A/N: Epilogue! You're welcome!

Disclaimer: You know how this goes.

"Kate, your phone is ringing!"

"Rick, ignore it!"

"But...but...what if it's a murder?"

"...it's my day off, Castle, gimme a break, will ya?"

"But murder is so..."

"If you say fun, I swear..."


"That's a little better."

"Can you turn like two inches?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Thanks..." A pause. "Your phone is ringing again."

"Ugh, fine!" Beckett turned the faucet on the shower and stepped out, wrapping a white towel around herself and reached for her phone, dripping water the whole way. "Beckett," she answered. "Oh hey, Lanie!"

"You and Writer Boy getting freaky?"

"Why would you call and ask me that?" Beckett laughed, throwing a black towel over the shower curtain to Castle. He yelped in surprise.

"Because you didn't answer the first time."



"I'm hanging up on you now," Beckett pressed end against her friend's protests and stepped back in the shower, holding out her white towel. Castle's eyes strayed from hers down to her naked body.

"Gimme my towel!" she yanked the black one from around his waist and fastened it around her torso.

"Technically, the black on is mine," Castle pointed out. "See, it says 'his.'"

"Well, I am yours, riiiight?" Beckett leaned closer to him and kissed his cheek. "Unless you want me to be 'hers.'"

Castle's eyes widened a little. "Can you be both?"


He kissed her still damp lips sweetly. "I love you, Katherine Beckett."

"And I love you."

He paused, and smirked. "Threesome?"
