Major: OMFG GUISEEEE, FASTER UPDATE! Just a little over a week! c:

Amu: Congrats! :D




Amu: Erm..?


Amu: Ikuto?


Amu: Shut up! You're getting annoying!

Ikuto: Majors making me say it D:

Major: Hehehehehe :3

Amu: *Smacks Major* STOP!

Me: O.o geez, alright, i'll stop.

Ikuto: DONT HIT MA-CHAN! *huggles*

Me: *fake cries* Oh Ikuto! It was horrible! I was just trying to enlighten the mood, and she sends me to the hospital because of it!

Amu: What the?

Ikuto: Dont worry dear, I will save you!

Major: Oh no! I think I can see the light!

Ikuto: Stay with me Major!

Amu: And these fucks.. Anyways, since they're having their own little fun, ill just get on with it. Song for this chapter is E.T by Tyler Ward. Major doesnt own Shugo Chara or any of its characters!

Chapter 9: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

You're So Hypnotizing

It was the first day in March, and the weather was still cold. The sky was dull gray, with clouds that are implying that it was going to snow. A certain pinkette was in her big, but not so lonely house. Finishing a mural she has been working on for the past three-and-a-half-or-so-weeks, she wiped her sweat off of her forehead by wiping her clean arm on it. The other one was covered in paint.

Her fingers and her paintbrush interwined perfectly, her hand swiftly, and softly danced on the wall. Four minutes, five minutes, she finally finished. She took a few steps back, stumbling on some boxes, but managing to keep herself up, she looked at her masterpiece.

She nodded her head, and smiled.

Knock. Knock.

She turned around to see none other than her amazing boyfriend, Ikuto, standing on the edge of the balcony like always. She was trying to gasp, but she had not time for that. She quickly stepped outside and slid the door closed shut, and made sure the blinds covered her mural.

"What are you doing?" Ikuto slightly smiled down on his love. Amu grabbed his hand and made him come down from the edge of the bars. She gets paranoid.

"My..", she trailed off, trying to come up with an excuse, "room is really dirty, and I don't want you to see it."

Ikuto questioned her by looking at her quite funny. She smiled back, cheesy smile.

"Shouldn't you be ready?" He asked. Before she answered, snowflakes started to shower them, but not heavily. Ikuto looked at what she was wearing: sweatpants and an undershirt.

Well thats not the type of clothes you wear for a snowy day. Taking another look at her outfit, he noticed paint splatters and stains on them. "Care to explain this?" He pointed at the paint stains, then embracing her into a giant bear hug, trying to keep her warm from the snow.

"I'll explain later." She looked up at him. "But since I'm not ready, will you please take Drake out for a walk so I can get ready? He's been dying for a walk lately."

"Anything for you." He smiled at her, gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and jumped off the balcony, and safely on the ground. Amu wouldn't let him go through her room, so he just had to get Drake from the front.

Could You Be The Devil, Could You Be An Angel?

Zuko gazed at his coffee that he was holding with both hands. He was lost in his thoughts, his sorrows. His heart was hurting, but he didn't want it to, he regretted falling for her. After a couple minutes, he noticed a snowflake fall into his coffee cup.

If we take a couple steps back, you would see Zuko sitting outside of a cafe were he just bought his coffee. Sitting against the wall, waiting for his silly emerald eye friend to come outside.

'Why.. Why him..' He gripped his coffee cup a bit tighter. 'I should've asked her to be mine before he came in. Why did I wait so long?'

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt slight pressure, pushing him sideways and making him spill some coffee from his cup. He looked up to see Kukai, finally out of the coffee shop.

"Yo!" He grinned. "Finally got my hot white chocolate coffee, wanna go to a bookstore and chill?" He grinned even more, waiting for a response from Zuko.

Zuko was irritated, he regretted coming along with Kukai. He just wanted to be alone.

He got up and stared at Kukai. Kukais' grin faded away and asked Zuko, "Zuko, what's wrong?" A couple seconds went by, and the next thing Kukai knew was that Zuko threw his coffee cup at his jacket, still filled with coffee.

Some of it got on his face, and it stung a little. "H-Hey!" Kukai looked at his own jacket. "The fuck was that for bitch?" He know looked at Zuko straight in the eye. "Fuck you." Was Zukos' answer, and he started walking away.

Even though Kukai was pissed about what he just did, he still chased after him. He followed behind, and asked, "Dude, what's wrong? Why did you just do that?" No reply.

