You'd think after growing up around someone, you'd know them like the back of your hand. This was quite the opposite for Alfred, for he had trouble sensing the mood.

Yes boys and girls, Alfred F. Jones was terrible at reading the atmosphere and no one was more annoyed at this than Arthur.

Having difficultly expressing emotions, Arthur had hoped that one day the loud idiot could decipher his tsundere actions.

But alas, that day wouldn't be coming any day soon, for the American was oblivious to Arthur's feelings.

He tried, he really did! For Valentines Day he sent the younger blond a box full of chocolates, for Christmas he bought him a new video game, and for his birthday he got him a McDonald's gift card! MCDONALDS. Nothing could scream "I know you better than anyone else" than a card that would give you greasy hamburgers and fries for the day you were born.

After years of trying to win Alfred over, maybe it was time to move on...

But that was impossible. He's loved him ever since he could remember and just throwing away his feelings wouldn't help for his heart belonged to the unknowing American...

He was almost to the nearest grocery store when he was stopped by someone calling his name. Turning around, he could see Alfred running up to him and shouting his name over and over again as if he didn't hear him the first time.

"Artie! Hey Artie! Wait up!" yelled the American.

Now, Arthur was torn between ignoring him and continuing with his small errand or waiting for his crush to catch up.

He chose the former. Rather than fall for the blond's charm, he would go inside, get what he needed, and go about his life.

Or that's what he thought he would do, until the American grabbed him by the wrist. Looking behind him, Arthur could see Alfred grinning like an idiot.

"Hey! Didn't you hear me?" panted Alfred.

With a close up of the younger blond, Arthur noticed his flushed face along ridged breathing patterns.

"I-I...guess not..." Arthur stuttered.

"Well let's get that milk! Then we can go home and make those sandwiches you promised!" Alfred said with a cheeky grin.

They walked inside and went to the back of the store where they kept the refrigerated foods. While Arthur grabbed a fresh carton of milk, Alfred's phone went off. Looking down, he noticed a few new text messages waiting for his reply.


H-Hey Al? While you're out, could you grab me a couple of things?

- Mattie Williams

Oi, Alfred, Mathieu and I will be needing a few things and it would be very helpful if you brought them back~

- Frenchie

Al! You coming to the party at Antonio's? ;) can't wait to see you there!

- Amelia


"What is so bloody interesting Alfred?" asked an annoyed Arthur.

"Amelia told me she's gonna be at the party this weekend!" said an excited Alfred "Oh and Mattie and the French dude need me to pick something up for them. I wonder what they need, since they didn't tell me."

"Al. You're flunking math, and I won't allow you to go to that party! It's right before your big math exam and you need all the time you can get to study for it!" Arthur said angrily. "And knowing the Frog he probably wants something indecent like condoms."

"Oh so they need condoms? Woah, Mattie likes dudes?" Alfred said as though he had an epiphany.

"W-Why does that matter?" asked a nervous Arthur. What if he found out that Arthur himself liked other guys? Would Alfred still wanna be his friend? Would he push him away? Or worse, would he be disgusted by the thought of two guys in love?

"Oh nothing really. Just never knew he like them. He's my brother and I care about him, so if this is who he is, then it's fine by me." Alfred said in all seriousness.

Arthur was stunned that Alfred could be this deep. In fact, he no longer was so worried about him finding out about his sexuality. This was his chance. Finally, a way for Arthur to tell him the truth.

"H-Hey, Al? I have something to tell you." admitted a scared Arthur.

"Hmm? What is it Artie?" smiled Alfred.

For a second, he considered chickening out, but that smile Alfred had plastered on his face, gave him a sudden burst of courage.

"IlikeyouAl!" Arthur said in a rush.

"...I like you too Artie!" Alfred said, a bit naive and ignorant.

"No I like you. L-Like how Matthew likes the Frog." said a flustered Arthur.

"I don't...understand, you mean-" said a confused Alfred.

"I love you. I love you as much as Antonio loves that Vargas kid. I love you as much as Francis loves sex. I love you as much as you love the thing you love most, McDonalds!" Arthur blurted out.

There a silence that overcame them that had never existed before. Arthur was on the verge of tears as he was expecting Alfred to be accepting or rather supportive of his feelings.

"You're wrong." Alfred said, breaking the tense silence.

"E-Excuse me?" asked a confused and hurt Arthur.

"You're wrong, about what I love the most. It's not McDonalds, it never really was." Alfred said with a surprisingly warm smile.

"W-What?...I'm confus-" Arthur stuttered out before he was cut off with a searing hot kiss from the boy he loved as long as he could remember. Letting the smaller man go, Alfred left a sweet, innocent kiss on his forehead.

"For someone who says I can't read the atmosphere sure took long enough." Alfred said, leaning his forehead on his new found lover's and closing his eyes.

"Y-You knew?" Arthur asked.

"Well, Francis kinda hinted it to me. But I figured it out on the way here...were you afraid? Were you scared to tell me this?" Alfred said, his voice laced with concern.

Waiting for a replying, Alfred opened one eye to see Arthur crying.

"Shit. Artie you okay? Was it something I said?" asked a worried Alfred.

"N-No, they're t-tears of joy you i-idiot!" Arthur said through his tears.

Alfred began kissing Arthur's tears away while whispering "I love you"'s and "Arthur". Once he was done crying, Alfred took his boyfriend's hand and walked with him into one of the aisles.

"Wh-What are you doing? We only came for milk..." asked a curious Arthur. His question was answered when he noticed he was in the sexual health aisle.

"I-Idiot! Why are we in the condom aisle?" asked a flustered Briton.

"To get condoms!" answered an oblivious Alfred.

"Yes but, you have homework to finish! And I said I'd fix you a sandwich! N-Not that I really wanted to! I was gonna make mine first and eat it before I did yours!" Arthur all but blurted out.

"I was thinking we could do something else once we get home." Alfred smirked suggestively.



A/N: I'm sorry for the very late update! Oh, and I've been planning a one-shot sequel to this. Hopefully it'll be a chance to practice my smut skills, so the rating hasn't been decided yet.

Reviews are welcome and appreciated!~