I walked in the Human Subjects room. The room was filled with Humans and my Kind. I heard a soft whimpering like noise. I turned my attention towards it and stared at its owner. It was a young orange haired boy, probably about 15 or 16. His orange hair was spiked and messy. I saw tears forming in his chocolate brown eyes. His skin was a light peachy color. The workers were trying to hold him down but he was whimpering and kicked at them. I walked over to them. "What is the problem here" I asked in a low growl.

The workers flinched and looked at me. "Nothing Grimmjow-sama" they replied in a scared tone, releasing the boy.

The boy gave a soft whimper and backed up. I looked over at him and he shrunk under my gaze. "Do you have a name?" I asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

The boy continued to stare at me with frightened eyes. "He doesn't speak the same language as us" one of the workers sighed.

"Then fix that" I snapped. I looked at the boy again. I reached a hand over and grabbed his. I tugged slightly and the boy move forward. I kept pulling him till he had to stand up so he didn't fall off the table he was sitting on. I took off my jacket and placed it on his shoulders. He looked down, blushing slightly. A bunch of the workers stared at me and him.

Then one of the subjects started to yell at me. He was an almost pure white version of the boy at my side. He was yelling and he looked upset. The orange haired boy at my side tensed. A few of the workers walked over to him and started to try to shut him up. I felt a rush of cool air and then heard the workers yelp in pain. The orange haired boy stood in front of the white boy's cage. He was glaring at the workers, standing protectively in front of the cage. He said something to the boy who nodded back. I walked over to them. "Are you fucking with me or did you really just seriously attack them" I asked in a gentle voice.

He reacted to the tone, not the words. He said something else shyly. I walked over to him and put my arm around his waist and picked him up. He gave a squeak of surprise. "Don't hurt the white guy or I kick your asses" I called as I walked towards the door, the guy in my arms kicking.

All of the workers left the white guy alone. The orange haired boy sighed and laid his head against my shoulder. We walked down the hall. "That white guy seems important to you" I stated. I didn't get a respond. I carried him to my room and opened the door.

He sat up and looked around interested. I carried him to the bed and set him down. He petted the sheets and smiled softly. I turned to leave when he said something I understood. I looked at him again. "Ichigo Kurosaki" he repeated, pointing at himself.

Then he pointed at me. "Grimmjow Jeagerjaques" I replied, pointing at myself.

Ichigo nodded at me. "Grimmjow" he responded.

I smiled and nodded. "Ichi" I replied with a grin. He blushed and looked away. So he can tell I gave him a nickname, that is cute. I walked back over to him and petted his head. He looked up with a curious look. "Make yourself comfortable…I will be back" I explained before leaving the room.

I wandered around the ship for a while, hoping Ichigo was more relaxed with his surroundings. I walked back into the room. The first thing I saw was Ichigo curled up on the bed asleep. He used the jacket like a blanket, cuddling up to it. I smirked. He was adorable like that.

I walked over and plopped down next to him. I lay down and wrapped my arms around him. I pulled him to my chest, my nose nuzzling into his hair. "Ichigo…I wish you could understand me so I could tell you how much I like you" I murmured. Ichigo snuggled his head into the crouch of my neck in search of warmth. I smirked and closed my eyes. "Ichigo…I will give our mating ritual a try tomorrow…so don't be scared" I whispered before drifting to sleep.