A/N:Wow! I can't believe how much positive feedback I received for 'Broken Glasses'. Now, I give you my first piece of fiction with my favorite yaoi bleach pairing, Renji and Ichigo. This began as a simple one-shot, but now I think it will be at least three chapters. We'll see where these guys want to take us. As usual, I don't own Ichigo or Renji (oh, how I wish I did), or anything associated with Bleach, except for my stories. Your comments are ALWAYS welcome! *Shameless begging for reviews*

Stupid, fucking Renji. Big, stupid, loud-mouthed, clumsy fucking Renji. Big, stupid, loud-mouthed, clumsy, irresistibly sexy, annoyingly charming Renji and his stupid, hair-brained ideas. Why do I let him talk me into this kind of shit? It's never anything but trouble whenever he cooks up one of these little schemes, but I always go along with it because... Because...

I love him. Oh, God, I really do love him, and that probably makes me just as much of an idiot as he is. Hell, it probably makes me even more of an idiot. Ichigo sighed to himself as he tried in vain to tame his mop of unruly, wild orange spikes, deciding for the millionth time in his life that he absolutely despised his damn hair. Usually he didn't care enough to bother with it, but tonight was a special occasion. It is his birthday, plus it's his last night here...

Ichigo stopped to scowl at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. The latter part of that was a big factor in the strawberry's particularly foul mood today, along with his apprehension of the plan for tonight.

After an entire summer of the shinigami fukutaichou staying in Karakura Town on assignment to collect information on the World of the Living for the Siereitei's research database (or so he'd told Ichigo, although the substitute shinigami suspected it was just a bullshit excuse he came up with to spend three months with his human lover), living in an apartment not far away from Ichigo's home, Renji had become a part of Ichigo's everyday life. While he first wondered how in the world they would manage not to kill each other with so much togetherness when they could barely go an hour without arguing over something, he now found it hard to imagine his life without his lover.

Sure, they'd done their fair share of squabbling over the last ninety days; two weeks ago they'd gotten into a screaming match about Renji's atrocious driving skills that resulted in Ichigo being left on the sidewalk and told he could fucking walk his bitchy teenage ass back home, then. Another time forced the crimson-haired shinigami to sleep on the couch because how the hell was Ichigo supposed to sleep when Renji snored like some large, disgruntled animal in his ear? Ichigo's inability to pick up his things in the bathroom drove Renji crazy, likewise the fact that Renji let dirty dishes pile up until you could barely see the kitchen sink made Ichigo want to rip his hair out. They feuded over who got control of the TV remote, what radio station they listened to in the car, who got to sleep on which side of the bed, and the toppings on their pizza. Renji was loud and obnoxious, particularly when Ichigo wanted it quiet; Ichigo had a tendency to whine and nitpick at the smallest, most insignificant things that Renji simply couldn't understand.

But for all the headaches they gave each other, their little spats never lasted long and there were plenty of things about his lover that made Ichigo completely forget his unsavory idiosyncrasies. Mornings slowly awaking to the feeling of feather-light, loving kisses, nestled against the broad, warm chest with those strong arms wrapped protectively around him; calloused fingers that stroked, grabbed, caressed and explored every inch of his body, making his back arch as he shivered; a hot, skilled mouth that knew just where to bite, and suck, and lick, and kiss to drive him absolutely wild; the deep, husky voice that had so many different tones that could make him feel any emotion in the spectrum. Inside jokes, long talks and whispered promises shared as they lie in bed or snuggled on the couch; laughter and teasing as they cooked meals together and watched movies; nighttime walks and swims in the neighborhood pool during the hot days; sparring in the underground training room at the shoten; sweltering, long nights full of passion that left them breathless and sweating, clinging to each other in the darkness.

They'd fallen into a bit of a routine during the past twelve weeks, but tomorrow it would all change when Renji left him to go back to his life in the Siereitei. Things will certainly be quiet around here, he thought. Quiet and miserable.

