Disclaimer - The characters of this fanfiction, as well as the 'Sons of Anarchy' world belong to Kurt Sutter, with the exception of Boo Telford-Trager, who is an original character created by me. I make no profit from this work.

This chapter was going to be longer and include Boo's discovery of the cartel deal but as it has been a while since I updated I moved that bit into the next chapter and just left in the baby's birth. I am so sorry for the delay, as you all know I have moved home and started University. Moving turned out to be more time consuming that I realized, especially the packing and unpacking and I made myself go out every day so I could get to know the area and know my route to Uni before I started… as you can tell, I've been very busy and freshers week at Uni has been crazy too! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Boo Telford-Trager sighed unhappily as she loaded Chibs' bloodied clothes into the washing machine. As she was still pregnant and on the brink of giving birth she'd been forced to miss Opie and Lyla's wedding. At the last minute Juice had managed to set up a webcam so she could watch the wedding live from the comfort of her office but it just hadn't been the same. She felt guilty for missing Opie's big day – despite his reassurances that he understood why she couldn't attend – and had felt very lonely home all alone with only Waldorf for company while everyone else attended the wedding. Still she soon had plenty to do to keep herself occupied. With Chibs out assassinating the Russians with the others she had to prepare for his return, get out all her supplies so she could wash the blood from his clothes, boots, gloves and maybe even his weapons. She was quite paranoid when it came to Chibs bloodied clothes and possessions, she had to wash them as soon as he got in and if they couldn't be washed they had to be burned. She really didn't want something as stupid as a speck of blood on one of his gloves to send him down for 25 – life for murder. Missing Opie and Lyla's wedding however, wasn't what was getting to Boo the most. What was really getting to her was the fact that Clay and the others had been out of jail less than 12 hours and already, things were becoming chaotic again. The boys had already been chased by the police on the highway and handcuffed on the roadside and now they'd murdered some of the biggest Russian mobsters in California! Boo almost wished that Clay at least had stayed in jail; things seemed to get crazier for the club when he was at the head of the table.

"Just gonna take a shower lass; wanna get the stink of those dead fuckin' Russians off me." Chibs drawled as he poked his head round the laundry room doorway. Boo murmured something in the way of agreement as she nodded her head, too tired to give her husband anything more in the way of response. Chibs chuckled softly at that and slipped into the room, kissed Boo's cheek as he dumped his boots on the waiting mat. "Get teh bed when yeh've done this my lovely, yer dead on yer feet. Yeh wanna rest as much as possible before baby comes." He muttered as he cupped her face in his hands and looked into her tired eyes. She had bags under them and they were extremely bloodshot. He really wanted to go to bed right then but knew she wouldn't settle until she'd cleaned up the blood off his things. He couldn't fault her for that though because in many ways he was the same; he couldn't sleep right knowing there was a pile of bloodied and incriminating clothes in the laundry room. Boo again murmured in agreement at that so Chibs gave her one last kiss before hurrying upstairs for a shower. As soon as Chibs was out of the door Boo pulled his boots towards her with the intention of scrubbing them until they looked like new in as short a time as possible as she really did just want to crawl into bed and sleep. She was exhausted and being now 11 days overdue - it was 2am – wasn't helping matters either. Just as Boo started scrubbing the first of Chibs' boots, something happened that made her realize she wasn't going to get any sleep that night and not for a long while either. Her water broke. It came so suddenly that Boo couldn't help but shriek in shock; she'd been waiting for her waters to break for weeks and yet had been unprepared for the suddenly gush of water that dripped from between her legs. Believing she still had some time yet before baby was born, and since Chibs was in the shower, Boo decided she might as well finish cleaning Chibs boots as they still had to be cleaned, regardless of the fact she'd gone into labor. However within moments she was hit by a sharp pain in her abdomen that could only be a contraction and a long one at that; it was a fair few seconds before the pain passed. She was in labor and she needed to tell Chibs! Boo immediately abandoned Chibs' boots and dashed upstairs to the bathroom.

"Filip!" she cried frantically as she rapped her knuckles against the glass shower door. The water didn't shut off but the door was opened just a little and Chibs stuck his head out, hair still full of shampoo, bubbles caught in the scars on his cheeks. He smiled at Boo, an inquisitive eyebrow raised. Before he could say so much as a word however, Boo gestured to her sodden pajama bottoms. "My water just broke." She informed him, voice gleeful yet full of nerves. She and Chibs alike had been impatiently waiting for this day for months and yet now that it was here Boo felt unprepared and terrified. She was about to have a baby, the pain of which was going to be like nothing she'd ever felt before and she had no idea if she could even do it! "We need to go to the hospital." She added just as the shock of her revelation registered on Chibs face. His eyes went wide, pupils dilated in excitement and the smile on his face became a full on grin. If he was nervous or frightened at all he didn't show it, something that was of great comfort to Boo.

"Jesus alright, give me a minute…" Chibs said hurriedly. He ducked back into the shower momentarily so that he could switch the water off before hopping out and grabbing a towel, which he hastily wrapped around his dripping wet waist. If Boo's water had broken that meant she'd be giving birth quite soon and Chibs didn't want to risk hanging around at home for a short time while they waited for things to speed up and move along; what if Boo had the baby right there on the living room floor? Chibs had no idea how he'd cope if such a thing happened! "Have yeh got yeh bag ready my lovely? What about contractions, have yeh had any yet?" Chibs asked as he looked down at Boo's bag-less hands and then her stomach, as if he expected to be able to see a contraction rippling through her. "Come on Hen, grab yer bag and get down teh the van, I'll go start it up now!" Chibs drawled irritably and impatiently as he wandered towards the bathroom door with a sense of urgency. He just wanted to get going, to be at the hospital surrounded by doctors who knew what they were doing and could ease Boo through every moment of her labor. Boo still didn't say anything and nor did she move, in fact all she did was smirk in an amused sort of way and shake her head, her hands rubbing her bump affectionately, sparkling eyes on him. "Why are yeh just standing there with a smirk on yer face woman?" Chibs demanded, uncertain of why she was so damn calm, unrushed and amused. She was in labor for Christ's sake! Why the hell wasn't she freaking out? Rushing around like a headless chicken because she wanted to be in the comfort and safety of the maternity ward at St. Thomas?

