Authors Note: So…Here is yet another story xD Please enjoy it.. I know this story sounds messed up but its actually based on my dreams that I've been having since I heard about TF 3. DO NOT READ THIS STORY unless you want to be filled with spoilers. (I have yet to see TF 3 but I do have common knowledge about it and what happens)


Summary: What happens when a girl decides to try and change fate? What if the autobots had to make a stop in Iowa before heading to Chicago, IL? What if a certain Black GMC Kicktop had to pick her up? Spoilers are possible and this is slightly AU

The Only Hope For Me Is You

Chapter 1: Awake and Alive

As a brown blonde female ran down the street, she held onto a small piece of metal as she felt tears fall down her cheeks. "I'm too late… I'm so sorry, Ironhide…" She thought. The faded sundress she wore had rips in the fabric. The female had dirt and dried blood on her cheeks and her sundress was drenched in engeron that came from the fallen hero that gave his life up for everyone.

(4 hours before hand)

As the sky was bright and blue, four different vehicles drove down the lone country road. A 2012 Chevy Camaro, Semi Peterbuilt 368, a Hummer H3 search and rescue, then finally a GMC Topkick. "Optimus, sir… Is this female really needed?" A ruff voice asked on a private com. "Indeed, Ironhide… She is a warrior and she has been keeping on eye on us so I believe we need to return a favor. She has saved our sparks more than once with her own computerize system." Optimus replied.

As a house that was a pale tan and maroon came into view all of the vehicles came to a stop in the gravel driveway. "Alright, Autobots we must assign a temporary guardian to this girl… Ironhide… I appoint you to be her temporary guardian." Optimus said. A girl who had brown blonde hair which went to her shoulders stood on the wooden porch. She was wearing a fading sundress with black leggings under it. The female slowly made her way down the stairs and walked towards the group of vehicles.

"Autobots? Is it really you?" The female asked gently putting a hand on the GMC topkick's hood. The door opened and the female jumped slightly at opening. "Come on in." The ruff voice said. The female nodded her head and quickly got into the drivers seat. "I'm Serenity." she said with a grin. "The name is Ironhide and I will be your temporary guardian." He said through the speakers.

Serenity nodded her head as she looked out the window and watched as County G-40 Road went by then going through Letts. "Ironhide… Did Optimus tell you the main reason why I had to come with?" She asked. Ironhide made almost 'humph' sound. "No he just said that you helped us out with your own computerize system." He replied. Serenity let out a small sigh as she looked down at her lap. "I can see the future… I… I didn't know who to turn too about this… Then sector seven found out about what I could do… I was taken into their custody… I was used to tell when you guys where gonna arrive and who you were after… I didn't want to do it…But Simmons told me that it was necessary…" She said but was cut of by a headache.

"If you can see the future then are we gonna win this war?" Ironhide asked with a chuckle which shook the truck slightly. Serenity frowned as she felt tears begin to build up. "I need to talk to Optimus when we stop at the stop sign…" She said. As they reached the stop sign, Ironhide opened his door and Serenity got out then walked up to Optimus. "Optimus… We need to talk…" She said as she opened the semi's door. "What is it?" Optimus asked. Serenity felt her tears starting to fall from her bright blue eyes. "It's about Sentinel Prime and Ironhide… Don't trust Sentinel…" She whispered.

Optimus was silent for a few moments then spoke. "What about Ironhide?" He asked. Serenity closed her eyes tightly as she felt her body shake. "Ironhide… He's going to die by the hands of Sentinel…" She said, her voice shaking. Optimus couldn't believe what he had just heard. "I want you to go back to Ironhide and pretend nothing major happened, alright youngling?" He said. Serenity nodded her head as she slowly got out of Optimus then closed the door. The femme let a sigh escape her lips as she got back into Ironhide and frowned. "To answer your question from before, yes the autobots do win the war." She said, smiling slightly.

Ironhide chuckled slightly as he began to follow after the rest of the autobots. "Ironhide…? Did it take years for you to become tough and not fazed by anything?" Serenity asked as she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the headrest. "It took quite awhile…But war changes everything." He said. Serenity nodded her head as she felt herself become tired from the crying. "Hey, 'Hide… Can you awake me up once we hit Illinois? " She asked. "Alright, get some sleep." Ironhide said. Serenity smiled slightly as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Authors End Note: So here is my new story and I do hope you like this and the way this story is going… Thanks for reading!