His frown deepened as he sighed again, opening the medicine cabinet to pull out his toothbrush and tube of toothpaste. As he brushed his teeth, he pushed the melancholy from his mind and instead thought of every way tonight could turn into a total disaster, any argument on why this was the worst idea in the history of the three worlds to bring up to Renji when he went downstairs. Why, oh shit, why had he told Renji he would sneak him into a gay nightclub for his birthday? Oh right, because of this morning.

Earlier that day

The bright sun peeked through the down-turned blinds on the window in Renji's small apartment bedroom, casting slanted lines of light on the bed. The teen grunted softly as he turned away from the unwelcome brightness, buried his face deeper into the warm chest of the older man that held him close. A rough hand curled in his hair, ruffling the messy orange spikes.

"Mm," Renji sighed, his other arm draped over the strawberry's back. "Mornin', kiddo."

The boy cropped open a sleepy wine-colored eye, looked at the glowing numbers on the digital clock: 12:30. "Afternoon, you mean," he corrected tiredly, yawning as he wiped the sleep-crust from his eyes. He rested his chin on Renji's chest, smiling up at the pineapple, then lifted himself for a kiss, morning breath be damned. "And happy birthday."

Renji's warm lips moved against his as he held the kiss for several moments, then smiled a bit as he looked down at the beautiful teen boy in his arms. Even after all this time, he still couldn't believe his luck. "Thanks, babe," he murmured, then glanced around and pretended to look affronted. "What, no flowers, no cards, no breakfast in bed? Come on, Ichi, you're supposed to do something romantic today."

Ichigo scoffed as he took the shinigami's roaming hands off him and pinned them down on either side of the pillow. "First of all, you're the one who says my cooking is for shit. Secondly, I don't have the money for stupid flowers that would just die in a week anyway. And I don't need to buy you a folded up piece of paper with a cheesy, rhyhming verse written on it to tell you how I feel, just listen: 'Roses are red, violets are blue, you're the biggest asshole I know, now go take a shower, you smell like one, too.' Happy now?"

Renji threw his head back with a bark of laughter, still husky from sleep. "Oh yeah, it's everything I wanted to hear and more, much more. Thanks a lot, buttercup," he teased back, licking his lips.

Ichigo laughed as he nuzzled Renji's neck. "Anytime, cupcake," he added sarcastically, his eyes following the jagged black lines down Renji's nude torso. They were still naked from last night. Though he'd never tell the egotistical prick – God knew his head didn't need to be inflated any more than it already was – Renji was truly beautiful; wild, feral, animalistic, all crimson, long hair and masculine features. The boy ached inside every time he looked at him. Now he ached even more knowing this would be the second to last time he would be able to wake up to see his impossibly gorgeous lover sleeping next to him.

To distract himself from his depressing thoughts lest he do something stupid like break down into tears, instead he wrinkled his brow, asking, "How old are you, like, really?"

Renji gazed up at the young boy, his hands rubbing gentle circles on the strawberry's lean-muscled shoulders. He'd just seen it again, that look Ichigo had been getting over the past few days. They'd be somewhere like in bed or getting a shower, when Ichigo would just suddenly zone out as the sadness washed over his face, darkening his usually bright brandy-colored eyes. A few times Renji had even seen tears rise in his eyes, thought Ichigo might actually cry. He sincerely hoped that he wouldn't, because if the kid shed even one tear Renji would certainly lose it, too. But of course Ichigo never broke, instead just carrying on the conversation or asking a random question, shaking his head as if forcing away his sadness. He knew that his leaving for Soul Society tomorrow had something to do with it, but he didn't know what to say to make it better, didn't know how to change it, so he went along with Ichigo in avoiding the subject.

Renji snorted. "So old I don't even keep track anymore. I'm slightly older than Kuchiki-taichou, but younger than Ukitake-taichou. We'll just call it forty-three."

Ichigo looked mildly disgusted. "My dad is only forty-one. God, I can't believe I'm dating such an old fart."

"Oh, you haven't even the slightest idea. Now, instead of insulting me, why don't you put that mouth to better use?" He grinned wolfishly as he closed his hand in Ichigo's hair again, tugged on the orange spikes until Ichigo complied and crawled up Renji's chest for a deep, slow kiss.

