So here it is; the long awaited sequel to "Without You." Sorry it took a little bit, but I wanted it to be absolutely perfect. Happy readings fans!

Oh, I also wanted to mention that I don't know like anything about pregnancy and like the time spans that she could have gotten pregnant with Pratt's kid. But for the sake of the fanfic, let's go with it shall we? ;)

"Brennan, are you almost ready? We're going to be late," Booth shouted through the closed bedroom door.

He stood outside the bedroom, keys in hand, pacing nervously.

It had been five months. Five months since the horror with Pratt had happened. Five months since he was put away. Five months of healing. Five months since Brennan had found out she was pregnant.

And today was the day they were going to find out the gender of the baby and maybe even more vital; who the father was.

He shot a look at the new high tech windows they had installed since Bower had broken in all those months ago. It was like a constant reminder.

But today all those worries would go away. He was confident he was the father of the growing child inside Brennan.

They just had to make sure.

Brennan sat on the edge of the bed, trying to work herself up to walk out the door to go to the doctors.

She rested a hand on her bulging stomach, sending calming thoughts down to her baby.

She heard Booth shout through the door that they were going to be late, and she felt the baby kick under her hand.

"Yes, I know, he's impatient," she told the baby in a low voice, not wanting him to hear.

She was nervous, but she knew she had to go to this appointment. It meant everything to Booth and she had been putting it off long enough.

It was true, she could have figured out who the baby's father was back when she was in the hospital five months ago.

But she wasn't ready.

She felt ashamed and dirty, even though she knew it was irrational; that it was all Pratt's fault. She also didn't want to find out if it was Pratt's because that would haunt her forever.

And most importantly, she didn't want to lose Booth.

She thought that if the baby wasn't his, Booth would leave her.

Booth had been wonderful all these months. She had relied on him, since he had gone through this before with Parker. She didn't want to lose that, if the baby turned out to be Pratt's.

But she knew without a doubt that whoever this baby's father turned out to be; she would love it unconditionally.

She was just as excited as she was nervous since she got to find out the sex of the baby today as well.

She had never voiced these concerns to him, and maybe she should, but she couldn't bring herself to say anything.

As if on cue, Booth opened the bedroom door, peeking in.

"You okay?" he said in a soothing voice that immediately made her burst into tears.

"What's wrong?" he asked, concern and worry etched on his face. He went to go sit beside her, gathering her as best he could in his arms.

She was about to blame it on hormones (gosh, it wouldn't even be a lie!) but she decided to tell him the truth. Might as well get it out in the open.

"I'm scared," she whispered into his chest.

"Yeah, me too," he said honestly, rubbing small circles on her back.

She pulled away, needing him to understand. "No, I'm scared you're going to leave me if this baby is Pratt's. But I want to let you know that even if this baby is Pratt's, I'm going to love it. No matter what." She stuck her chin out defiantly, as if daring him to challenge her.

He looked into her eyes, surprised. He saw the strong, independent, beautiful woman he loved. And now, he saw a hint of maternal instincts coming into play.

"Leave you? Listen to me," he said, taking her face in his hands. "I will never leave you, even if this child is not mine. Never, you hear me?"

"Guess I'm stuck with you then," she said, lightening the mood.

He kissed her. "So now with that out of the way, are you ready to get this over with?"

He saw the uncertainty still written across her face.

"Come on, I'm with you every step of the way," he told her, and with that, she somehow found the strength to get up and out the door.

"So, do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Brennan asked, excitement shining in her eyes.

Booth looked up from where he was staring at their hands, intertwined on the arm rest of the hard waiting room seats.

"Hmmm, I don't know. What do you think?" Booth countered.

"Well, I just want the baby to be yours and then I'd be happy with either a boy or a girl," she said.

"Yeah, I've always wanted a little girl," Booth mused.

A set of doors opened and a nurse called out, "Temperance Brennan?"

Brennan and Booth stood up and made their way over, Brennan leaning heavily on his hand. Booth sent a quick prayer up to God, and then followed them inside a room.

"Life up your shirt, please," the doctor said, when she had entered the room a half an hour later.

Brennan complied and shivered as the cold gunk they put on her stomach. She clutched at Booth's hand as if it were her link to Earth.

Booth stroked her hair back with the hand that wasn't getting its circulation cut off.

The doctor placed the ultrasound instrument on her stomach and moved it around, trying to see where the baby was placed.

Booth never got tired of seeing the baby on the ultrasound screen. So small and innocent, it always kept growing and it warmed his heart.

He felt Brennan's hand loosen when she saw her baby on the screen. A serene look crossed her face; a small but genuine smile plastered there.

"Well," the doctor said after a few minutes. "The baby's positioning is very good. As long as she stays this way, you should be fine for a natural birth."

"That's great," Booth said.

"Wait you said she…it's a girl?" Brennan exclaimed with a small gasp.

The doctor gave a huge smile. She loved this part of her job. "Yes, a healthy, growing baby girl."

Brennan burst into happy tears, but she knew they weren't out of the woods yet. Booth placed a kiss on her forehead, a tear slipping down his own face.

"I'm also aware that you wanted to know the date of conception correct?" the doctor asked as she let Brennan clean herself up.

"That's right," Booth told her.

The doctor peered at her results for a moment as the ultrasound pictures printed out.

Booth and Brennan were so silent, hardly daring to breathe as they waited for the doctor to speak again.

Finally, she did.

"It was determined that the date of conception is…December 28th. I hope that helps." The doctor handed them their ultrasound photos and exited the room.

"December 28th…that's-,"

"That's a full week before what happened with Pratt," Brennan said, and she started crying again.

Booth was in awe. "The baby…she's mine. I'm going to have a baby girl," he said, hardly daring to believe it.

"We're having a baby girl," Brennan echoed, laughing.

He sent a thank you up to God for answering his prayers and he joined Brennan in her tears of joy.

Hoped you liked it. Let me know with a comment :)