"I think you need to get back in the shower Filip and then you need to get dressed." Boo chuckled softly as she gestured towards the shower. Chibs turned to look at it, feeling confused, before turning back to face Boo again his eyebrow arched in question. Boo giggled at this and stepped forward, ran her fingertips over his bare, sodden chest before holding them up for him to see; they were covering in soapy, vanilla scented bubbles. "The hospital probably won't let you in if you're covered in soap and dressed in nothing but a towel." She explained to him as she dropped her gaze to his lower half. The towel he'd wrapped round it was rather small, one Boo normally used for her hair and left very little to the imagination. While Boo had no real problem with him being soapy and practically naked – he looked so cute, like a little boy that had escaped the bathroom mid-bath, especially since his hair was full of lathered up shampoo – however hospitals frowned on that sort of thing. He'd probably get arrested for indecent exposure, thrown in a cell overnight leaving Boo to give birth completely on her own.

"Or, right…" Chibs chuckled as he looked down at himself and raked his fingers through his bubble filled hair. He'd just been caught in so much of a panic knowing Boo's waters had broken that he'd completely forgotten that he'd jumped out of the shower midway through his shower and that he'd not even bothered to dress. He'd have been out the door and in the van had Boo not stopped him! "I'm sure you won't mind aye lass?" he winked at his wife, who seemed to be rather pleased with his appearance, despite its lack of suitability for a trip to the hospital! Boo grinned at that and went to respond but when she opened her mouth it wasn't words that left it but a sharp cry of pain that was accompanied by a look of the utmost shock. She continued to whimper and moan in pain for a few seconds longer, her eyes slamming shut and fingers curling into her stomach as the pain worsened. "Boo?" Chibs asked, voice laced with concern as he reached out and took Boo's hand in his, allowed her to squeeze it. And squeeze it she did, so much so he felt his wedding band dig into his skin. After a few seconds the pain suddenly subsisted, leaving Boo breathless and slightly sweaty.

"Contraction…" Boo informed Filip as she released his hand – which was red and wrinkled where her fingers had dug into it – and ran the sleeve of her – or rather Chibs' – reaper sweatshirt over her moist forehead. She looked at her watch then, as she'd taken note of when her first contraction had hit and paled when she realized how close together the two had been. "Shit, the last one was only 3 minutes ago." She said to Chibs, her eyes wide with panic and worry, all sense of calm suddenly gone. She knew, from reading an endless pile of baby books, that when contractions got so close together she was very close to giving birth – she just couldn't believe that things were moving along so quickly after she'd spent so many days overdue. She and Chibs had to get to the hospital and fast!

"I'll hurry." Chibs said before kissing Boo's cheek and jumping back in the shower. He rinsed his hair and body clean in less than a minute and didn't even notice that he'd only turned the temperature control half way round, meaning the water was freezing cold. As he showered Boo quickly changed into one of her maternity nightgowns and grabbed her bag, before hurrying down to the club van – lent to the couple for a moment like this as Chibs didn't like driving Boo's car because he was too damn tall for the front seat – where she waited for Chibs. Although it only took him five minute's or so to finish his shower, get dressed and hurry down to the van Boo was left in a state of panic waiting for him. She had two more contractions, each more painful and longer than the last, each of them creeping every closer together. By the time Chibs joined her in the van dressed in just his cut, boots and jeans – he'd been in too much of a hurry to put anything else on – Boo was close to tears and near convinced that she'd give birth right there and then in the van without Chibs there to support her. "Calm down, I'm here now darlin', let's get yeh to St. Thomas so yeh can have the wee one." Chibs muttered softly as he put a hand on Boo's leg and gave it a comforting rub. Boo smiled at him, although it was clearly forced. She still looked panicked and was pale and covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Chibs wondered how many contractions she'd had in his absence and how few she had left to go through before she pushed their baby into the world. Thankfully St. Thomas was only a fifteen minute drive away so Chibs set off at once, pushing the speed limit as much as he dared; he refused to over it though for Eli Roosevelt was just looking for an excuse to bring down a Son and he'd not hesitate in throwing Chibs in jail for speeding regardless of the fact that Boo was in the very late stages of her labor. Chibs barely managed to drive to the end of the street when Boo cried out in pain and grabbed his knee, squeezing it tight as she whimpered and breathed through the agony she was in. "Another contraction?" Chibs asked as he took one hand off the steering wheel so he take ahold of Boo's hand. She nodded and laced her fingers with his at once and squeezed his fingers even harder than before, dug her nails into the back of his hand. Chibs didn't dare hiss in pain; Boo was in far worse agony after all and she'd probably scream at him if he did. It was a good few seconds before the excruciating pain in the pit of Boo's stomach and her lower back started to subside. The pain was getting worse with each contraction, reaching more parts of her lower body, lasting for longer. Boo was reminded of the pain she'd felt when she'd been shot… it was just as bad if not worse and she knew the next few contractions would likely surpass that pain by miles. "How long between them this time?" Chibs asked when Boo released his hand. He had to flex his fingers a few times to return to feeling to them. Boo looked at her watch and immediately blanched.

"Just over 2 minutes." She muttered softly, throat tight, voice panicked. The baby was coming and it seems it was in a bit of a rush after being so overdue. It didn't want to wait any longer; it wanted to be born now. Boo and Filip probably had minutes, if that, to get to St. Thomas. "Filip we need to hurry, this baby is coming right now." Boo cried to Filip, the urgency in her voice more than apparent. Chibs was reluctant to push the speed limit with Roosevelt as sheriff but one look at his wife's anxious face had him putting his foot to the floor. He knew she wasn't kidding when she said the baby was coming; he had to get her to St. Thomas and he had to get her there quickly or their baby would be born right there in the passenger seat of the van. As the van picked up speed, Chibs dug his hand into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out his cell before passing it across to Boo.

