- Oooh Ichigo, please sing Differences!

Ichigo- No.

Myesha- Pleeeease?

Ichigo- No!

Myesha- I love you.

Ichigo- I love you too, so?

Everyone- Aaaaw!

Myesha- So sing the damn song!

Ichigo- Fine! M. Cali' Ai, hand me the damn lyrics and play the music.

M. C. A.- Yessir! (hands off lyrics and starts music)

Ichigo- (sings)

M. C. A. - Oh, I almost forgot. We should leave them be, because there's a little something that needs to go between Ichigo singing that song and Myesha actually being asleep for her to go to sleep, since it has a… ahem… certain effect on her.

Ichigo- Wait, what?

Renji- She's your girlfriend, it's gonna happen sooner or later.

Ichigo- WHAT?!

Byakuya- Enjoy yourself, Kurosaki Ichigo.

Ichigo- Wait, I'm not ready yet!
Myesha- That's gonna change in twenty seconds.

M. C. A. - Oh damn, somebody's gonna kick my ass! Hey you, reader, it's 3 o'clock in the morning Central time. Take your ass to sleep 'cause I damn sure am!

Everyone- You just remember-

M. C. A. – -that I ain't shit…

Everyone- YET!

Disclaimer- All works go to their original owner.

M. C. A. – Thank you Disclaimer.

Disclaimer- Anytime, baby.