This continued for another ten minutes until they reached the park. A familiar park in Zukos' eyes. He couldn't help but to let a tear run down his cheek when he looked up at the hill, where it happened. He stopped in his tracks, and Kukai bumped into him.


"... What?"

"What's wrong?"

A moment of silence passed by before he answered.


Your Touch, Magnetizing; Feels Like We Are Floating, Leaves My Body Glowing

Dog prints were left as a trail behind as Ikuto took Drake for a walk. Or rather, Drake was taking Ikuto out for a walk. Ikuto was in Cloud 9, thinking about his pinkette.

A familiar figured showed up and snapped Ikuto out of his thoughts.

"Ah, Ikuto-san, good afternoon." Greeted Kairi, pushing his glasses up.

"Eh? Oh, hey Kairi!" Ikuto happily greeted. Hmmm, I wonder why he's so happy.

"You seem in a good mood Ikuto-san. Could it be because you're about to go out with Hinamori-san?" Kairi smiled and winked at Ikuto.

"Damn Kairi, you know me so well." Ikuto put both his hands on his heart and leaned a little to his right and smirked at Kairi. That gesture mean 'You're damn right.'

"What are you up to Kairi? I've never seen you in this neighborhood before."

"Oh, umm-," trailed off Kairi, "I just wanted some fresh air is all." Kairi smiled, trying to hide his sadness. Ikuto didn't buy it though.

"Are you sure? You look upset." Ikuto got a little closer to Kairi. Kairis' smile turned into a sad smile, and his eyes wandered down. "Well-"

"BARK!" Drake barked, interrupting what Kairi was about to say. They both looked forward to find Drake prancing around, waiting for Ikuto to hurry up and continue walking Drake.

"Is that Hinamori-sans' dog?" Kairi pointed to the big giant siberian husky.

"Yeah, his name is Drake. Say 'hello' Drake! This is Kairi." Drake barked and started running to Kairi at an incredibly fast speed for a dog.

"I'm about to get assaulted." Is what Kairi said before getting tackled down by Drake. Drake starting licking Kairis' face while Ikuto bursted out in laughter. "Oh God, that's Drakes' way of saying hi." Ikuto said calming his laughter down and wiping a tear away from his eye.

"I see." Kairi said, voice shaky because a 200 pound dog was still resting on his chest. "H-Help." Kairi gasped for air. Ikuto whistled as a command for Drake to get off of Kairi. "Good boy." Ikuto said as he patted his head. He then walked over to Kairi and helped lift him up.

"Thanks." Kairi said, still a little weak, dusting himself off. "Well then," he pushed his glasses up again, "I will take my leave then."

"Where you goin' Kairi?" Ikuto asked, putting his hands in his pockets. It was started to get colder outside.

"Just some business I have to handle." He looked straight at Ikuto's eyes. Silence grew, and Ikuto could tell something was up with Kairi. Though, he wasn't lying. "I'll see you at work Ikuto-san. Have fun with Hinamori-san." He turned around and started walking away.

Ikuto didn't say anything as he walked away. He knew something was going on with Kairi. It troubled him knowing that he wasn't able to help his bestfriend with whatever he was going through at the moment. But he decided to put it aside for now. There was something, or someone, more important to him at the moment (or maybe forever).

"Lets' go Drake." He started walking towards their destination again. Drake happily wagged his tail, barked, and followed aside Ikuto.

They Say Be Afraid; You're Not Like The Others, Futuristic Lover

Back into the big warm house, Ikuto called out to Amu, wherever she was. "Amu, i'm back!"

"Okay, i'm done getting ready." Amu yelled back as she walked down the stairs. Ikuto turned to see her, and his eyes widened a little when he saw the beautiful pinkette. She was wearing a yellow long sleeved dress with fishnet stockings and short high heeled boots that went above her ankle by a couple inches. A yellow dress suited for this kind of weather, extremely warm, she didn't need a sweater. Dark eyeliner made hey honey glazed eyes pop out more than ever. He hair was down, except for a small bumpy side ponytail clipped with a black X.

Small red lines blushed under Ikutos' right eye, but it wasn't so noticeable. He walked over to her and smiled. "Wh-What? Is my hair messed up?" She blushed in embarrassment.

"No. No." Ikuto calmed her down. He took off his black scarf that he was wearing and wrapped it around her neck, covering up her mouth. She pulled the scarf down a bit so it wouldn't cover her mouth. She was about to speak when Ikuto beat her to it, "There, now you have a little part of me." He smiled gently and his eyes crashes into hers.

