Title::Last name.
Disclaimer:I don't own anyone. Greg and gang belong to Jerry Bruckhimer The
Buffy gang belong to Joss. The Title name belongs to Carrie Underwood and her
record label.
Summery: Answer to the Woke up in Vegas Challenge.
Rating:R i guess
Spoilers: Buffy: AU. No Oz. No Tara.
Csi:This picks up the morning after Greg
was promoted to field agent.
Ages: Greg is about lets say 25 and the Buffy gang is 20 they deiced to transfer
to Las Vegas after Sunnydale U was closed down because of funding problems.
Woke Up in Vegas (When I Woke Up)
Official Site Challenge
Multiple Crossings
The challenge is this:
A BtVS or AtS character and a character from another genre meet up in Vegas and
get really, really smashed. They end up in bed and MARRIED. Your story should
pick up the next morning, when one or the other (or both) wakes up completely
What comes next for the (un)happy pair? Do they stay together? Is there a reason
why they can't separate? Are there long term consequences or just short term?
And what do their friends think of what's happened?
Greg Sanders groaned as his head pounded against the sunlight streaming through
the window. He buried his face into the pillow trying to remember why his window
was uncovered. He knew that he had bought heavy curtains just to block out the
sun. He had put up the curtains so he could sleep longer since he worked the
night shift. Giving up on trying to figure out what happened to his curtains the
young forensic scientist gave a slight groan as he turned his back to the window
and gave slight pause when his arm made contact with something else. His brown
eyes cracked open a bit, he could see red hair fanned out on the pillow next to
him the owners face hidden by the covers. His brain wondered back to the
previous night.
He had just been informed that he had made Level one Csi field agent and wanted
to celebrate. He had gone to a local club, and drank and danced as the night had
gone on. It wasn't until about an hour after he got to the club he spotted a
girl at the bar.
Her red hair was in a choppy wave that hung just past her shoulders. She
looked a little young to be in a place like this. He had introduced himself as
Greg and she had introduced herself but he was now fuzzy on that little detail
right now. He did have visions of emerald green eyes, feather light laughter,
he also had a slight mixed picture of one of those cheesy themed chapels.
A moan from the redhead next to him drew his attention. He watched as she sat up
slightly dazed, rubbing her hands over her eyes. Greg slid out of the bed, he
grabbed a sheet that had fallen to the ground sometime during the night. It
didn't go nu-noticed by the young man that he was sans clothing and he had a
very bad feeling that he had done something he shouldn't have last night.
"Ugh Xan I don't think that was the smartest idea. Drinking a shot every time
someone mentioned gambling. We are in Vages so that had to be the stupidest idea
ever." she mumbled as she brought her head up to look at him.
"You're not Xander, and why are you naked?" she asked confusion painted on her
face. She brought her hands to the covers and lifted them slightly and peeked
under them. "Why am I naked?" she shrieked.
Greg gave her a smile that he hoped to ease her panic.
"My name is Greg, do you remember meeting me last night at the VooDoo Lounge?"
The redhead gave a slight nod that she remembered. "You just got a promotion."
she muttered.
"You just got accepted into LVU." he returned as he sat on one of the chairs
next to the table. The chair was uncomfortable but he figured it was less
uncomfortable then how the two of them were feeling at the moment.
"Please tell me I didn't have a drunken one night stand with a guy I met in a
bar." she said to the room not really to the guy who was now studding his hands.
"Ugh the only thing that could make this a total cliche is if we had gotten
married while we were drunk. Don't get me wrong you are cute but I mean my first
night in Las Vages and I end up drunk and married? My friends would never let me
hear the end of it." she rattled on not letting him voice his opinion on the
Greg for his part was digging through his jeans that were beside the chair. He
had panic after a closer inspection of his hands brought forth a rather
startling discovery. He picked up his jeans and was digging through the pockets
as the redhead on the bed babbled on about her friends. It seemed she would
never be known as the smart one of the group if she had pulled a classic Vages
move and gotten hitched while in a state of intoxication to a complete stranger.