"Call Tig lass, he'll let everyone else know what's goin' on and then he'll head up to St. Thomas." He said as Boo took the phone from him. Boo nodded at that and scrolled through Chibs' contacts until she found her fathers number. They didn't have time to call round and inform the club that she was in labor but he would. Boo was certain he'd head to St. Thomas first and then hide in the waiting room calling everyone while she gave birth just so he'd be the first one to see the newest addition to the SAMCRO family and his very first grandchild. Just as she pressed 'call' and put the phone to her ear, Boo was hit with another contraction. The pain of this contraction was far worse than all the rest, far worse that the pain of being shot. She felt like she was being torn in two from the inside, out and like someone had also ripped out her spine. She screamed in agony and dropped Chibs' cell to the floor, grabbed his hand again and squeezed it so tight her nails dug deep into his skin, scarring it. The agony didn't subside for almost a minute and when it did Boo was heady and even more drenched in sweat than she already was. Worse, she felt the urge to push and knew, just knew that she was in the final stages of labor. The baby wasn't going to wait any longer. "Boo? Lass, are yeh alright?" Chibs asked as he risked a glance at his wife. There is something different about her expression, something worrying. He wondered if the pain was too much for Boo for she seemed to be in the utmost agony, in more pain that she has ever been in before.

"Pull over!" Boo demanded at once, waving one hand towards the sidewalk. The urge to push has not surpassed at all, in fact it had grown stronger and her pain was still present. Boo knew she had minutes, if that, before she gave birth and despite only being a ten minute's away, St. Thomas just wasn't close enough. They aren't going to make it there on time.

"What?" Chibs cried, perplexed by Boo's demand. Surely she wanted to get to the hospital so she could have their child in the comfort of a bed, surrounded by full trained doctors who could give her a whole horde of painkillers?

"You need to pull over Filip, I'm having the baby right now…" Boo shrieked as she clutched at her stomach. Another agonizing contraction had hit and Boo knew without even looking at her watch that far less than two minute's had passed since the last one. Yet Filip still wouldn't pull over, he just continued heading towards St. Thomas. "Filip please, I'm not joking, pull over please!" Boo begged, her pleas so tearful and frantic that Chibs did as she'd asked. Boo's relief at Chibs pulling over was only momentary for within seconds of his doing so, she was hit with another contraction, this one more painful than all others. She truly felt like she was being torn in two and like the person doing so was pulling her apart with white hot, rusty razorblades. She grabbed Chibs hand again, this time taking both of them as he no longer needed a hand on the wheel. She screamed as the contraction ripped through her, eyes closed and head thrown back, entire form shaking. She squeezed Chibs hands so tight she heard him hiss in pain but wasn't going to let him go until after the pain had passed. She still felt the urge to push and it was getting stronger for every second that passed.

"It's just a contraction Boo: keep holdin' my hand and just breathe through the pain." Chibs insisted somewhat timidly after Boo screamed out in pain. He regretted his words almost at once for Boo, in the midst of the pain of her contraction, glared at him and snarled, dug her fingers even deeper into his hands, her nails drawing blood.

"It's not just a fucking contraction! I'm having the damn baby right now!" Boo shrieked when the pain had passed. She was utterly furious with Filip; he wasn't the one trying to push a person from inside his body! He had no fucking clue what was going on and he should buck up his ideas and listen to his wife who was in fact, trying to push their child into the world. Chibs didn't reply to Boo's words, he just stared at her like he was lost for what to do or say, his face pale, eyes wide. Boo knew that snapping at Filip was just making him panic even more than she was and one of them needed to be calm and collected or they were in a world of trouble. She grabbed his hands again, gently so this time, and laced their fingers. "Filip I really need to push and I have done for a while now. I'm having Wiggle right now Filip… what do we do?" she wept tearfully as she stared into his eyes, her own eyes wide and glazed with the onset of tears. The urge to push was so intense that Boo had no thought in her mind other than pushing her baby into the world. She also felt an intense pressure in her womb which she knew from the various baby books she'd read meant the baby either had or was dropping. Boo was going to have to give birth right there in the club van with only Filip at her side and she was utterly terrified. "I don't know what to do Filip, I'm so scared." She wailed as the tears in her eyes spilled down her cheeks. It was something about the sight of those tears, streaming down his wife's stark and fear filled face that snapped some sense into Chibs. He was going to have to deliver their baby and he was going to have to be calm and composed when doing so or he'd stress out both his wife and child alike. He only hoped that he was up to the task and that he remembered enough of Fiona's labor, as well as all he'd read in baby books, to make Boo's labor as easy as possible for her.

"Come on darlin', get out and get in back…" Chibs said as he himself jumped out of his door and darted round to help Boo out of the passenger seat. Boo's bag was in the back, as were the handful of blankets usually kept in back by the club for things such a warmth and cover. After easing Boo out of the passenger seat Chibs spread one of these blankets out across the bottom of van for Boo to lie on before helping her up so she could lie back against it. He kept the others on hand so that he could wrap one around his wife's lower half to preserve her modesty – it didn't matter that she was giving birth, no fucker was going to get a look at his wife's pussy if they weren't a doctor or a nurse - and one to wrap around baby when it came along. He was just thankful that the blankets were kept so clean; something he'd have to thank Gemma for at a later point. "That's it, just lie back Boo and I'll call Tara so she can tell me what teh do." Chibs drawled soothingly as Boo lay back on the blanket and propped herself up on her elbows. She immediately spread her legs and put her feet flat against the bottom of the truck so Chibs threw the blanket over her, covering her lower half from the view of the houses behind them. Not that anyone was up at such an ungodly hour.

"I don't think there's time for that Filip…." Boo cried before Chibs could walk away in search of his cell, which was still lying on the floor under the passenger seat. Boo wondered if Tig had even picked up his cell or if she'd just left him a very interesting voice message. Since he'd only just gotten out he was probably knee deep in pussy so Boo guessed the latter. "I'm so fucking terrified Filip, please don't leave my side!" Boo begged for the mere thought of Filip being so much as out of her line of sight terrified her even more so. Filip nodded at that, all thoughts of calling Tara for help gone from his mind. He rearranged the blankets over Boo's lower half and pushed up her night gown with shaking fingers, blanched when he realized that the baby's head was crowning. Boo really hadn't been kidding when she said the baby was coming now!

