Thanks to everyone who is reading this. It's my first Puppet master fanficiton hope you like it. I prefer the movies where the puppets are good and not evil…though I guess they are not really evil if just doing what they are told. I'm setting this roughly 50 years after the Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys film.

I Don't own anything but it would be super cool if I did.

Chapter 1

The third week of December was usually a festive time for most. The first snow of the year had just begun to fall spurring all the children in the neighborhood to grab their sleds and skates. All but one child. A young teenager named Tabitha Toulon stood quietly on the granite steps of the old mansion house sweeping pointlessly away at the snow accumulating there. She paused for a moment, blowing her warm breath into her thinly covered mitten hands. Looking up into the sky she sighed softly. She used to love the snow especially snow at Christmas time but now it only saddened her. Returning to her task of sweeping she couldn't help but reflect on her life.

Her mother had joined the angels when she was only 5 years old and her father had remarried soon after to a lovely woman who had a daughter just a few years older than Tabitha but her father was never the same man again. His soul not whole without his first wife and after his passing five years later Tabitha found herself greatly at the mercy of her stepmother.

The woman was not entirely cruel but had a desire for the finer things in life. Truly this mansion belonged to Tabitha now as it had been her father's but she was only 15 much too young by law to inherit such a property. So it was in her stepmothers care until the lawyers deemed Tabitha old enough to take over. Leaving Tabitha to do whatever whims or chores her stepmother could think of to keep the girl out of her sight. Tabitha did not know it but she looked more and more like her mother every day. Her stepmother hated it. She moved Tabitha out of her bedroom and placed her own daughter Abigail there and all of the staff were fired except for the cook with a bad leg and the elderly butler. Nana and Sampson. They did the best they could to help provide for the real mistress of the house but with a demanding stepmother and a spoiled step sister it was hard.

But a smile found its way to Tabitha's lips. Tomorrow was her 16th birthday and no matter what happened Nana and Sampson always found a way to make the day special.

And maybe she would get a card from great uncle Robert Toulon. Maybe he had finally forgiven her dead father for the fight they had so long ago.. maybe he would reach out to her this year.

Shivering she drew her wool coat closer to her body and with the cold chilling her limbs by accident she dropped the broom. It clattered to the ground with a wooden smack rolling down the last few steps. "Oh darn it." She mumbled to herself, bending over to retrieve her broom her eyes fell onto small tracks near the bottom of the stairs. Curiosity peeked she made her way down the stairs to the bottom. "What are these?" She asked to the air around her. They were not cat or dog tracks, or raccoon or mouse…they looked like very small foot prints. Looking around she saw nothing moving across the clear cut half ache lawn. "Maybe Christmas elves are real." She thought following the small tracks. They lead across the vast lawn and through the metal fence surrounding the mansion. Walking to a gate she quickly went out and followed the tracks until the stopped…right alongside some tire tracks. The road to the driveway was very rarely taken by anyone especially not in this weather. Tabitha shrugged and unable to find the trail made her way back to the mansion. It was getting dark and she was getting colder.

Her birthday came and went with no word from her great uncle. Although this saddened her she continued to hope he was happy and well at his beautiful home along the sea shore. She had only ever been there once and her father spent the whole time arguing with her great uncle. She could still recall the warm sea air and the call of the gulls.

But even that dream was dashed because the very next week, two days before Christmas came a letter in the post. Her great uncle, her last living family member was dead. A lawyer was handling his estate and by the new year any inheritance left to Tabitha would be arriving in the mail.

And when it arrived her life would be changed forever.

A/N: Please review if it's liked I will continue it.