Well, since you guys were so supportive of my last Rookie Blue fic, I thought I might as well put this story into action. I've been sitting on this idea since I saw last week's episode. So it's kind of a work in progress. Just let me know what you guys think!

Andy burst through the precinct doors, already irritated and flustered.

Her alarm clock had decided not to go off this morning so she was running late. She was convinced Luke was messing with her alarm clock because he got up earlier than her and made a mental note to ask him about it.

Or to tell him to get his own alarm clock and leave hers the hell alone.

As for now, she hurried to get changed, trying to calm down. She wondered why it was bothering her so much, but she shrugged, blaming it on hormones.

She pulled her hair back into a quick ponytail and exited the locker rooms.

Sam was leaning against the wall, two coffees in his hand as he waited for her to come out.

He held out one while he sipped at the other. She accepted hers gratefully.

"Thanks, I really needed that," Andy said, wincing as the liquid scalded her tongue. But it woke her up, that's for sure.

And the fact that she was always hyperaware of things while she was around Sam.

"Going to join us on Earth today, McNally?" Sam said, tearing her out of her scattered thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry. Rough morning," she said.

Sam smirked. "Ready for parade?"

"I guess," Andy yawned and walked with Sam into the room.

As they were just about there, Andy saw Luke having a heated, whispered conversation with Detective Jo.

Sam sensed her tense up. "Trouble in paradise?" he asked, placing a hand on her back and steering her into the parade room.

She shrugged, used to Sam's blunt way of talking. She left his side and went to go sit by Chris and the rest of her friends on the force.

Andy's thoughts were on what Luke and Jo could possibly be talking about. She played absentmindedly with the ring on her left hand. It was too hushed to be a case, she couldn't help but think.

"Serve, protect, and don't screw up," Best finished handing out assignments to the 15 division.

The room burst into action as everyone got up to go to their assignments.

Andy popped up, hoping to catch Luke before she had to go ride with Sam in the patrol car.

No such luck.

"Best wants to talk to you in his office," Sam said, appearing at her side.

"Okay," Andy said.

"Mind if I tag along?" Sam asked as they were already walking in that direction.

Andy was suddenly nervous and didn't want to go in there alone, so she decided to let Sam stay.

"Do you know what this is about?" Andy asked, bringing a hand up to her mouth and biting at her thumb nail; an annoying habit that she had always wanted to break.

Sam raised an eyebrow at her reaction, and placed a hand over hers to get her to stop. "No idea," he said. "Guess we're going to find out."

Andy and Sam walked through the doors to Bests' office.

Best was seated in a chair behind his desk.

"Andy, have a seat," Best said. He didn't seem all too surprised that Sam was there. Sam leaned against the wall behind where Andy sat.

"What's this about, sir?" Andy asked. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Actually, quite the opposite." Best took a deep breath. "It seems there is an opening with Guns and Gangs. They need a woman, and this is to bring down a really huge target. I immediately thought of you. I think it would be a really great opportunity, and I have complete faith that you can do this."

Best sat back, waiting for her reaction.

Immediately she looked back at Sam. He used to be her training officer and so she still looked to him for guidance, as if it were instinct. She also felt bad because she had busted him when he was working undercover with Guns and Gangs. She now knew that it was very important to him.

Sam's mouth was set in a thin line and when he met her eyes for a second, she thought she detected worry. But then he looked away, to Best.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, sir? I mean, she just finished being a rookie and we don't want to put her in danger or compromise the investigation," Sam tried.

Andy's blood boiled. Why didn't he want her to do this?

"I wouldn't offer this job to her if I didn't think she could do it, Swarek," Best answered calmly. "I also think that having some fresh eyes on this case would be a good thing." He turned back to Andy. "But it's up to you McNally."

Andy was annoyed that Sam didn't want her to do this. So she pretended to ponder the offer for a moment, but then she said, "Sure, I'll do it."

Best got up and shook her hand. "Good decision, McNally. Go about your normal day today. We will brief you for a couple of weeks and then you'll be on the job."

Andy smiled and exited the office, not bothering to see if Sam was following.

She headed outside and waited for Sam, leaning against their patrol car. She drank her now lukewarm coffee and wrinkled her nose in distaste.

Sam eventually emerged, not looking at her as he assumed his place as driver.

Andy climbed in the passenger side, not looking forward to the conversation that was going to take place.

Sam didn't start the car, instead, he turned to look at Andy.

"Why did you agree to that?" Sam asked her.

"What, you don't think I can do it?" she snapped. "I'm just as good a cop as you, Sam. I want to do this."

"This isn't about you being a good cop," Sam said, exasperated. "You don't know what this takes. This could be months of building a new identity, acting like an addict. No contact with your friends or with Luke. You might never be the same."

She also heard what he wasn't saying...that she wouldn't see him either. And she was starting to regret agreeing to this so quickly. She didn't even talk it over with Luke, her fiancé.

"Sometimes, my impulsiveness kills me," she said, more to herself.

"You're telling me," Sam said, rolling his eyes. "You having second thoughts?"

Andy shot him a glare. "No chance."

"Good, because I talked to Best, and he agreed that I can go undercover with you." Sam said it so casually as he was starting the car, that Andy almost missed it, trying to figure out how she was going to tell Luke.

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Andy said, completely shocked.

"Are you hard of hearing now?" Sam asked, sarcastically. But he was really trying to cover up his hurt at her reaction.

"You're going under cover with me? You really don't think I can do this," she grumbled. "You can't protect me forever. I'm a big girl you know, I can handle myself."

"No you're right; I can't protect you forever. But I can damn well try," Sam said stubbornly.

Conversation fell short after that, each of them lost in their own thoughts.

Sam was going undercover with her.

And though she would never admit it, she didn't mind it. At all.

Please, please, let me know what you think? ;)