"Oh sweet Jesus, yeh weren't fuckin' jokin'." Chibs cursed as he fought to remain calm. In the end what kept him calm and slowed down the heavy beating of his heart was the fact that he could already see that their baby had a full head of hair. Red hair, a true Scottish red just like his mothers before him as well as Boo's mother too from what he understood – although she apparently always bleached it and insisted she was a blond. The sight of that red hair, reminding him so much of his beloved mother, put a smile on Chibs face and reminded him that all he had to do was guide Boo through the birth and he'd soon be holding that baby in his arms. He was determined to do his best for his wife and their baby; he was going to get Boo through the birth. "Boo look at me, look at me lass." Chibs said as he held his hand out to Boo – who seemed to be in the midst of yet another contraction. Boo looked up after the pain of her latest contraction had passed and pulled herself up right, took Chibs hand and put her other hand on her thigh for support. Not once did she look away from his eyes. "Yer right, the baby's comin' right now, I can see the head so I need yeh to keep ahold of my hand and I need yeh to push when the next contraction hits okay?" Chibs said slowly and clearly as soon as Boo's hand was in his. Everything was coming flooding back to him now, from Kerrianne's birth – which he'd could now remember as clear as day, every little part of it from his arrival at Fiona's side to Kerrianne's first cry – to every little detail he'd read in baby books regarding how to help a woman through labor. He was confident that he and Boo were going to be just fine.

"Okay, okay…" Boo nodded, smiling just briefly to let Chibs know that she was indeed okay and that she was as prepared as she could be to push their child into the world. In part it was because Chibs was being co calm and collected, something was giving her confidence but for the most part it was because she knew she had little choice in the matter. The baby was coming and it was coming now; there was nothing she could do about it but push and scream through the pain. "Don't let go of my hand Filip, I can't do this without you." Boo begged as she felt the beginnings of her next contraction hit. Chibs nodded and got a tighter grip on her hand, placed his free hand on her knee and moved so that he was between her legs and able to see everything that was going on.

"I'm not goin' anywhere." He promised as he rubbed her knee in encouragement. Boo's next contraction hit as soon as the words were out of Chibs mouth so she did just as he'd told her to do; she pushed. She wanted to scream but knew such efforts were better put into pushing so she gritted her teeth and just pushed as hard as she could, her fingers curling tight around her thigh and Filip's hand. The pain was excruciating and different to the pain of her contractions. She could literally feel the walls of her womb stretching, stretching beyond the limits her body allowed. Boo wasn't certain that despite her efforts, the baby wasn't moving at all and although all the books said she should try and push for about ten seconds, she was only able to manage fewer than five. She whimpered softly when the contraction passed, chocked out a sob and removed her hand from her thigh to wipe at her sweat and tear streaked face. "Yer doin' just fine darlin', hang in there okay?" Chibs said as he pulled Boo's hand closer so he could press his lips to her knuckles, a gesture that made Boo smile ever so slightly. He could tell she was struggling, knew the birth was very difficult for her and wanted to give her as much encouragement as possible.

"This is so hard… Filip it hurts so much…" Boo wept after Filip pressed a kiss to her knuckles. She shook her head as she spoke and her words were shuddery and all over the place as she fought against the urge to just break down and sob. The fact that she couldn't feel baby moving out of her petrified her and she was filled with the horrific notion than maybe she might not be able to push her child out into the world, that maybe she wasn't strong enough to do so. She had no idea what would happen to her baby if such an awful thing were to happen… Before Chibs could offer her words of encouragement Boo felt her next contraction hit. She grabbed ahold of her thigh once again, gritted her teeth and pushed even harder than before. This time she felt the baby move out of her, felt its head pass through her cervix. She thought her body had been stretched to the limit when she'd pushed before but now it was stretched all the more and she couldn't help but scream in pain as she continued to push.

"That's it lassie, just keep pushin' okay, yer doin' fine." Chibs cooed in encouragement as he rubbed Boo's knee. She was doing so, so well with the labor and he was incredibly proud of her. She had already passed the head – confirming what Chibs already knew, that their wee one had a full head of thick red hair – and he knew that once she passed the shoulders, the hardest part of the labor, she'd not have to make so much effort to finish. Boo managed to keep pushing for a little while longer this time and when she stopped she dropped back a little, panting and wheezing as she tried to get her breath back. She was drenched in sweat and still looked rather tearful but didn't even seem to have the effort to wipe her face again. She just leaned back on her elbow panting, her wide and panicked eyes on Chibs. He pressed another kiss to her knuckles and offered her a warm and encouraging smile. "Alright Boo yeh've passed the head lassie, so yer doin' well… just take a few deep breathes and when the next contraction hits, push again, okay?" he informed her hurriedly. He knew she was better off staying calm if she wanted to make finishing the birth as easy as possible and if she just focused on her breathing she would be just fine.

Boo nodded her head and sat herself upright again, focused on her breathing as she waited for the next contraction to hit. The knowledge that she'd passed baby's head already helped her to stay calm; the end was in sight, just a few more pushes and it would all be over. The shoulders of course, where far more difficult to pass than the head and when Boo's next contraction hit, she was certain she must have torn for she felt a strange ripping sensation although she felt little in the way of pain – the pain of giving birth was overriding everything else. The pain was so intense that Boo had to stop pushing. It was just too much, too difficult… She was worn out and barely had the energy to lift her head, let alone finish giving birth. The end was no longer in sight, in fact there was almost no end as far as Boo was concerned. She really didn't feel like she could go on a moment longer.

"I can't do this anymore Filip, it's too hard… I can't push anymore!" Boo cried as she shook her head back and forth, eyes closed so that she didn't have to look at her husband and see the disappointment on his face. She just wanted to give up and wished she was at St. Thomas so that she could beg doctors there for a c-section or even just some gas and air.