The older shinigami's heart clenched as he felt the almost desperate, needy way the boy pressed their mouths together, clinging to the pineapple for dear life. Renji slid his hands down Ichigo's back, gripped his hips and pulled him closer, responding just as passionately to the kisses, thinking he could nibble, suck, and lick that kicked puppy look off his face. He wanted to make Ichigo smile, to see him arch and hear him call his name in pleasure. He wanted to infuse not just their bodies but their souls so that when he went home tomorrow he could take a part of Ichigo with him, so he could leave something of himself behind so his lover wouldn't feel so alone. So that Ichigo would know he wasn't being abandoned by someone else he loved.

Instead, he tried to give all the reassurances he could through the rough touches that he knew would leave bruises on tender, peach skin, with kisses that were hard and full and possessive. He would make sure to leave his mark on Ichigo, reminding his lover of what they had every time he looked in the mirror. He suddenly turned, flipping the strawberry onto his back, pinning him down as he nipped at his throat. Ichigo moaned, but just when it looked like the pineapple had him exactly where he wanted him, in one swift movement he shifted, knocking Renji off him, once again trapping the older man beneath him. So strong for such a young boy. Their intimate times often ended up in a struggle for dominance, much like the rest of their relationship.

"Don't move a muscle," Ichigo growled, his darkened, lustful eyes burning a hole into Renji, making a light shiver run down his spine.

He grunted, then moaned as Ichigo grabbed a handful of braided crimson and yanked sharply, attacking Renji's vulnerable, exposed throat with sharp teeth and a hot, wet tongue. His hands ran down Renji's sides, clamped down on his hips and forced him against the mattress, continuing his mouth's teasing descent on the fukutaichou's heavily tattooed body.

Ichigo still couldn't believe this was happening. It was hard to believe he was once the shy, awkward teenager who nearly passed out at the mere notion of sexual contact, now taking control in bed with his lover that he'd done, well, mostly everything with. Okay, everything besides... that. They had talked about it plenty, made promises as they ground against each other, sucked and jerked each other off. Ichigo had even begged for it a few times, asking Renji to take him, but they always stopped short for one reason or another, either Ichigo backing out or Renji stopping and telling Ichigo he wanted him to be sure, really sure before he took that step. Even so, what they had already done together, what Ichigo planned to do to Renji now, would have been the furthest thing from his mind before Renji came into his life. Before he'd finally accepted who he really was.

Now he explored the well-known expanse of the large shinigami's body with his mouth, traced the jagged, thick black lines with his tongue, closed his lips around a dusky nub, sucking and nipping until Renji arched up and groaned in response. He continued down over black-and-tan, salty flesh, kissing over his stomach before dipping his tongue into his navel and sucking. His heart pounded in his ears as Renji growled a deep, husky 'Fuck', his large hands clutching at the sheets beneath him. Ichigo nibbled down the last few inches, followed the last two lines pointing like arrows down to his... Shit. He buried his nose in dried blood-colored curls, wetting the hair as his tongue slid around Renji's thick erection, taking the soft sac into his mouth, rolling the large orbs around as he sucked.

"Fuck, Ichi, fuck, I – God," Renji moaned, already incoherent as he squirmed under Ichigo's ministrations.

Ichigo smirked to himself as he pressed his tongue against the underside vein, dragging all the way up to the swollen head where he swirled and dipped it into the slit before closing his lips around the tip, suckling gently. His eyes locked on Renji's garnet ones, gazing up at him almost daringly. Renji whined softly as he lifted his hips slightly, just enough so that his cock slid into Ichigo's mouth a bit more before he stopped, watching as Ichigo accepted the added length easily, his lips tightly over his teeth as he began to move up and down in a steady motion.

"Shit, that's it, baby, now take me in more," he instructed, letting out a shaky breath as Ichigo obeyed, letting Renji's cock slide in his mouth a little bit further each time he sunk down. Renji was big, Ichigo's lips were stretched out as wide as possible around his cock, working with great effort to get more inside, and Renji reached down to wipe the tears of exertion from his eyes.

