Kurt sat in the back of the choir room at McKinley High, watching Finn and Rachel sing a duet while twirling around the room. Each member of the Glee club had to choose a partner to do a duet this week about something that they could each relate with. Kurt was almost certain nobody in the club could even start to relate with him, and begged Mr. Shue to let him sing alone. Kurt sung Waiting outside the Lines, and a few of the girls cried.

"Well that was great, Kurt, sorry you had to sing it alone!" Kurt smiled at his teacher and went and sat back down next to Mercedes. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw a text from Blaine.

Hey you! I was going to stop by and get you, Glee club over yet? –B

Kurt smiled and quickly replied

No, not for another half hour, but come get me anyways =) –K

Suddenly Kurt realized the odd silence around him and glanced up to see everyone in the room staring at him strangely.

"Who could you possibly be texting? And in the middle of rehearsals as well!" Rachel shot at Kurt.

Mercedes shot Kurt a look which could only mean "you're not telling me something"

Kurt blushed and ran through his mind for an excuse. "Uh I'm just texting my, uh, dad!

Oh and I'll have to leave practice a bit early today, so sorry!"

The whole group knew something was up; Kurt had never left early nor missed a single Glee club meeting since the day it had started. Kurt had never actually told them about his friendship or even meeting with the Warblers leader, Blaine Anderson. (Gosh, just the same sent happy shivers down his spine) So, naturally he had been hiding the fact that he was totally in love with Blaine. Today was their official second date after two months of friendship, and Blaine was going to be picking him up any minute.

"Well, I'm just going to head out now, again, very sorry, but, um, I promise I'll be here tomorrow!" He smiled apologetically at the group, each person had on a disappointed and questioning look.

He was walking though the empty hallways, making echoes with each step he took, slightly leaning to the left from the weight of his schoolbag on his shoulder. Suddenly he heard a noise from the end of the hall, and saw Blaine standing there, the biggest smile on his face.

Just seeing Blaine standing there, waiting for HIM, made his day so much better; he could already forget about everybody who was slowly started to ignore him, everyone who was shooting him the worst looks in the hallways, and focus on Blaine, his very own amazingly dapper boyfriend.

"Hi, you would not believe the day I have had, Blaine"

"Good?" The look on Blaine's face was so optimistic it hurt Kurt to slowly shake his head back and forth.

With that Blaine pulled Kurt into a comforting hug, making Kurt feel much better.

"Uh huh, I knew you were lying boy!" Mercedes walked out from around the corner and Kurt pulled out of Blaine's arms as fast as he could; but it was too late.

"Uh Kurt, who's this? Blaine turned toward his boyfriend

"I was just about to ask the exact same thing" Mercedes also turned toward Kurt, but she had a much more disapproving look.

"Well, uh, Blaine, meet Mercedes, my best friend, and Mercedes, meet Blaine, my, uh, boyfriend."

It was obvious that Kurt was expecting some sort of disapproval from the girl, and so he was shocked when she squealed happily and asked Kurt why he had kept Blaine a secret.

"I didn't really mean too," Kurt said as he tried not to let Blaine catch on that he had not told anyone else about them yet.

"Oh well, have fun on your,.."

"It's our second date!" Blaine happily interjected as he put his hand over the blushing Kurt's shoulder

Mercedes laughed and said bye before the two boys headed out towards Blaine's car, holding hands as they walked.

"She seemed nice!" Blaine announced as they climbed in his car.

"And she is, very much so actually. She can be a bit much at first, but once you get to know her you can't dislike her!"

They both laughed for a minute and then comfortable silence filled the air.

"So, where are we headed exactly?" Kurt questioned Blaine as they turned down a rode unfamiliar to Kurt

"Green Lake Park," Blaine answered as Kurt raised an eyebrow,"It is right by the water and has all these people fishing and swimming and sitting by the shore, you will love it!"

Kurt laughed at his adorable boyfriend and couldn't resist the urge to reach over and put his hand on Blaine's after he pulled out the key. After a minute or two, Blaine swung open his door and walked over to let Kurt out. Kurt felt silly letting him do this, but he couldn't help but get butterflies when Blaine did.

Hand and hand the walked over to the water's edge and sat down on the opposite side of a bench from an older couple. Blaine rested his head on Kurt's shoulder as they watched the water. Suddenly Blaine asked if they could go sit with their feet actually in the water. Kurt thought first about how much his white jeans were worth to him, and then decided he could probably save them with some stain remover later on, and agreed to go sit closer.

"It's gorgeous out tonight. It makes me wish we could sit here forever."

"To bad we can't. My dad would worry. I haven't exactly told him about us yet."

Kurt looked up at his incredibly dapper boyfriend and saw more in his eyes than that.

"Um, Blaine, you have told your parents you're gay, right?"

"Well, uh, not in so many words."

"Blaine! What? You have to eventually! You're seventeen!"