Her face started to get hot while she was staring at those mesmerizing saphire eyes. He chuckled before grabbing her hand. "C'mon. Lets' go."

Different DNA; They Don't Understand You

"So what exactly is bothering you Zuko?" Kukai asked while taking a sip of his coffee.

"I already told you. Amu." Zuko answered in an annoyed tone.

"But what did Amu do to make you so mad at her?" Zuko sighed.

"I'm not mad at her, it's just.." Zuko trailed off.

"Just what?" Kukai tried to make Zuko talk.

"Just..." He trailed off again. "Just what?" Only this time, Kukai was a little more forceful.

"I don't know how to face her! There, happy?" Kukai didn't say anything. A moment of silenced passed before Zuko spoke again. "First time I confess to a girl.. And she rejects me."

"It wasn't total rejection bro. I mean, she is with Ikuto."

"Yeah, and I hate it."

"Aw c'mon, don't be like that Zuko!" Zuko reached his patience.

"And what do you know? You've never been in love!" Zuko shouted at Kukai. They both took a while for it took process in their heads.

"Wait wait.." Kukai trailed off. "You're in love with Amu? Since when?" Kukai wanted to hear this.

"No! I didn't say that- I mean, I don't know- gahh!" Zuko got up and started walking away. Trying his very best not to blush. Kukai got up as well and followed behind.

"No! I wanna hear this Zuko. Just what exactly do you think about our little Amu?" Zuko stopped in his tracks, as did Kukai. Silence took over again. The snow fell, and everything started to become whiter.

"Amu..", Zuko trailed off, "This whole time.. Being friends with her.." Zuko wasn't so worried about blushing anymore. His heart kicked into mind, and he started to let his feelings flow out like never before.

"I've always been the flirt in the group. I've flirted and got intimate with other girls lots of times, but never did I come to love any of them. They were all just ordinary, and the same to me. But only one girl stood out. I never really admitted to myself that I had feelings to her before. But slowly, they started to come out. She was the only girl to make my heart pound against her chest. Shes one of a kind, with her amazing voice, charismatic personality, those honey glazed eyes, and that one-in-a-million smile. She has always been the only girl in my life who was there for me for my ups and downs. She supported me, never judged me.

"She has such a cute laugh, and a big heart. And she never fails to make me fall for her even more, every day. Finally came the day where I was aware of all those feelings, and I wanted to share them with her. I felt like she had some feelings for me back. Wait, nevermind, I knew she had some feelings for me too. I didn't know what I was doing, its my first time feelings this way ever about a girl. The only thing I could ever think about was her. She was always on my mind. And she finally became the only important person to me in my life right now. I was going to ask her out, but then..." Flashbacks of Ikuto came to Zukos' mind.

"He came into the picture. And now.." Zuko chuckled a bit. "Now, I don't even know what to do.."

Another moment of silenced passed by, and Kukai finally decided to speak up. "Why don't you just confess to her then? Maybe it will make you feel better, and move on."

"I already did." Kukais expression went from normal to total shock. "EH?" Kukai took a few steps forward and punched Zuko on the head.

"YOU WHAT?" Kukai shouted in total shock. Zuko rubbed his head in pain. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR YOU FUCK?" He punched Kukai in the stomach, only harder, cause Kukai to fall a little, but he caught himself in time.

"S-Sorry." Kukai held his stomach in pain. "It's cool." Zuko shook his hand off. "But yeah, I already confessed to Amu about like maybe less then a month ago. And she rejected me."

"I mean, I already knew you liked her, but I didn't know you confessed." Kukai rubbed his stomach to ease his pain. "Maybe that was the rejection you were talking about earlier." He said under his breath, but Zuko didn't catch it. Kukai looked up at Zuko and couldn't help but noticed that Zuko was blushing. He had a threatening expression on his face like always, but the blushing made him look more... sweet.

Then he realized that he's been blushing the whole time he was talking about his feelings for Amu.

"Haven't you guys been talking in school though?" He asked.

"Barely. She waves to me in the hallway and tries to talk to me, but for some reason, I never respond back, and leave her hanging."

"Maybe you should just-"

"Oh, Zuko! Kukai!" A familiar voice interrupted Kukai. Both Kukai and Zuko looked behind to see the two lovebirds. Their favorite pinkette, and her tall blue hair boyfriend. Zuko squinted his eyes a bit in disgust.