"It's aright Hen I know yeh can keep goin'… yer so strong Boo and yer doin' so well." Chibs promised his wife encouragingly as he ran his thumb back and forth over her knuckles and rubbed her knee. He'd almost chuckled when Boo had insisted she couldn't push anymore for he knew she had it in her to finish giving birth but he'd stopped himself at the last moment. Chuckling at his wife now of all times would probably lose him his dick. "Baby's head is out darlin', almost the shoulders too. I reckon yeh just need one last big push okay?" he informed her as he looked down between her legs again. He was so glad he'd read the baby books and was gladder still that he'd watched as Kerrianne was born for now he felt that on some low level at least, he knew what he was doing. Had he been forced to help Fiona give birth the sight of the blood, her dilated cervix and the baby's head all covered in goo would have had him running for the hills or at least somewhere he could discreetly vomit! "Can yeh do that for me?" Chibs asked as he looked into Boo's eyes imploringly, a soft smile on his lips. Wiggle's shoulders had emerged and were pretty much out so Chibs really felt sure that one last big push on his wife's part would finish the job, especially if he helped the baby along a bit.

"Yeah, okay, I can do that…" Boo nodded, placing each of her hands on her thighs as she spoke. She longed to hold her husbands hand again but knew he was going to try and make things easier for her by guiding the baby out of her so settled instead for gripping her inner thighs as hard as possible. She tried not to think about or focus on her pain as she pushed, she just clenched her eyes shut and gritted her teeth, focused on the pushing, on bringing her baby into the world. It was difficult and Boo came close to just giving in again but she willed herself to carry on pushing and after a few seconds she felt her baby slip out of her and heard its first, stark and loud cries. Boo slumped back in relief and chuckled softly, the pain now suddenly almost completely gone. "Is the baby okay?" she asked frantically and breathlessly. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself then opened her eyes and looked up at her husband, who was wrapping the red, squirming and screaming mass that was their newborn child in a blanket. He was grinning from ear to ear and he had tears of joy in his eyes, eyes that never once looked away from the life he held in his arms.

Chibs looked down at his newborn child – who was red and screaming, still covered in blood and goo, still attached to its mother by the umbilical cord – in awe, unable to look away. He couldn't believe Wiggle was finally here, couldn't believe that he'd been the one to deliver his unborn child. The whole thing was now very much a blur to him, as if the clear memories of his child's birth had disappeared along with the panic and adrenaline that had filled him when he'd realized he'd have to play midwife for Boo. Wiggle was perfect and so obviously theirs. The shock of red hair atop of baby's head - which was damp and plastered to its pale forehead – was slightly curly, just like Boo's was. It had bright blue eyes that resembled Boo's and stared up at Chibs in wonder, despite baby's cries. Wiggle's nose and face shape were clearly his and Chibs saw a hint of Clay in baby's chin. Wiggle was perfect and Chibs was utterly, completely and head over heels in love with her already. His second daughter; his first with Boo.

"She's fine lassie, she's fine." Chibs muttered distantly as he stared down into his newborn daughter's eyes, tears of joy filling his own as he took in every little detail of his tiny daughters face. Baby was still crying but less so now and seemed more contented to stare up at him in wonder. Chibs took another greedy moment to stare down at his daughter before carefully placing her, blankets and all, atop of his wife's chest. "Here she is Hen." He smiled before shifting so that he was sitting at his wife's side. At once Boo sat up a little straighter and put her hand on their daughters back. She let out a happy cry as she stared down at her and gently stroked the scattering of red hair atop of her head. For a long time she just stared down at Wiggle, every painful moment of labor gone from her memory, her heart so swollen with love for her child she was certain she'd never feel anything else every again. She was dimly aware of Chibs kissing her cheek and putting his arm around her and pulling her close, so that she was leaning against him but for the most part, she was only aware of her newborn child, her daughter who was now whimpering and gurgling softly, little fists clenched and waving in the air, bright blue eyes huge and open, staring out into her new world in awe and wonder.

"It's really a girl?" Boo asked after a while, looking at her husband briefly for confirmation. While she was certain the baby in her arms was the daughter she'd longer for, the daughter she'd believed she was having from the very start she wanted Chibs to confirm this to her. The Scotsman chuckled at this and nodded his head and carefully unfolded Wiggle's blankets just a little to reveal she was indeed a little girl before wrapping the blankets around her again, fearful that she might catch a chill without them. Boo giggled in delight when she saw that she had indeed giving birth to a daughter and a few tears spilled down her cheeks. She didn't move to wipe them away; she just carried on staring down at her little girl. "She's so beautiful…" she wept happily as she leaned down and gently pressed a kiss to her daughters head. She took a moment to breathe in that warm, sweet new baby smell before she pulled away and to her utter delight, her daughter looked up at her, wide blue eyes sparkling even more than they had been just a moment previously. "Hey there baby girl." Boo chuckled happily as she stared down into her daughter's eyes. Wiggle continued to stare up at her and continued to wave her little fists in the air so Boo reached out and gently took ahold of one, examined her tiny fingers and miniscule fingernails. After a few seconds baby wrapped her fingers around Boo's ring finger and held it so tight that Boo could help but gasp and coo all at once. Her daughter had such strength already. "Jesus look at her Filip, look at her hair! Isn't she the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?" Boo cried as she turned to her husband again. His eyes, like hers had been moments previously, were totally fixed on their newborn daughter and were glazed with tears and the smile on his face seemed never-ending. He rubbed Boo's side as he reached out and ran his finger tips over his daughters flaming curls, chuckled when he felt how fluffy they were now that they were starting to dry, chuckled even harder when Wiggle gave a whine of protest. Before she could start crying again Boo started to gently rock her back and forth, something that almost instantly soothed her.