Greg not finding anything in his jeans reached for his jacket and he could see a
piece of paper sticking out of the inside pocket. Pulling it out he felt a rush
of dread wash over him in a wave of anticipation.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Willow trying to discreetly gather her
clothes while trying to hold the other bedsheets to her body shielding it from
his view. He figured he would help her out and look toward the window so she
could get dressed with out any problems.
"Um, Willow?" he stated after he read the paper, not sure how to inform her of
what he found.
"Yes?" her voice sounded muffled and he could help but glance over his shoulder
to check on her and saw that she was putting her shirt on but was having trouble
as she still had the bedsheets pressed to her body with one hand and trying to
put the shirt on with the other.
Greg chuckled lightly at that. He walked over after quickly throwing on his
jeans and helped her pull her shirt the rest of the way down. Her bright green
eyes were as wide as saucers when she came face to face with him, both of them
only half dressed. Willow tried to blink away the flyaway hair that was now in
her eyes as she looked up in to his brown eyes. Greg reached up and Willow held
her breath as he lightly picked the strands of hair from her eyes and smoothed
them down onto her head.
He got a flash of doing the same thing the night before that led to if his
memory was serving him right a heated and electrifying kiss that had led to more
intimate matters. He was struck with a sudden urg to kiss the woman in front him
to see if the kiss from his memory was anything like the real deal with her.
However he noticed the fear in her eyes as she looked at him, and he decided to
take a step back.
"I really don't want to be the barrier of bad news here but I think last night
we became statics." he said holding out the piece of paper he had found in his
The flustered young woman took the paper from his hand just as his cell phone
rang. As she went to the chair and read what was on the paper he answered his
phone. He was off work until later that night but a forgotten that his boss had
called for a staff meeting that morning which he was late for.
"Sanders." he said picking up the phone and putting it to his ear.
"Where are you? Ecklie is about to blow a gasket because you are not here."
Nick Stokes Southern voice came through loud and clear over the tiny speaker in
the phone.
Nick was a nice guy and he was a good friend of Greg's. Nick loved to pick on
Greg the way an older brother would his baby brother.
"I know I forgot about the meeting I'll be there in ten cover for me. I'm in a
bit of a situation right now but I'll be there." Greg replied as he looked over
at Willow.
She was sitting in the chair he had vacated when he went to help her with her
shirt, she was leaning over with her right elbow on her right knee, the paper
clutched in her right hand while she stared at her raised left hand. She seemed
to be in shock. Of course he was a little shocked himself so he knew how she
"Nick I have to go. I'll be there in ten." he said hanging up the phone.
He walked over toward the table and sat in the second chair. He waited a minute
before speaking letting her regain her own voice first.
"Are you Jewish? Although your name looks like it might be German. Oh my parents
are going to freak and probly kill me when they find out you're not Jewish.
They'll disown me." she said the last part as she put her head in her hands.
"It's not that big of a deal, we can always go and get it annulled." he told her
hoping it would ease her fear of being disowned. "Although it might be a few
days, I think the only judge that might be open for the next few days is the one
that works with the police department, and his specialty is warrants so unless
you want a bench warrant..." he let the ramble die off as she turned amused
green eyes to him.
"You babble when you're nervous." she said. It wasn't a question just an
"Yeah I guess you found a kindred spirit in me for babbling. Look I really don't
want to have to do this but I have to go. That was one of my co-workers on the
phone and my boss is about to blow a couple of gaskets because I'm not at the
staff meeting that he had scheduled for today. Here is my address, meet me there
at about two I should be done at work about then." he said writing down his
address for her, and handed it to her.
She looked over at him after he handed her the slip of paper. He had gotten up
and threw on his shirt and scattered the bedding looking for his socks. She was
blushing a bit when she thought about what had gone on in that bed last night.
Two drunk people so absent minded that they were oblivious to all rational
thought. Then that thought alone had the redhead thinking of something else.
"Um Greg?" she started in a shaky voice. It must have shocked Greg because he
stopped putting on his shoes and looked at her worried.
"Did you, uh find any, um anything that." she stopped because she wasn't sure
how to voice that thought running through her head. How do you ask the man that
you married the night before if he had used protection when you had made love
while both of you were so drunk that neither of you remember the night before?