The vulnerable, impossibly young look in Ichigo's eyes made the older man ache, made him almost want to stop the teen to pull him back into his embrace. To show him that everything he was giving he would get back from Renji tenfold. So he wouldn't be so scared anymore.

More than ever before, he wanted to make love to Ichigo.

Ichigo held Renji's cock around the base with his thumb and forefinger, stroking the last few inches he couldn't get into his mouth as his lips pumped up and down, over and over, relishing in each twitch and throb of pleasure, focusing on it to remind himself that Renji was still here, with him. Renji was rocking his hips gently now, matching Ichigo's rhythm; bucking upward when he pulled back, relaxing when he went down again. His chest heaved raggedly with every breath, panting, moaning and grunting as he cradled Ichigo's head in his hands, watching as the orange-haired teen pulled back to lap hungrily at the pre-come leaking from the head of Renji's cock.

"You taste so good," he moaned, his lips brushing over the sensitive, reddened skin, making another, harder shudder run through Renji. He gazed up at the redhead, licking at his cock like a lollipop. Then he closed his mouth over the head and moaned again, sending vibrations down the redhead's length, making him cry out sharply.

Renji whined as he reached down, stroking Ichigo's cheek lovingly. He swallowed thickly, "Ichi, I – Please. Please, I'm so close. Make me come."

The little mewl he received in response, along with the way he eagerly sucked Renji's cock fully back into his mouth, tightened his lips and moved faster was definitely a resounding 'affirmative'. He began to stroke him as his head bobbed, once again teasing the sac beneath, then suddenly let go, resting his hands on Renji's thighs as he took a deep breath before swallowing Renji's entire length until the head slid down his throat, his nose buried in dark crimson pubes. At the same time as he deep-throated he hummed, long and deep.

Ichigo was suddenly glad they'd decided to spend the night at Renji's apartment, because when he came Renji screamed so loud that he was sure had they been at his family's house that he would have woken both sisters and his father, as well as their surrounding neighbors. Renji's body convulsed and jerked as if he was having a seizure instead of an orgasm, the hot seed bursting from him down Ichigo's throat as his cock twitched and throbbed with pleasure. Ichigo did his best to swallow every last drop, resuming the stroking of his hand to milk Renji, his eyes locked on him the whole time.

Renji's hips bucked and jerked erratically, finally slowing and coming to a stop. He raked his fingers through Ichigo's hair, rubbing the teen's neck affectionately. Ichigo gently released his now limp cock, gazing up at him as he nuzzled the redhead's stomach and licked off the droplets of come from his lips. Then he crawled back up and kissed Renji deeply, pushing his tongue into the older man's mouth to let him taste himself. Renji let out a deep, almost purring moan, sucking Ichigo's come-painted tongue as he held the boy against his chest.

"Mm, good?" Ichigo asked as they broke apart a moment later. He stroked his fingers down the crimson braid that fell over Renji's shoulder.

"No, fucking amazing, Ichi," Renji breathed, pressing kisses down Ichigo's neck. He allowed himself to calm, then started to move Ichigo off him. "Turn around."

"W—What? Why?" Ichigo asked, flushing at the way his voice squeaked a bit nervously. Was Renji actually going to take him right here, now? He swallowed hard, feeling his heart thudding in his chest. He wanted it, had for some time now, but...

"Shh, it's okay, baby. Just trust me," Renji murmured, gently coaxing Ichigo down on his stomach.

Ichigo took a shaky breath, letting it out slowly as he turned his head on the pillow to look back at Renji. His eyes held uncertainty and fear. Renji smoothed his hands down Ichigo's back, holding him around the waist as he brought his lips down to Ichigo's mouth.

The kiss was slightly awkward at this angle, but it seemed to be what Ichigo needed, as soon as their lips met Renji felt the strawberry's entire body go soft and pliant. Renji grinned at him, relieved when he got a crooked smile in return, as he kissed and nipped gently back over Ichigo's jaw, then caught a soft earlobe between his teeth, sucking and nibbling it. Ichigo whimpered, squirming restlessly beneath the larger man, then gasped when he felt Renji's cock rub against his back, going ramrod still again.