"Yeah she is; just like her mother." Chibs sighed contently as he leaned back enough so he could get a good look at both his girls. His beautiful young wife with her ocean like orbs, luscious dark curls and a smile that made him melt, gazing happily down at their gorgeous newborn daughter who he knew already was going to grow up into a little stunner. Of course he was looking at her through a fathers eyes but still, he knew she was going to be a little beauty, just like his beautiful wee Hen was. Chibs soon readjusted the blanket covering Boo's lower half so that she was all covered up and when he did so, he caught sight of the time on his wife's watch. It had been less than an hour since Boo had knocked on the shower door and announced that her waters had broken. The Scotsman was suddenly even more proud of his girl than he already was; she'd gotten to 11 days overdue and then had given birth to their child in less than an hour with little more in the way of support than her husband and what little she could remember from her baby books. She was amazing, so brave and so very strong. "Christ, 11 days overdue and she arrives in less than an hour!" Chibs chuckled with a shake of his head. It was like his daughter had suddenly realized how very late she was and had rushed to be born to make up for the fact that she was so overdue! "I'm so proud of you darlin', yeh did so well." The Scotsman said proudly as he kissed his wife's cheek again and leaned his head atop of hers, curled his free arm under Boo's arms so that they were both supporting their daughter's tiny frame.

"I want to call her Bonnie, after your mother." Boo muttered after a while without once looking away from the baby. The name had come to mind as soon as Chibs had opened up baby's blankets revealing that she was indeed a girl. Bonnie. Boo had always liked that name and since Chibs adored his late mother so much, it seemed like a perfect choice. Saying the name aloud as she gazed lovingly down at her daughter only solidified this belief to Boo. Wiggle was a Bonnie through and through. "I really think she's a Bonnie." She said as the baby began whimpering in her arms. She gently rocked the baby at once, cooed and shushed her lovingly and almost at once baby began to settle. Boo couldn't help but grin at that.

"Bonnie…" Chibs muttered as he stared down at his daughter, trying it out for the first time. He smiled when he realized the name did indeed fit; Wiggle was undoubtedly a Bonnie, more so because of her shock of red hair which she'd inherited from the woman she was named for. Chibs knew that his late mother, wherever she was, would be pleased to know that her newest grandchild had been named after her. "I love it, it suits her." The Scotsman grinned as he gently brushed his knuckles over Bonnie cheek. Bonnie gurgled and drooled as he did this, bashed her tiny curled up fist against his arm, making the Scotsman chuckle. "My Bonnie wee lass." He cooed to her as Boo wiped at the dribble from her chin. Chibs began contemplating calling an ambulance then – after all they couldn't sit out in the dark in the middle of the night street forever - but was soon distracted when he realized where he, Boo and Bonnie where. "How about Bonnie Blue…" he suggested as he looked down at his wife – who was still gazing down at Bonnie lovingly, quite obviously contented to simply stare at her forever – and daughter. He knew Boo would want to give their daughter a middle name but not much really went with Bonnie. Blue however did and it had more meaning than it just being the colour of her eyes, a special meaning that would remind her parents of the day she was born every time they heard it. "I know it's a little on the strange side." Chibs admitted with a nervous chuckle. He didn't know if Boo would take to the name but knew she likely would when she heard the reasons behind it.

"Why Blue?" she asked, curious as to her husbands strange choice in name. She liked it though, she really did. Blue went well with Bonnie and it made their daughters name rather unique and original. Bonnie Blue Telford. It just rolled right off the tongue and had a wonderful ring to it.

"Have yeh seen where we are?" Chibs asked as he tilted his wife's chin up and directed her gaze away from their daughter momentarily to the street sign in front of them. Boo had given birth to Bonnie on Blue Avenue. Boo grinned at that, chuckled softly when she realized why her husband had suggested such a unique and unusual middle name for their daughter. The young author loved the name even more so now that she knew the reasons behind it. Bonnie Blue; named for her late paternal grandmother and the street on which she was born.

"Bonnie Blue Telford." Boo whispered as she looked down at Bonnie once again. She grinned when she realized just how well the name suited Bonnie, especially since the little girl clearly had her own eyes, eyes that were beautiful and blue like Clay's yet full of the warm and depth that his so very lacked. "It's perfect, she's perfect." Boo sighed as she leaned down and pressed another kiss to Bonnie's forehead. "I already love her so much." She admitted. Boo had believed she loved her daughter already, that she had done from the moment she'd found out about her conception but she hadn't, not really. The rush of love that she'd been hit with on catching sight of Bonnie for the first time was like nothing Boo had ever felt before and it had left her breathless and lightheaded, filled with a sense of warmth and purpose. She was going to protect this tiny life she'd created with her husband, the man she loved, with every ounce of her being and with every second that passed she was going to love her even more than she already did.

"Me too darlin', me too." Chibs sighed as he too, stared down at their newborn daughter. He, like Boo, had felt a rush of love for Bonnie as she'd as he'd caught sight of her, the very same rush of love he'd felt when he'd first caught sight of baby Kerrianne. He loved his little girl so much it physically hurt him and he found that he couldn't bare the thought of her growing up and maturing. He wanted her to stay as she was, a helpless newborn baby that was totally reliant on him and Boo forever. He was already dreading the day she began dating; if she grew up to be as beautiful as he believed she would and if she was anything like her beautiful mother he'd be chasing boys away from her by the dozen!

Not long after he and Boo named their daughter, Chibs started to get them organized. To start with he cut Bonnie's umbilical cord using one of his favorite blades – a blade he then renamed Bonnie, the other he renamed to Kerrianne - and tied it off with a hair band he had wrapped around his wrist, oddly it was the hair band he'd worn as he'd killed Jimmy. He made sure both Boo and Bonnie were warm, comfortable and wrapped up against the cool night air before he called the ambulance. While he could drive his wife and newborn daughter to the hospital himself he'd feel a hell of a lot better if Boo was taken there by ambulance. An ambulance was clean and full of medical equipment whereabouts the van was dirty and full of god only knows what. Chibs also didn't like the idea of driving the van while Boo had Bonnie in her arms; he'd much rather his little girl was safe and secure in a car seat or secured in the back of an ambulance. As he waited for the ambulance to arrive he rejoined his wife – who was still looking down at a now sleeping Bonnie lovingly – and daughter in the back of the club van. He sat at his wife's side and snaked one arm around her waist, curled the other under her arms so that they were both supporting Bonnie and placed his hand on her head. Boo leaned into him and put her head on his shoulder and soon Chibs rested his head atop of her head. Together they sat like this, staring down at their sleeping daughter their eyes wide and full of love and wonder, smiles on their faces that reached their ears. This was how Tig found the young family a few minute's later when he pulled up beside the club van, going unnoticed by all the Telford's. He couldn't help but grin at the heartwarming sight of the Telford family before him and snapped a few picture's of the happy family on his phone before he approached them.

