Disclaimer: No, sadly, I do not own Degrassi. But I do own this story! :)

This is my first FanFiction, so I hope you guys like it! well...Enjoy!

Clare's POV

I was fifteen when it happened. Six years ago to this day and I can still smell the foul stench of alcohol on his breath, haunting me in my nightmares. I'm sitting by the window of my apartment, looking out at the young girls playing outside, thinking, "if I could only start over, and go back to when I was pure, and innocent, then maybe someone, anyone, would love me". Hot tears begin to roll down my face as I remember, all too well, the night that ruined my life.

It was around mid-night, I was walking down a dark secluded street, coming back from a friends 16th birthday party, when a male figure appeared in the distance. I looked around to see if there was any other way I could take to avoid him, but there wasn't, so continued to walk with my head slightly bowed. As I got closer I noticed that the man was extremely drunk, and appeared to be not that much older than me, perhaps about eighteen years old. He seemed to be in lost in his own sad little world, and for some reason I pitied him, but that feeling didn't last long. As I passed him, I mentally sighed in relief that he didn't seem to notice me, but I was wrong, very wrong.

As I walked, I heard someone following me, and I was certain it was the man. Fear rushed through me as I imagined the worst. I could feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest as I quickened my pace; I looked over my shoulder to see that there was nobody behind me. I sighed in relief, and as I turned around I crashed into someone. Him.

"Hey, where you going off to so quickly?" he slurred

It was too dark to see his face, but I couldn't help but notice that he had a beautiful, almost soothing voice. As soon as that thought left my head, I mentally cursed myself for thinking that way. I tried to quickly go around him, but he stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"Hey, I asked you a question. The least you could do is answer me" he said smugly.

"Let go of me" I demanded

"But why? You're so….so soft." He lifted the hand he wasn't using to hold me, and gently grazed his fingertips over my arm. I couldn't help but think that him touching me felt…right. But that thought left just as quickly as it came when he started to kiss my neck. I pushed my free hand against his chest as hard as I could to escape his grip, which was a bad idea, because it only made him angry.

"Why are you trying to resist me? I know you like it" he whispered huskily

"No I don't. Let go of me, please!" I pleaded

He continued as if he didn't hear me, which I know he did.

"If you don't let me go, I'll scream!" I threatened

"Go ahead and scream" he said, "No one will hear you."

I ignored his statement and let out the most blood churning scream I could manage, but it was no use. He was right; no one would hear me screaming for my life.

He covered my mouth with his hand and dragged me into a dark alley, and for some odd reason, gently placed me on the ground before crawling on top of me and removing my thin floral dress.

The only things I could hear were the sounds him ripping open something, his heaving breathing, and my quiet sobbing.

The only things I could smell was the foul stench of alcohol on his breath and rotten trash.

The only thing I could feel was something hard invading my most private area.

The only thing I could see, was darkness, And before I blacked out, I swear I could hear him whisper repeatedly, "I'm sorry."

End Of Chapter 1

A/N: Do ya like it? should I continue? Review, review, review! :)