"Hi Amu!" Kukai walked over to give his little sister a hug. And then give a Ikuto a bro hug. After the hello's, Amu looked over at Zuko and greeted him with a happy "Hi Zuko!", and a cutesy smile. Zuko glared at Amu, but couldn't help but blush a little. Her smiled disappeared when he started to glare, but then she realized that he was blushing too.

"Hey man, come say hi to Amu and Ikuto." Kukai motioned Zuko to come over. A moment of silenced passed by. Zuko shifted his glare to Ikuto, except it wasn't a glare anymore, it was a threatening look. Ikuto just stared back, with an uninterested look, which was starting to piss Zuko off really badly.

"I need a smoke." Zuko said turning around and walking in the opposite direction. "W-Wait! Zuko!" Kukai started to chase after him. Zuko shifted his feet and got in Kukais' face, "Leave me alone!" He shouted at Kukai. He then proceeded to walk away again.

"Zuko.." Amus' voice stopped Zuko in his tracks. "I thought you quit smoking."

Zuko didn't say anything. He stood in place for a couple seconds and started to walk away again.

"Sorry about Zuko." Kukai weakly grinned and rubbed his head. "Anyways, you guys go on ahead with your date, i'll go make sure he's okay." He bowed his head and started to chase after Zuko again. "Text me!" Amu yelled, Kukai just waved his hand in the distance.

"What's wrong with him?" Ikuto asked, but already knowing the answer.

"I don't know. He's been acting weird to me lately." A sad face appeared. Ikuto looked at Amu, but she didn't notice that he was looking at her. He just continued to stare at her sad face. He frowned at the thought of her being sad, he couldn't stand it.

He leaned over her, and kissed her forehead to snap her out of her thoughts. "Eh?" She looked up at him and he leaned in again for a kiss, but this time on the lips. He kissed, she kissed back. It was as simple as that. When they pulled away, "Come on, lets get going or we'll be late." He gently smiled at her. Her cheeks tugged and she smiled, and nodded her head.

You're From A Whole 'Nother World; A Different Dimension

"Someone is here to see you Sanjou-san." A doctor walked into room 304 of Tokyo Emergency Hospital. Sanjou-san slipped her glasses on and asked, "Who?"

Kairi walked in the room with a sad smile on his face. "Hello nee-san." Kairi greeted. "I will leave you two alone then." The doctor said as he left, closing the door behind him.

"Ah, Kairi, what are you doing here?" Sanjou-san sat up from her hospital bed, smiling at her little brother.

"Actually.." Kairi trailed off, walking over and sitting next to his sister, "Not so good Yukari-nee-san."

"What's wrong?" She asked with a worried look on her face. Silence filled the room before Kairi answered his sister.

"I got fired." Kairi answered, following tears rolling down his face. Yukari's eyes widened.

You Open My Eyes; And I'm Ready To Go; Lead Me Into The Light

Amu and Ikuto walk out of the movie theater, holding hands and ready to go home. "That was a good movie!" Amu exclaimed.

"Why can't life be as exciting as it is in movies?" Ikuto chuckled. "You have an assassin as your boyfriend, what more could you ask for?"

"Oh gosh, sorry I brought it up." Amu rolled her eyes. Ikuto gently smiled, "Hey." She ignored him and continued walking. "Hey, look at me." She pouted even more. "Hey, look at me." He repeated one more time and gently moved her chin with his hand to look at him.

"I love you." He said. "Hmmph!" Was her response, and turned her head away in poutyness.

"What do you say?" He played along with her little cute game. "I love you, too." She murmured, still all pouty like.

"Hmm? What was that? I couldn't hear you." He cupped his ear.

"I love you, too." She said this time a little bit louder, but still barely audible.

"I can't hear you."

"I love you, too!" She shouted, but started laughing afterwards. And then followed Ikuto. After the laughing subsided, "Hey Ikuto, will you spend the night tonight? I want to show you something." Her little heart started to get excited.

"Of course i'll spend the night!"

Kiss Me, K-K-Kiss Me; Infect Me Your Love; Fill Me With Your Poison

"Drake! We're home!" Amu took her shoes off and ran upstairs, leaving Ikuto behind. He hung his jacket in the closet near the living room, and started walking upstairs.

When he came around Amus' room, she was standing outside with the door closed, and a grin spread across her face. "You ready for this?" She asked excitedly, jumping in place. Ikuto laughed a little while walking over to her.

"What are you so excited about?"

"You'll see!" She winked. "Now, close your eyes and give me your hand." Ikuto did as told, and Amu opened her bedroom door, and lead him in.

She walked in the middle of the room, "Keep them closed!"