"Whoa, you've already had the baby?" he cried as he walked in front of the happy couple and their newborn baby, his eyes wide, a look of utmost shock on his face. He'd been with a girl in one of the club dorms when his phone had rung. It was Boo and when he answered, she didn't speak back to him. He could however hear her speaking to Chibs and it soon became apparent to him that they were racing to the hospital and that Boo was already very close to giving birth. He'd hung up the phone at once, buttoned his pants before jumping on his bike without so much as a word to the girl he'd been getting blown by. He took the long route to St. Thomas so that he could follow the route that Boo and Chibs would take there as it was more than obvious from what he'd heard that Boo and Chibs might not make it to the hospital in time. He was right; he'd spotted the club van just a few blocks from the Telford family home and had pulled up behind it despite knowing Boo could well be in the middle of giving birth. His relief at the fact that she'd already given birth to her child was immense! Overdue Boo had been annoying and ratty enough, in labor Boo was probably someone he wanted to kill! "Jesus Christ how short was your labor Boo?" he added when Chibs and Boo looked up at him, both looking rather disappointed that they'd had to momentarily stop staring at their baby. Boo grinned at her father and gave a soft chuckle before returning her gaze to her little girl, who she couldn't help but stare at.

"From when my water broke until when I gave birth was about 45 minutes." She explained. She'd checked her watch as Chibs had called for the ambulance and after taking into account the ten minute's or so she and Chibs had spent cooing over Bonnie it'd been just under 45 minute's since her waters had broken. Boo was astounded that the whole thing had happened so quickly, especially since she'd gotten to her 11th day overdue. "It's a girl daddy, or should I say grandpa?" she grinned as she looked up at Tig again. She was pleased to see that he chuckled rather than groaned at being called grandpa. In fact he looked rather elated and took a few tentative steps forward so he could get a good look at his new granddaughter. He knelt down in front of mother and baby and carefully put a hand on the back of baby's head. It was soft and warm, weighty and everything a baby's head should be. Tig had a brief moment of heartache where he remembered holding Dawn and Fawn as newborns before he shook it off and looked up at his daughter who he was so immensely proud of.

"She's beautiful doll, congratulations." He said to her before pressed a chaste kiss first to baby's cheek and then to Boo's. He couldn't help but notice how worn Boo looked, all bloodshot eyes ringed with dark circles but knew it was likely she wouldn't be sleeping any time soon. She'd just had her first baby and like many first time mothers she probably wanted nothing more than to just sit and hold her new daughter forever more. "And you too brother; I'm so fucking happy for you." He added as he turned to Chibs and embraced the Scotsman. He too looked rather worn and he embraced Tig with less enthusiasm than usual but there was no denying how happy he was. His eyes were like stars and his smile like the moon, completely lighting up his whole face even in the darkness of the street they were in. Tig had to admit that Chibs was a braver man than him; if Colleen had gone and given birth on him all those years previously he would have run away as fast as his legs could carry him, his tail between his legs. Yet Chibs had stayed and he'd delivered his daughter, had stayed by Boo's side for the entire birth. "Got a name for her yet?" Tig asked as he perched on the inside of the van next to Boo, his eyes returning to his newborn granddaughter who was awake again and whimpering softly. She was blowing little spit bubbles and staring up at Tig through her mothers eyes. Tig had to wonder if this was what Boo had looked like as a newborn. That is until he realized baby had Chibs' nose and a shockingly high amount of red hair atop of her head. It had seemed brown before but now in the light of the back of the van he could see his granddaughters hair was a beautiful, Scottish red.

"Bonnie Blue Telford…" Boo explained with a wry grin. She chuckled when she saw the bemused expression on Tig's face. Clearly he thought that the name they'd chose for their daughter was rather bizarre! "Bonnie because of Chibs' mother and Blue because she's was right here on Blue Avenue!" Boo explained as she nodded her head at the very same road sign that had caught Chibs' eye just after Bonnie's birth. Tig chuckled when he saw that, shook his head. Boo had managed to pick the most unusual name for her daughter possible and had still managed to make it sound as Scottish as hell. Blue of course was the main colour on the Saltire, the Scottish flag and more often than not Scotsmen referred to women and young girls as 'bonnie'.

"Goddamn, that name can't get more Scottish!" Tig said as he ran his fingers over Bonnie's fluffy red curls once again. Bonnie gurgled happily at that, clearly pleased by the attention and tilted her head back a little so she could get a better look at the blurry mass that was her grandfather. "Just like her hair…" Tig added. Although he'd never been to Scotland he'd banged a fair few Scottish chicks in his time. There were a lot of them in LA and a lot of them were natural redheads, wannabe models and actress's who thought their flaming red Scottish hair would give them an edge in the cutthroat world of showbiz. It occurred to Tig then that neither Boo nor Chibs had red hair. He wondered how Bonnie had come to have such vibrant red locks. "You cheat on Chibs or something Boo? Neither of you have red hair." He asked Boo teasingly as he nudged her with his elbow, a mischievous smirk on his lips, twinkle in his eye.

"But both our mothers did brother." Chibs explained at once. This meant that both he and Boo were carriers of the 'red hair' gene and meant they could quite easily give birth to a whole horde of little redheads. They certainly would if they continued to have daughters; almost all the women, aside from Kerrianne, in the Telford family were born with red hair. His sister had been a redhead too and so had all his female cousins. "Almost all the women in my family have red hair." He explained as he too looked down at the mass of fluffy red curls that adorned the top of his daughters head. He reached out and ran a few fingers through them, loving how soft and fluffy they were, loving even more so the feel of his newborn daughters soft skin against his fingertips.

