The next morning Haruhi woke up with the sun shining in her eyes then she rolled over and saw Kyoya sleeping. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek I'll surprise him with breakfast….Haruhi thought as she got out of bed. Then she realized she wasn't wearing anything so she walked over to her suit case and pulled out a pink frilly dress I don't remember having this dress…..ugh dad….Haruhi thought annoyed as she slipped on the dress. Once she was dressed she made her way down to the kitchen once she got in the kitchen she couldn't believe what she saw. She was the entire host club sitting in the dining room.
"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Haruhi yelled.
"Good morning Haru-Chan!" Honey squealed.
"Good morning my little Haruhi!" Tamaki smiled.
"Don't good morning me! How the hell did you get here?" Why are you here?" Haruhi growled.
"We knew you would miss us! So we decided to surprise you!" the twins grinned. "Did it work are you surprised?
"No I'm not surprised! I'm pissed off!" Haruhi yelled.
"Haruhi why are you pissed off, I don't understand!" Tamaki frowned as he walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. Then his eyes widened and his face turned red.
"Y-your hair…"
"What about my hair?" Haruhi asked angrily. "Don't change the subject!"
"M-my little girl has….s-sex hair…." Tamaki frowned.
"W-what?…." Haruhi blushed.
"So where is Kyoya?" the twins asked as he walked over and threw their arms around her.
"He's still sleeping….."
"Oh so you were too much for him?" Hikaru smirked.
"Nothing, nothing so what's for breakfast?" Kaoru asked.
"Well for Kyoya and I I'm making pancakes…..for you I don't know" Haruhi said coldly as she walked into the kitchen.
"Your not making us breakfast?" Tamaki frowned.
"No make your own!" Haruhi said as she started to make the pancake batter.
Then Kyoya came down with his Demon Lord face.
"Kyoya!" Tamaki smiled as he ran over to him.
"Tamaki…..what the hell are you doing here?" Kyoya growled.
"Uh…we……t-thought you'd miss us….and so we decided to c-come on your honeymoon with you!" Tamaki said nervously.
Kyoya said nothing and just glared at Tamaki angrily.
"Tamaki….the whole point of a honeymoon….is for the two newly weds to be alone…..not the two newly weds and their friends!" Kyoya growled.
Then Haruhi came into the dining room and handed Kyoya a cup of coffee.
"Good morning Kyoya…." Haruhi sighed as she kissed him on the cheek.
"Haruhi….." Kyoya grumbled as he took a sip of coffee.
"S-so can we stay?" Tamaki muttered.
"No!" Kyoya and Haruhi said in unison.
"Why?" Tamaki frowned.
"I already explained to you!" Kyoya yelled.
"Your so mean Kyoya….." Tamaki frowned.
"Breakfast is almost ready Kyoya." Haruhi muttered as she pulled him into the kitchen.
"Haruhi….you didn't have to make breakfast… could have called a chef…" Kyoya smiled.
"I know but I wanted to cook for you!" Haruhi smiled.
"Aw so cute! That is true love right there men!" Tamaki smiled as he whipped the tears from his eyes.
"Tamaki will you and the other's please leave?" Kyoya sighed.
"C-can we at least taste Haruhi's delicious breakfast?" Tamaki frowned.
"Fine….you have breakfast then you leave…." Kyoya grumbled as he sat at the table.
"YAY!" they shouted as they surrounded the table.
Then Haruhi came out and placed plates of pancakes all around them and sat down tiredly next to Kyoya with her own.
"So Kyoya…'d it go last night?" Hikaru snickered.
"What we did last night isn't any of your concern…." Kyoya said as he ate.
"AW come on Kyoya!" Kaoru whined.
"You guys are a bunch of perverts you know that…." Kyoya sighed.
"Aw don't be that way!" the twins smirked.
Then after breakfast Haruhi and Kyoya walked them to their car once the car was out of sight Kyoya let out a sigh.
"Really what were those idiots thinking…." he sighed as he wrapped his arms around Haruhi.
"I don't know…..sometimes I think they don't have anything going on up there….." Haruhi laughed.
"True….hmm lets go back inside…." Kyoya smiled as he kissed his wife on the forehead and headed back to the beach house.
Meanwhile in the car Tamaki pulled out his cell phone and started talking to one of his maids.
"What are you doing boss?" the twins asked.
"I call my maid and told her to set up my beach house near by… we can keep tabs on them!"
"You're a genius boss!" the twins smiled as they gave him a thumbs up.
"I know!" Tamaki laughed.