Five years. Five long, harrowing years. The same amount of time it had taken him to admit his feelings for her, not only to her, but to himself as well. Today was their sixth anniversary. It was also another anniversary, an anniversary he would love to forget.

He walked into the cemetery, a grievous look on his face. He carried a large bouquet of daisies, her favorite flower. He wandered through the cemetery until he stopped at a grave, her grave. He laid the flowers down carefully in front of it.

Then he sat down beside her and began to talk. He always talked to her like this. He knew she couldn't hear him, so he just figured years of being a fake psychic had finally caught up to him. Still, it felt good. It gave him a moment of solace, it made him almost feel like things were the way they were. You could always count on him to be there on her birthday, their anniversary, or just whenever he was feeling particularly nostalgic.

"I love you," he murmured as he neared the end of his speech. "I think about you every day. I miss you so much, Juliet."

And with that, he was gone.

A/N: Yes! I fixed it! The stupid iPad was messing me up. :( Grr. Anyways, virtual pineapples to all who review! :D