"You want to hold her daddy?" Boo asked as she watched her father stare lovingly down at his granddaughter. She'd never seen such a look on Tig's face before and if she didn't know him any better she'd be worried he'd run off with Bonnie and head for Mexico! Tig wasn't one for fatherhood though, even if he had raised her – he was her daddy but he was also her best friend which meant that caring for her wasn't like parenting at all, especially as often Boo had to take care of Tig too – so she knew that wasn't really a risk. Tig wanted all the good parts of parenthood, the baby holding, the grins and smiles, the playtime with none of the hard work and none of the dirty jobs.

"Sure I do doll." Tig said as he held his arms out for Bonnie. Boo carefully eased Bonnie into her fathers waiting arms somewhat anxiously but soon breathed a sigh of relief when he cradled her just right, supporting her head and body alike perfectly. Clearly the memories of holding his own newborn daughters had come flooding back to him reminding him of how to hold Bonnie. "Christ, she's so small… I was expecting her to be bigger, with you so overdue and all." Tig said as he gently rocked Bonnie, who had started whimpering rather loudly. He could tell from the weight of her, from merely holding and looking at her that she was smaller than both Dawn and Fawn had been. She was just a tiny little thing and Tig was willing to bet she didn't weigh much at all. Tig had only been holding Bonnie for a few seconds when her soft little whimpers turned to full on sobs. She screamed bloody murder and kicked and shook her tiny fists and feet, balled up her little red face and wept tear after tear. Tig was undeterred, he just grinned and carried on staring down at her.

"Would yeh listen teh that? My baby girl is wary of yeh already brother!" Chibs roared as loudly as he dared, chuckling softly as he spoke. He clapped a hand on the back of Tig's shoulder as he wiped tears of mirth from his eyes. His Bonnie Blue knew already that her grandpa Tig was trouble and was putting up a protest at being held by him! She was a bright wee thing and Chibs hoped this was something that would last. He wanted his girl to have brains, to be smart and creative like her mother so that she could have a bright and beautiful future, one that didn't involve SAMCRO. "She's a smart one she is; she must've inherited her mother's brains!" he grinned as he wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulders and pressed an affectionate kiss to her cheek. Boo blushed in delight at that, turned her head so that Filip could kiss her lips. They kissed lazily for a few minutes and when they pulled away and turned back to Tig and Bonnie they saw that he was still staring down at her, his blue eyes wide and full of love, a smile on his lips that was almost tender. Bonnie meanwhile was still screaming and wailing in protest but Tig didn't seem to mind much at all.

"Looks like she's got her daddy's charm too." Bonnie giggled softly as she leaned against her husband, her eyes fixated on her father and daughter. Bonnie seemed to have won Tig over by merely just existing in the same way that Chibs had with Boo so many years previously. One look at Tig was head over heels in love with her, as were her delighted parents. She was going to quite the charmer when she grew up, Boo was certain of that. She was going to have boys falling over themselves in their attempts to date her. Boo could only hope her baby girl was smart enough to steer clear of boys and focus on her schoolwork, to play it safe and not wind up doing something stupid. "I think we're in trouble Filip." She grinned as she looked up at her husband again. Their daughter was beautiful and a charmer, hopefully with a brain in her head that would take her anywhere she wanted in life. She and Filip were in for a wild 18 years and probably more to come.

"Aye lass, I think we are." Chibs chuckled as he nodded his head before kissing his wife again.

The ambulance arrived moments later and Boo and Bonnie were immediately loaded into the back of it, along with Chibs who insisted that he not be parted from his family. Tig stayed with the van so the prospects could come and collect it then clean it up and while he was there he called around to let everyone know Boo had given birth, not caring that it was now past 3am. Boo had to stay in the hospital with Bonnie until almost midday as for some reason she'd not given birth to the afterbirth so doctors had been forced to give her an injection to induce it. Other than that however she and Bonnie were perfectly healthy with baby Bonnie weighing in at exactly 7 pounds. Chibs and Boo stopped off at the clubhouse on their way home from the hospital so they could introduce Bonnie to their family, all of whom fell in love with the little redhead at once. The happy family returned home after that where Chibs was forced to coax his young wife into bed as she'd not slept in over 36 hours and was utterly exhausted yet wanted to stay up and simply stare at Bonnie while she slept. In the end he had to put Bonnie's bassinette at the corner of their bedroom and crawl into bed with Boo to get her to go to sleep. The entire family slept until almost 10pm, when they were awoken by Bonnie's cries for food.

It was as Boo caught sight of her sleeping husband when she was awoken by her daughters cries that evening that she was reminded of one of the very first conversations she'd had with him, the one in which he'd referred to his scars and the story behind them as beautiful. At the time she'd believed Chibs story to be a fairy tale only half told, one that was yet to have it's ending. Now it did. Chibs had braved all that had happened to him, losing his family, home and looks and had managed to come out of it on top. He'd fallen in love again and had married the woman he loved – Boo - and now they had a beautiful baby girl together. They were a family and he was happier than he had been in a very long time, maybe ever. His fairy tale was complete, had reached its happy ended. But would he and Boo have their happily ever after or would there be no prolonged happiness for Hayley, Bonnie and Filip Telford? Boo hoped very much that the former was true…

Again I am sorry for the delay and I hope this chapter was worth the wait.

Well done to the anonymous person who messaged me on Tumblr who correctly guessed Boo was having a girl as they realized that 'Naoidhean bhig, ar righinn go' means 'Little baby, our young lady'. It is a line from the song 'Noble Maiden Fair' from the soundtrack to the Disney Pixar film 'Brave'. There is a link to a picture of Bonnie on my profile page, so check that out.

Also please note that due to University my updates won't be very frequent, aside (hopefully) from the holidays. Would you rather wait longer between updates and have longer chapters or more frequent shorter chapters? Let me know!

Also to those who have PM'd me – I will get back to you as soon as I can!

Reviews would be loved; remember I'm not getting paid to write this story and I give up a lot of my free time to do so. Reviews are all I ask for in return - they are extremely motivational and make my writing worthwhile.