Greg for his part waited for her to try and finish the question that was banging
around in her head. Banging...that brought something to his own mind. They had
consummated the marriage which meant... He sprung up off the bed and went about
throwing the covers and anything else around the bed toward the other end of the
room. He really hoped that his thinking was wrong but he didn't remember getting
any form of protection last night. Which meant that they could have a bigger
problem then just the two of them getting wasted and married the night before.
If they hadn't used any protection the night before there was a strong
possibility that there could very well be a little bundle of Sanders growing
inside his new wives belly as they speak or panic as the case maybe.
"So you had the same thought?" she spoke as one of her shoes went flying across
the room.
She hadn't known how to ask him if he had used any protection but after he had
started to tear the room apart she had a feeling he had the same sense of dread
come over himself.
"Yeah and I'm not finding anything. Please tell me you are on the pill. Please
please tell me that we didn't make the most cliched move ever?" he said sitting
back on the bed and looking at her with such urgency that she felt the need to
tell him yes she was on the pill even if she wasn't.
"Wish I could tell you yes but up until last night." she let yet another
sentence fall off into awkward-land. How was she suppose to tell him that last
night he had taken her virginity? Though the look on his face indicated he might
have figured that out.
"Oh god, you were a virgin? I more or less raped you, great going Greg-o." he
moan mournfully.
She nodded not really knowing what to say. A tear fell down her check as she
realized she couldn't remember the two most important moments in a girls life.
She had no memory of her own wedding or the first time she made love.
"I'm sorry." Greg said. His voice so close it startled her. She looked up and he
was on bended knee in front of her. He reached up and whipped the tear from her
face with the pad of his thumb.
He leaned up and kissed her forehead. He couldn't take last night back, he
couldn't give her her innocence back but he could try and make it up to her.
"You have a meeting." she said as he kissed her head again. Her heartbeat
quickened as she felt his thumb run softly over her cheek. She held her breath
as he made kiss tracks down her face to her jaw line.
"I do." he replied as he pressed his lips to hers.
Willow now realized why she must have been drawn to him even in a drunken haze,
the boy could kiss. She brought her own hand up to the back of his head and
pushed him closer to her head.
Greg for all his rational thoughts and intelligence could never remember a time
he felt more on fire like he did at that point. Good god how his wife could
kiss, if she was anywhere near as wild in other areas of love then he had no
doubt that the night before, they had a passionate night.
"Got to go. Work. Don't want to." he mumbled against her lips as he slips his
hands to her waist and yanked her off the chair. She was still naked from the
waist down as she had not recovered her lower clothing. The sheets that were
wrapped around her waist the only thing thing that protected her from being
exposed to him without an alcoholic haze.
Greg snapped out of the kiss and back to reality. He gently placed her back on
to the chair. Her lips swollen from the kiss her hair a mess from him running
his hands threw it.
"I have to go, and it might be for the best right now. We can talk later?" he
said as he rushed around the room and gathered all of his things in a hast to
get out of the room.
"Yeah sure, we can talk later. I've got some family in town that I wanted to
inform of my schooling change." she told him as he rushed around the room.
"Well that's great. I'll see you later and we can talk then." he told her as he
walked back toward her and kissed her head again and turned to leave.
"Greg!" Willow called.
She saw the door catch just before it would have closed. The next thing she knew
his head was poking between the door frame and the door.
"Yes?" he asked a bit amused that she was calling him back.
"Where do I meet you? Unless this was your way of trying to get rid of me and this marriage by running out on
me?" she asked quietly.
Greg stepped back into the room. He would be much later for the meeting but
Eckilie would just have to deal. He could always say he had car trouble. He
walked over to the table and sat down in the empty chair.
He wrote down his address for her and told her to met him there.
"Trust me I WANT to talk about this but unless I leave now I'll be out a job."
he said in a hushed tone.
He lent over and kissed her temple. He seemed to have a kissing problem with his
wife. He couldn't seem to stop, he wondered if there was a support group.
"You should go then." she said before he pressed his lips to hers again.
Then again this was an addiction that Greg welcomed.
Sneak peeks to next chapter:
Greg makes it to the office, Eckilie isn't happy with him.
Willow visits her aunt.