"Yes, yes, I get it."

"She stopped him in place and walked behind him, holding onto his arms, and looking over his side.

"Okay. Now, OPEN!" Ikuto opened his eyes, and blinked a couple times before laying his eyes on her masterpiece.

It was a mural. A mural that Amu painted on the wall herself. What was the mural? Ikutos' heart started to race, and his eyes widened. He blushed a little, butterflies flew around in his stomach, and he was just speechless.

Amu painted the night of their first kiss shared on her wall as a mural. It was amazing. It was like someone took a photo of it, and made a huge copy and taped it to her wall. She got every little detail right. The colors blended in so well. It was just perfect. In fact, beyond perfect.

"Do you like it?" She asked walking in front of him and putting her hands on her waist. "I worked really hard on it! That night was really special to me, and I couldn't help but to paint it as a mural in my room.I made a lot of mistakes, but-" She didn't finish her sentence. Ikuto grabbed her arm and pulled her over to him. He cupped her cheeks and leaned in for a kiss.

A passionate kiss. Like the one they first shared, only, it was in her room. As seconds passed, the kiss got deeper, and deeper. Amus' face flushed, and she grew weak around her knees. She was feeling the same feelings Ikuto was at the moment, only Ikuto was stronger. And deeper it got. The deeper it got, the more Amu leaned back and the more Ikuto leaned forward.

Finally, Ikuto pulled away, but still cupping her face. He kept his face close to hers, and started rubbing his thumbs on her cheeks. A shadow casted over his eyes, and a smirked spread across his lips.

"Amu.." He whispered. Her eyes started getting watery. She felt like she was about to collapse. Her hear rate increased even more by the second.

"I love it." He whispered again, only getting closer to her neck. "I-Ik..." She couldn't finish her sentence. She was weak at the moment. She braced herself for whatever was about to happen. But he only gently kissed her neck, and went back to her face.

He sweetly smiled at her, and she did the same.

"BARK!" A bark was heared by none other than Drake. They both looked to see Drake holding mail in his mouth for Amu.

"Oh, good boy!" She smiled at her dog and walked over to him. She took the mail from his mouth, and petted his head.

"Oh, that reminds me."

"What is it Ikuto?"

"There's some stupid important mail that I received today from stupid Rin. Is it cool if I go pick it up real quick?" He pointed outside with his thumb.

"Of course! I'll just wait for you here." She smiled at him, opening up the mail.

"Okay, i'll be back in fifteen minutes." And off he was to his condo.

Take Me, T-Take Me; Wanna Be A Victim

"Ah, well hello Ikuto-san." Okazaki Hachiro greeted Ikuto when he walked into the lobby. Okazaki Hachiro, remember him? He's the doorman of the lobby, and a sweet old man too.

"Yo, Okazaki." Ikuto greeted back, walking over to the front desk. "Have I gotten any mail today Okazaki?" Ikuto asked, resting his arms on the counter top.

"Why yes." Okazaki turned around, and opened up Ikutos' mail box, and handed Ikuto the mail that was in there.

"Thank you." He thanked as he started looking through his mail, looking for the one Rin sent him specifically.

"How was your evening?" Okazaki asked young Ikuto. "It was amazing!" He looked up from his mail and grinned at Okazaki.

"Is it because of that special pink hair girl?" Okazaki smiled at Ikuto.

"You bet!" Ikuto grinned even more, which was rare because a grinning Ikuto was super rare.

"Well, I'm glad you had a splendid evening, Ikuto-san."

"Thanks Okazaki." He started walking away, still trying to look for Rins' mail. "Have a nice night."

"Shouldn't you check up on Kairi." Ikuto stopped in his tracks. 'Kairi? Oh yeah, Kairi was upset today. Wait, how does Okazaki know Kairi if he's never met him before. And how does he know he's upset today?'

"Hey," Ikuto started turning his position to face Okazaki, "How do you know-" He stopped when he saw that Okazaki left. There was nobody at the front desk anymore. "What the.." Ikuto trailed off. 'Where did he go? And how does an old man like him move so fast?' Ikuto took another quick look around the room. 'What was that about?'

Major: So how was it? :3

Ikuto: It was beautiful!

Amu: Glad to see you didnt die. *scoffs*

Major: Oh, Amu! Do you just love to break my heart? *falls on ground*

Ikuto: NO! MAJOR! *Kneels* Stay with me!

Amu: You guys are impossible *sweatdrop*

Kukai, Ako, and Zuko: READ AND REVIEW!