"Listen, Kurt, my parent's would NOT take it even close to as well as your dad had!"

"I'm sure they couldn't be that unreasonable! I mean, what is the worst they could do?"

Kurt felt weird anger inside of him for two people he had never met; I mean something about how they would react was keeping Blaine from confiding in them!

"Kick me out; disown me, really Kurt I think it would be better to at least wait until I'm eighteen!"

Kurt sighed and looked into Blaine's eyes. "I guess whatever you do isn't up to me, just remember I will always be there for you"

Blaine smiled sadly to himself as he held Kurt in his arms by the lake.

After an hour of constant chatter, Blaine rose up from the ground and pulled Kurt to his feet with him.

"Ehh," Kurt mumbled as he tried to make the faint green grass lines disappear from his clothing.

Blaine was lost in his thoughts of how cute Kurt was, and randomly decided to tell him,

"You are so adorable, and perfect, and amazing, and-"

"Blaine! Stop it, you're making me blush!" Kurt smiled and blushed more as Blaine reached his hand up to Kurt's face

Together they started to stroll back to the car along the water's edge.

Blaine jumped on a rock halfway in the water and halfway out on the shore trying to make Kurt laugh.

The rock tumbled forward under Blaine's weight and before Blaine could register what was happening, he landed face forward into the three feet deep water and mud of Green Lake.

Kurt gasped out loud and then laughed very loudly at his clumsy boyfriend.

"Oh, you think that's funny, do you?" Blaine said with a mock evil grin as he pulled himself out of the lake sopping wet and very muddy

"Oh no Blaine, oh no, no get away from me!"

"Not a chance!" Blaine launched himself forward and pulled Kurt into a massive bear hug

"BLAINE ANDERSON! HOW DARE YOU!" Kurt gaped in half real horror and half fake horror.

Blaine looked frightened at first and then, seeing Kurt's small smile creep up on his face, said, " uh oh, I'm in for it now!"

Kurt then ran after Blaine onto a dock which was deserted from people and stopped at the end.

They stared into each other's eyes and slowly their lips met.

Kurt held Blaine in his arms for what seemed like an eternity, and then finally drew away and rested his head on Blaine's shoulder.

They watched as the sun set, and Blaine noticed Kurt walking over to the very edge of the pier in order to look at the water.

Blaine walked up slowly behind him and wrapped his arms tightly around Kurt before leaping of the dock, bringing both of them crashing into the warm summer water.

Kids around them playing in the water laughed gleefully as Kurt came up, gasping for air and making sure his clothes were still all accounted for.

"Blaine. Blaine. Blaine." Kurt said in a way where Blaine could honestly not tell if he was joking or not. Blaine was beginning to worry; mad Kurt was not very pleasant!

Kurt shot Blaine an evil grin as he splashed water in his face

"Alright, alright I deserved that!"

"Sure as anything you did!"

They kissed again in the water before climbing out onto dry land.

"Well we better head home, I'll drop you off at your house and then head back to the dorms.."

Blaine had a sad smile. Kurt could only think that his was a replica of his boyfriend's, because this was this most fun Kurt had had in a long time, and it pained him to think Blaine was the same way and then it would be over.

They held hands on the walk back to the car, it was right after sunset and the sky was a golden glow, threating to disappear and leave the town in darkness at any moment.

Kurt glared at the seat on the car in much the same way Blaine glared at his.

"We might as well get in; the water can't hurt it that much!" Blaine laughed

Always optimistic, Kurt thought

He unwillingly climbed into the car soaking wet, trying to keep as much of himself from touching the seat as possible.

Blaine laughed at his efforts as he drove to Kurt's house.

"My dad is going to kill me when he sees me like this!"

"Why?" Mumbled a confused Blaine


"You hypocrite!" Blaine accused Kurt, "I'm shocked! You didn't tell your dad about our first real date? And no, the coffee thing with Wes and David did not count!"

Kurt shyly mumbled "not exactly" and suddenly they both realized that they had hid each other from their parent's because they were afraid.

They had both been so used to hiding their true feelings, that they both found themselves in this situation. Blaine was lucky; he would go home to a group of friends in a dorm where the curfew was in two hours, and nobody would think he was doing anything but hanging with a friend, Kurt would have to explain this to his dad.


Text messages (1)

Hey Kurt, I'm out with the guys from work tonight and should be back by noon tomorrow; Greg is having a hard time so Imma stay with him tonight, kay? Love you, dad

"Or not" Kurt thought

"Hey Blaine, my dad just texted me"

"Oh no, he isn't mad is he?"

"No, he just said he won't be at my house until noon tomorrow.."

"Um, that's, great I guess"

"Blaine! Can't you see right through me?" Kurt pretended to act hurt "Do you want to spend the night or not? I do have Harry Potter And the Magical Golden Goblet!"

Blaine laughed "The Goblet of Fire Kurt! And I'd love to spend the evening watching it with you."