"Easy, baby," the crimson-haired shinigami whispered against the shell of Ichigo's ear, rubbing soothing circles on his slim hips. "Not gonna fuck you now, at least not like that. But, I promise it will be just as good," he released the lobe, his lips trailing back over the nape of Ichigo's neck, letting his tongue and teeth drag lightly over the smooth, peaches-and-cream skin.

Ichigo dug his fingers into the pillow, still wondering just what the hell Renji was up to as he dragged his tongue all the way down his spine, making him shiver and moan in anticipation. He sucked in another hard breath when Renji's tongue proceeded to slide down between his cheeks, then felt slick heat brush over his entrance. The wet, soft muscle traveled all the way down until it found his already tightly drawn sac, tasted the orbs and teased his perineum before sliding back to the small pucker, swirling around it, probing around it but never going inside.

Ichigo whined and panted, trying to push back into the sensations. "R-Renji..." He cut himself off with another groan as Renji continued his torturous, slow tease, then cried out as the redhead closed his lips around the pink pucker and sucked, nibbling softly. "G-God, fuck! Renji!"

Renji let his tongue slowly trace around Ichigo's entrance again, his voice sounding like the deep growl of a jungle cat. "You want more, baby?"

"God, yes, please," Ichigo shivered, burying his face into his arm draped over the pillow.

Renji kissed the back of Ichigo's thigh before pressing his tongue back against the little pucker, slowly letting just the tip slide in. Ichigo threw his head back and whined Renji's name again, panting heavily and trembling now. Renji heard the wet sound of Ichigo's cock rubbing against the sheets, no doubt leaking like a faucet, massaging his hips gently as he pushed his tongue in just a little deeper. Ichigo cried out again, scrabbling at the sheets as he sobbed with the intense pleasure. He'd never had any idea that part of him was so full of nerves that could make every touch in the area into an explosion of pleasure, that someone's mouth playing down there could feel so good. Of everything Renji had ever done to him, he couldn't remember any of it feeling quite this amazing.

Ichigo was so fucking tight, more so than Renji ever imagined, his tongue so tightly constricted that it almost went numb. He waited a moment until he felt Ichigo relax again – well, as much as he could be expected to relax with a tongue up his ass – then pushed in as far as the slick muscle could reach. Ichigo mewled in half pleasure and half discomfort. As he paused again, giving Ichigo a moment to adjust to the new sensation of being penetrated, he ran his hands up and down Ichigo's back and over his arms, squeezing the hand Ichigo had resting at his side.

Ichigo squeezed Renji's hand back softly, panting quietly into the crook of his arm, then seemed to understand what Renji was waiting for and spoke up shakily. "I-I'm okay n-now."

Renji's hand tightened gently on his wrist again, his rough thumb rubbing the delicate skin. Ichigo heard the unspoken question, 'Are you sure?'

To everyone else, Renji Abarai was impulsive, brash, impatient, stubborn and strong-willed to a fault. In some ways they were right, he could be all of things when he wanted to be, however there was another side to him, another part of who he was that Ichigo suspected only he had the privilege to see, except perhaps for Rukia.

It was especially apparent when they were intimate like this, had been from the moment they'd decided to be together. From the very beginning Renji, despite having his own desires and needs, had been nothing but patient with Ichigo, instinctively understanding that all of this was new for the boy, and there were reasons why he'd never experienced it with anyone else that went beyond his age. So he went about it all treating his young lover as if he were some fragile, delicate thing that could easily be shattered if pushed too far. This is why Ichigo fell in love with him, because of these moments when he was gentle and loving and careful, putting his own needs on the back-burner to be what his lover needed. If only everyone else could see this side of him, but then he knew they never would, because it was only for him, a thought that made his eyes sting all over again.

