Hey all!

Been sometime since I last posted anything here huh? Well, unfortunately as is the way of things, life got in the way of my writing but I'm finally at a point where I want to return to it again. So about this story... I've mulled around in my head just what I wanted to do with it. Where I wanted it to go, how was I going to progress the story further, and I finally decided that as of now, I'm taking an indefinite hiatus from this story and updating the status to complete. From now on it's just going to be a one-shot story. Believe me this isn't an easy thing to do, nor something I take lightly. I've read every single one of your comments, and it just lights up my heart to see just how many people enjoy it! I'm so glad you all like it so much, enough to see me want to continue the story! The fact of the matter is, I've given this a lot of thought and to be honest, I can't think of anywhere else I want to take the story. I have pretty much accomplished what I had set out to do with "Choose Me", and I can't see anywhere else it could go that I would be happy with. I've grown quite content with it remaining a one-shot, a tease of what could have been. Now that's not to say I won't return to it some day, if inspiration strikes me to come back and add more to the story, I will. But right now, it's not going to be happening in the near future.

So what does that mean for me and all of you? Well, I do intend to get back to writing, I'm going to branch out beyond friendship/romance fics, but it's not going to get into anything too heavy like "tragedy"/sadfic territory. I have a few ideas floating around in my head for possible fics. If any of you are familiar with the BioWare Dragon Age and Mass Effect video games, those will be the universes I set my upcoming fics in. For the Mass Effect fic, I'm going to attempt to create a believable relationship between FemShep and Joker beginning in Mass Effect 2 (I'm probably not going to write anything set during the first game, as I found the latter two more appealing. But who knows?). It's just a little something for fellow Joker/FemShep shippers that were unhappy with BioWare's flimsy hand-wave of an explanation as why Joker and FemShep never pursued a romantic relationship. As for the Dragon Age fics, I'd like to do something set either during or after the events of Dragon Age 2. If I decide to set it during the events of DA2, I'm going to have more focus on character interactions rather than the story of the game. I'll try to keep the dialogue as close to the game as I can, but ad-libbing what I thought would be better reactions the characters would have to certain situations. However if I decide to set it after the events of DA2, it'll give me more room to stretch my creative wings and envision how the characters would be interacting after the Mage v. Templar battle in Kirkwall. That would mean me deciding whether or not to have Anders already dead at the beginning of my story, or having him alive which would mean having Sebastian coming to raze the Free Marches to the ground in order to dispense "justice" on Anders. Or, possibly trying to find a believable way for Anders and Sebastian to coexist in one story. (Notice how I keep using the word "believable"? Well because I'm such a stickler for not causing flanderization or complete character derailment, I want to write stories in which the read will think to themselves, "Yeah, I can totally buy X character acting in this way" or "Hm, I would have never thought to pair this person with that person, but the author does it so well to make me believe it's possible that I can get into the idea of these two as a pair". I want to avoid, "Rragh! This is not how X would act! FLIP ALL THE TABLES!" I've got my work cut out for me). However, I feel if I set the DA fic after the events of DA2, I could much more easily write a side story to go along with it. Knight-Captain Cullen (or possibly Knight Commander Cullen) would meet up with the F!Mage Warden Amell and will once again be forced to face his feelings for her. I also have in mind a possible prequel to this side story, (I'm considering telling it from Cullen's POV) of how Cullen first met F!Mage Amell in the Ferelden Circle, and expand upon the build up of his romantic feelings towards her.

However there is one major drawback to all of this. I do not have Microsoft Word on my computer, only WordPad, which does not enable me to fix typos. AT ALL. What I intend to do is write up rough drafts of my stories in a notebook, and from there, type them up so I am more efficiently able to edit my stories before posting them here.

Again, I'm sorry if my closing the door on "Choose Me" upsets anyone, but if you're all willing to stick around, you might get more, even better stories from me.

Here's to what the future may bring! Feel free to send me a PM with any questions or just to chat, I'm going to try to be on this site more so I can answer any concerns you may have!