So, this is the epilogue, a 'morning after' sort of thing. I got 6 reviews, so thanks a bunch (proper thanks at the end). Enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own the characters here, sadly.

*Maggey and Gumshoe*

Dick Gumshoe awoke to the bright lights shining through the curtains that they had forgotten to close. As he finally opened his eyes, his head was pounding and as he shifted his position he felt a bit queasy. He looked to the other side of the bed and saw the curled up, still sleeping figure of Maggey Byrde. The cover had been thrown to the ground at some point and she now looked cold. He picked up the bedding and placed it over them, wrapping her in an embrace.

*Ema and Kay*

Kay Faraday was woken up by an enthusiastic Ema Skye- they had planned to go to Gatewater land that day. Kay had not taken into account the humongous hangover she now had. It appeared that either: Ema was better at dealing with this than Kay, or she hadn't actually had a drink last night.

"What time is it?" she mumbled, wincing. Ema glanced towards the clock and gasped.

"It's already 9:30! We're wasting the day!" She yelled, Kay covered her ears and groaned.

"Come on Kay, you promised." Ema persisted. "You can't back down on a promise!" Kay felt a tiny bit guilty at this, so she got up slowy and muttered

"Paracetamol and water." She pointed towards a door. "Kitchen, draw near microwave, I'll get dressed."

*Mia and Maya*

Maya was the first to wake up, and she quickly regretted it.

"Ow." She mumbled, lying back down. She screwed he eyes shut and pulled a pillow over her head, hoping to get back to sleep. She was just about to drift off again when she sensed someone in the doorway. She opened her eye a crack and saw it was just her sister, who was laughing.

"What's funny?" she grumbled into her pillow.

"Nothing, nothing." She paused for a second. "I just thought you would be able to handle this better." She laughed again and turned to leave the room. Maya, ignoring the pain and dizziness, sat up abruptly.

"Hey, wait, why?" She said, her cheeks puffed out.

"Oh, it doesn't matter… I just thought, seeing as you're my sister…" she waved her arms a bit and then chuckled.

"Oh, and you're so good at this, huh?" In response, Mia simple did a twirl on the spot and motioned to her self. Maya sighed and resigned.

"How?" she asked, Mia just laughed and tapped her nose.

"Breakfast, sis?"

*Franziska and Adrian*

Franziska von Karma could hear running water as she opened her eyes and found herself in a strange setting. A million worries shot through her mind before she calmed herself and managed to think about the night before. She had been on a stage, singing and- and Miles Edgeworth was there, with a group of foolishly foolish fools who foolishly went out together. At was at this thought she realised that was rather hypocritical, and started to think about when she had left that awful place. She remembered leaving with someone and she had obviously gone to their place of residence. Just then, the shower stopped and she heard someone whistling a tune, and for a split second she thought about hiding, but realised that would be foolish, so she just sat on the edge of the bed, waiting. The person who walked out of that door was Adrian Andrews. Franziska was somehow relived, but still greatly shocked by the fact that she had ever gotten a chance to come home with Adrian. She actually shook her head as if the whole image would go away because it was all a dream. It didn't.

"Oh, you're up. Good morning." Adrian said, biting her lip slightly. The two looked at each other intensely for a few moments before Adrian once again spoke up.

"You don't remember last night, do you?" she whispered, looking down.

"Not at all," Franziska replied. "Care to remind me?"

*Phoenix and Miles*

Phoenix Wright was woken up by an mumbling in his ear. As he turned his head he saw Miles Edgeworth, still asleep and making no sense whatsoever.

"No, I'm not the banana king. I'm not the banana king. I AM the banana king." He muttered and Phoenix burst out laughing, causing him to wake up.

"Oh, hey mister Banana king." He greeted, causing yet more laughter.

"What?" Miles blinked, closing his eyes again and taking deep breaths.

"You were talking in your sleep just now. Something about the banana king." Phoenix explained, now calmed down. Edgeworth attempted to remember anything, but soon gave up, opting for lying back down and closing his eyes.

"So what now?" he asked, and getting no response looked at Phoenix. He looked confused. "Well, what do couples do?" he clarified, and Nick just smiled.

"Lets not do anything right now." It was now Miles' turn to be confused.

"Wright, you aren't seriously suggesting that we stay in bed all day?" He grinned widely and leaned in.

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting." He whispered into Miles' ear. "Oh, and Miles? It's Phoenix now."

AN: Not what you expected for the epilogue? Oh well, it was always going to be like this. I got the banana king idea from a piece of art- that you can find here http:/ the-good-times DOT deviantart DOT com/ art/ COME-WITH-US-EDGEWORTH-63826642 (take out spaces and put . for DOT) and Charlie the Unicorn 2. :P

I hope you liked it, and I would like to thank schlo5398, Feyfangirl, holderoftheheart, Cookie Blossom, robomon and ardx for reviewing that last chapter, and a special thanks to schlo5398 and Feyfangirl for reviewing ALL the chapters. You guys all rock. Again, sorry for long authors note but please do review for the last time and I hope you've enjoyed this. :-)