Renji stole Ichigo's thoughts away as he swirled his tongue, beginning to pull out. Ichigo's next moan was all pleasure as he arched his back, pushing up toward the hot tongue inside him, making sounds of delight with every panted breath. Those sounds were all it took for Renji to start fucking him with his mouth, pushing his tongue in and pulling out as he tasted every inch of Ichigo's tight, silky, heated passage, flicking and swirling as he sucked on his entrance. Ichigo felt himself on the verge of orgasm in almost no time, bucking his hips as he cried out and whimpered into the pillow.

"Hands and knees, baby," Renji instructed when he pulled his tongue out again, helping him to prop himself up a bit.

Ichigo whined. "Fuck, Renji, I-I can't... So close..."

"Here," Renji looped one arm around Ichigo's middle, holding him in place. With the other hand he reached between Ichigo's legs, fisted his cock and pulled just right. At the same time he plunged back into Ichigo's hole, his tongue twisting inside his silken, smooth walls as he nibbled the pink pucker.

Ichigo let out a high-pitched keening noise, followed by a guttural, growling moan as he convulsed and came over Renji's fingers, the strands of milky white seed collecting in a pool on the sheets. He finally collapsed, feeling Renji's tongue slip from him as the shinigami pulled his spinelessly limp body away from the soiled spot on the sheets, cradling the boy against his chest.

"Shit, Renji, shit," Ichigo panted, still feeling the little shocks of pleasure jolting his body, making him quiver. "God..."

"Shh, baby," Renji murmured, running his hand up and down Ichigo's side. "I got you, it's okay."

Ichigo nuzzled against Renji's neck, closing his eyes as he tried to remember how to breathe properly. Several long minutes went by with no sound in the room except for their heavy panting and Renji's heartbeat thumping softly against Ichigo's cheek. The strawberry's hand slid down and was met with hard heat.

"You fuckin' pervert," he murmured affectionately, nipping at an errant black tattoo. "That got you all horny again, didn't it? Well, let me just return the favor-"

Instead, Renji's hand caught his wrist, stopping him before he could take hold of his cock. "No, no, it's okay. I'm good, you don't have to."

Ichigo blinked, staring up at him. "What do you mean 'no'? Is something wrong?" He smirked and pinched the redhead's side. "Did I tire you out already, old man? Need a nap before we have another go?"

Renji chuckled huskily, swatting the strawberry's hand away. "Watch it, you little punk. For your information, no, it has nothing to do with me already being tired. I just want to make sure you have the energy for tonight."

Ichigo frowned a bit in confusion. "Tonight? What's tonight?" He found himself blushing, his mouth going a little dry. Did Renji mean...?

"When I get the other half of my birthday present," Renji stated matter-of-factly, as if Ichigo should have already been aware of it.

"Who said you were getting anything else today?" Ichigo scoffed, poking the redhead in the ribs again. "I thought staying in bed and letting you do unmentionable, dirty things to me would be enough."

"Oh, not even close, kiddo," Renji laughed, untangling himself from Ichigo and sitting up. The teen scowled at him as Renji smirked, leaning in for a kiss. "Aw come on, I'm just teasing you, babe. Trust me, the sexy-time was incredible, but, there is something else I want to do..."

Ichigo propped himself up on his elbow, still frowning. He wasn't sure he liked where this was going. "What?"

"I wanna go out with you tonight," he said as he reached down to the floor to grab his boxers, sliding them back on.

"Go out? Where?" He asked, confused. Now he knew he didn't like where this was going. Renji out in public, running amok in Ichigo's hometown where there were people that had known him since he was born, who he saw all the time and had every opportunity to remind him of any embarrassments that may have occurred over his seventeen years? People in Karakura Town never forgot anything. If he took Renji out and the big dope fucked things up, as he was certainly bound to do, he'd never hear the end of it until he moved away or died.

"I want to check out that new club they opened up across town. What did you tell me the name of it was? Evolution, right?"

Ichigo's eyes popped so big they nearly fell out of his head. "The gay night club?" He shrieked, his voice rising several octaves above normal.

