Rima's POV
It has been 2 months since Nagihiko's departure. Even if time has passed, the pain still hasn't lessened. My fan boys, who only irritated me before, give some kind of amusement to me nowadays. I suppose it's because now I have something in common with them: love never meant to be from the start.
I sigh as I feel the warm sunshine from the rooftop. Amu and the others have left already. I snap back to reality as I heard the door open. Turning around, I give the person who has destroyed my peace a death glare, but it quickly turns to surprise as I realize who it is.
"Hey Rima!" Christian waved at me, smiling.
I smile. "Hey Christian. What are you doing up here?"
He sits next to me. "Oh, I was looking for you, and Amu said you'd be here."
"Looking for me? Why?" I ask, puzzled.
He gives me a gentle expression. "Am I not allowed to be in your presence?"
I chuckle. "No, that's not what I meant. I just thought, you know, I'm not very good at conversing."
Christian rapidly shakes his head. "No, no I never thought of such a thing. In fact, I like talking to you. You made this one of the best 2 months of school I've ever had in my life!"
I blush. "Why, thank you."
"I should be the one thanking you myself," he replies.
We spend the rest of lunch break just talking about random topics. I learned that his social status impeded on him going to school at all, and so he had to take private tutoring at home.
"That must be hard on you," I say, my voice full of sympathy.
He shrugs. "It's part of the consequences of being wealthy. I mean, you can't expect life to be all smooth sailing, right?"
"Right," I reply, getting a stab in my heart. "I know exactly what you mean."
For a moment, he gives me a sympathizing look, but then he smiles. "But hey, taking this opportunity to study in Japan has been one of my best decisions. I don't have to worry about kidnappers or the paparazzi, and – he pauses, looking at me intensely, "I got to know you even more."
I smile at him. "Thanks, I'm glad to know you even more too."
The bell rings, and we both stand up and start walking slowly to class. We pause in the front of the classroom, and he gives a hesitating look.
"Hey, are you free tomorrow afternoon?" he asks.
I ponder for a second. Tomorrow is Friday. "Yeah, I am."
He smiles. "I was wondering if we could hang out tomorrow."
I hesitate. "Just the two of us?"
Christian frowns. "Will that be a problem?"
Will that be problem, a voice echoes in my head. Somehow, I do feel uneasy about this. For a moment, Nagihiko's face flashes, and I am suddenly filled with anger with myself. No, he left you; you shouldn't feel so guilty!
I shake my head, forcing myself to smile. "No, of course not. Where should we meet?"
As he tells me about our plans, I get that uneasy feeling again.
Christian's POV
Friday, after school
I walk towards her house, my heart beating fast. The sun was shining brightly, as if it was cheering me on. I smile as I reach my destination. Her house is two stories, a nice pale yellow color, with bright curtains adorning the windows. I ring the doorbell, then I put my hand back to my pocket.
She opens the door. Rima is wearing a lilac dress with matching sandals, her hair cascading in a side ponytail. She smiles. "Hey, Christian."
I greet back. "Hey, Rima. Are you ready?"
She nods as she steps outside, closing the door behind her. I look at her warmly. "You look pretty, by the way."
She blushes. Damn, what a cute blush! "Thanks, so, umm, where are we going again?"
I chuckle. "Well, I suggested that we should go to the amusement park today, but I think we should go grab something to eat first. Wanna check out that parfait shop near it?"
She smiles. "That sounds great!"
We reach the parfait shop, and I order a mixed fruit while she gets a chocolate parfait. There was a small argument over who's going to pay, but I won.
"I'm the man. I pay," I say, making it sound like my ego is wounded.
She sighs, then shrugs. "Well then, all right."
We chat as we eat our parfaits. I managed to make her laugh when I made a silly joke, and we both giggled as we talked about the latest volume of a gag manga.
Suddenly, the loud booming voice of TV grabbed our attention. "Hi, I'm Tim White, and I will be your host tonight for the annual Dance Dance A' Fair in Los Angeles. It is now the final round, with four competitors fiercely competing for the grand prize!"
We both watch as the first competitors perform a mesmerizing Latin dance. The crowd goes wild. "Look like these two are real competition for the rest of the night!"
"That was really good," I say. Rima nods in agreement.
Soon, two other competitors take the dance floor, but neither were able to impress us as the first. "And now, Tim announces, "it is time for our final contestants. I proudly introduce to you Nagihiko Fujisaki and Madeleine Fontaine from the Eclair Studio in Paris!"
Rima's POV
I dropped my spoon and felt the wind knocked out of me. My hearing and feeling has gone numb as I watch a familiar purple head grace the screen. I can only watch in shock as he and his partner perform a beautiful waltz. Then, the dance ends, and I am snapped back to reality.
"So, Nagihiko, Tim says, "what does it feel like to compete?"
He smiles to the camera, his eyes looking directly at me. "Well, it has been a hectic yet fun three months. I feel honored to compete here in the finals, especially with a superb dance partner!" He smiles warmly at the blond haired partner.
Tim then turns to the blond haired girl. "And what about you, Ms. Fontaine?"
She looks at Nagihiko smiling. "Well, I had a great time, especially working with Nagihiko! He is an excellent dance partner!"
I glare at her. Who does she think she is?! Tim laughs. "So... Are you guys dating?"
That's it. I reach my limit. I jump out of my chair and quickly bolt out of the shop. Vaguely I could hear a voice calling out to me but I ignore it as run and run. I don't know where I'm going until I realize I was heading down the park.
I sit in one of the swings catching my breath. Then, I let the tears fall. They looked so happy together. I bet he never even thought of me again. My tears turned into full sobs as I feel my heart break again.
I don't know how much time has passed, but when I looked up, the sun was already setting. I calm down a bit, and I turn to see Christian sitting next to me. How did he get here?
"You're still not over him, are you?" he asks quietly.
He shakes his head. "There's no need to explain if you don't want to."
I turn my head, my voice cracking. "Why? Why did this have to happen to me? I told myself I wasn't going to fall for him, but my stupid heart just didn't listen!"
I feel myself about to cry again when I hear him say, "I can help you get over him."
I look at him intensely. "How?"
He sighs, and looks at the ground. For a moment, he didn't say anything. Then, Christian look at me straight in the eye and says,
"Go out with me."