It was the day that the names were going to be thrown out of the goblet of fire. I couldn't wait to see who would get in and whose reactions would be worth not getting in. I linked arms with Hermione and we started to walk down towards the Great Hall.

"Whose name do you reckon will be pulled out?" I asked. She shrugged in reply.

"I have no idea to be honest," She replied. "The Goblet chooses at random so we won't know until they come out." I shrugged this time. I knew it wouldn't be my name that was pulled out, but you can only hope right?

We reached the Great Hall after travelling down from the seventh floor and the stupid changing stairs. I wonder if Fluffy is still in the third floor corridor room, I'll have to ask Hagrid. We all took our places at the side of the hall due to our seats being taken by the stupid, fancy, flirty Beauxbaton girls. Blah, they're too pretty in my opinion.

"Who is?" Fred questioned with a furrowed brow.

"I think I said it out loud?" I guessed. "The Beauxbaton's. They're too flirty and fancy and STUPID." I yelled the last word.

"What makes you think they're stupid?" Hermione asked. "I'm pretty sure they're smarter than the Durmstrang boys."

"They're stupid because they're fancy," I sulked. "Stupid, fancy, flirting bitches. Go away and don't bother coming back 'cause you'll have an imprint on your arse shaped like my bloody shoe." I mumbled the last part and I assumed the twins heard me because they snorted with laughter. A light bulb shone above my head, I had a brilliant idea. I'm going to prank whichever girl gets chosen from Beauxbatons. That'll show them for being annoyingly pretty. I turned to the twins with a giant grin on my face, one which only meant mischief for us all.

Dumbledore made his presence known and that he was about to get the Goblet to cough up the names. Pretty much literally, minus the cough part. I didn't really pay attention to the speech part of it because that's not the interesting part obviously. I'm just waiting for the who's coming out of the hat part.

"The first Tri-Wizard Tournament contestant is…" Dumbledore took a pause while waiting for the piece of paper to float down from where the Goblet had spat it out in a fire like blaze. "For Durmstrang – Viktor Krum." There was applause and chatter all around the Great Hall with the Durmstrang boys cheering loudly for their fellow class mate.

"The second person is…" Dumbledore paused once more. "From Beauxbatons-"

"I'm gonna trip the bitch up." I muttered to the group around me, some sniggered but it earned me a nudge in the ribs from Hermione.

"Fleur Delacour!" More cheers, applause and chatter from everyone in the Hall. I put my foot out in front of her just as she was coming along but I was nudged in the ribs again by Hermione. I winced and gave her an evil look for ruining my fun.

"The third person, from Hogwarts…" Dumbledore paused once more. Fingers were crosses, toes were crossed and so were my legs, I felt like I was going to pee myself. "Cedric Diggory!" The Hufflepuff table and majority of Hogwarts students burst out into the loudest cheers they could manage. Diggory walked up to Dumbledore and then disappeared through the door at the back of the Professor's table.

Dumbledore had barely started his speech when all of a sudden the Goblet spat out another name. It floated down into his hand and he snatched it. He mumbled something under his breath.

"Harry Potter?" He questioned. "Harry, Harry Potter!" Dumbledore yelled the last part. Harry winced back and tried to hide, but Hermione and myself pushed him forward to stand up and walk to the front. He walked through the door and into the room that was hidden behind it. All of a sudden Dumbledore and McGonagall ran in after him to see what was going on.

"How the bloody hell did he get his name in the Goblet?" Ron screeched almost. "Why didn't he tell me?"

"He didn't tell you, Ron, because he didn't put his name in there," I thought as I paused. "Someone else did it. Harry would never do something like that and be able to get away with it. Especially if the twins couldn't get away with it either." Ron scoffed as if he didn't believe me. But to be honest, I don't care if he believes me or not, Harry will set him straight and then he'll have to believe me.