Renji leaned in close with a dry smile. "Say it louder, Ichigo, I don't think they heard you in Hong Kong. Yes, the gay bar. What's the big deal?"

Ichigo balled the blankets up in his fists, sputtering indignantly. "Are you fucking crazy? We can't go there! First of all, I've never been to any kind of club before, let alone a gay one. Secondly, I can't get in, you have to be twenty-one. I'm seventeen, remember?"

"Number one, I've never been either, that's why I wanna go. And I'm clearly over twenty-one, so I think it will be pretty easy for me to sneak you in. But just in case you get caught, I do have a back-up plan," he told him as he opened the drawer beside the bed, rummaging around until he found what he was looking for, depositing the small item in Ichigo's hand.

A white, laminated card. Daisuke Murakami. Age: 23.

"You got me a fake ID? You must be out of your goddamn mind! No, there's no fucking way, Renji, I'm not doing this."

"Oh, come on, Ichi!" Renji said in a whiny voice, sticking out his bottom lip. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time, just to go out and have fun with you. Besides, it's my birthday, and as my boyfriend you're supposed to go along with anything I want to do tonight. Please."

Boyfriend. God, Ichigo hated that expression, it sounded so damn juvenile. "I said no, Renji."

"Ichigooooo!" Renji was getting louder and whinier by the second. Ichigo felt a headache coming on. "Please, I really, really, really want to go. I promise, nothing bad will happen, I've got everything all planned out. If you do this for me, I'll do anything you want, anything. Please, please, please, please."

Ichigo chewed his lip. I don't want anything from you except for you not to leave... Can you promise me you won't go? Ugh, what was his problem today? He usually wasn't this sappy. The point was this was a stupid idea that had the potential to go horribly awry, which it likely would since Renji was involved. No way, he couldn't, would not do it no matter what Renji did or said to try and convince him. "No."

Renji sighed in frustration. Alright, time to pull out the big guns. "Why? Are you scared?"

Ichigo's head shot up, his eyes hardening as his hands tightened in the blankets, his jaw tense.

Bingo, Renji had to bite his lip not to grin.

"Shut up, I'm not fucking scared, dumbass. This is just a really, really stupid, bad, ridiculous idea. I could get caught, and there's no way I'm going to risk getting in trouble just so you can dance badly, get drunk off your ass and ogle every hot guy in Karakura Town."

Renji grinned devilishly as he pulled Ichigo into his arms, trying to kiss him. Ichigo sighed as he turned his head away, his scowl deepening. Renji nudged his cheek with his nose. "You're the only hot guy I plan to ogle, and you will not get caught, I promise. Like I said, nothing bad will happen. When have I ever put you in harm's way?"

"How about when you tried to kill me?"

"Acient history, baby. Besides, if memory serves me correctly I was the one who nearly died that day. Can you name another time?"

"When you dragged me to Hueco Mundo a few months ago."

Renji growled and banged his fist on the bed. "Ichigo, goddammit!"

Ichigo sighed as he buried his face in Renji's shoulder. "Alright, alright. Fine, we'll do it. God, you're such an idiot. This has got to be the dumbest idea you've ever had. But if this all goes to shit, I have the right to bankai your ass all the way back to Soul Society."

"Deal!" Renji grinned, hugging Ichigo tightly. "Thanks, baby, thank you so much. I love you."

"Whatever," Ichigo muttered, pulling away from Renji as he stood up, stalking off to the bathroom get a shower.

"Thank you, baby!" Renji called again gleefully.

Ichigo slammed the bathroom door shut, but he could still hear Renji's deep laughter drifting down the hallway.

Now Ichigo gave himself one more cursory glance in the bathroom mirror, taking a slow, trembling breath. He smoothed out his maroon beater, adjusted the collar of his charcoal gray, short-sleeved over-shirt, then stuffed his hands in the pockets of his dark blue, skin-tight jeans.

Here goes nothing, he thought bleakly.

He turned off the light and left the bathroom as he trudged downstairs like a man walking to the gallows, ready for what was sure to be a terribly long night.

Chapter Two coming soon! Love you all!
