A/N: I at least wanted to get this started tonight, and I hope it's everything you guys wanted. This is a continuation of Noin's Past Love, but this is Zechs' story. It probably won't make sense if you haven't read Noin's story though...
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, or make any profit from this. I do own Brooke Wildess, so please ask if you want to use her, ok?
"Brooke?" Zechs was trying to keep his tone even. "Why are you in the hangar?"
"Because no one is sick or injured and I can be wherever I want to be." Brooke Wildess poked him in the mask. "You can't hold me captive, blondie. Get used to it, I'm a free-run chick."
"I'm regretting letting you come with Noin." Zechs tried to adjust his mask and accidentally knocked it off. The two glared at each other for a few seconds before they both made a dive for the mask.
"Give me it." Zechs growled, trying to pin her efficiently and grab his mask at the same time. It was just not going in his favor.
"Aww, is Barbie mad? Did she lose her shoe?" Brooke curled around the mask, preventing him from getting to it.
"As an OZ official, I want you to give me my mask." Zechs hated that he was tumbling around on the floor with this girl who was little more than a doctor, and an aggravating one at that.
Then again, it had been like this for weeks. Noin wasn't back up to her normal abilities, and Brooke was staying at least until she was. In her meantime, Brooke took pleasure in torturing the blonde lieutenant, and Zechs even suspected she was feeding the information back to Noin.
"Oh, you think you're so scary." Brooke rolled her eyes. "Trust me, you couldn't be scary if you tried. You're blonde and blue eyed and everybody's dream boyfriend except mine. You have no power over me, Barbie doll. I'm not going to be Ken and fall all over you."
Zechs took a deep breath in and tried one last time to wrestle the mask from her. He failed when she shoved it up her shirt, and he wasn't going there.
"I don't like you very much." Zechs found it mildly ironic that he was pinning her to the floor and telling her he didn't like her. Somehow, it just seemed twisted to him.
"I'm not meant to be liked." Brooke twisted and managed to make him fall to the side, and then darted out of the room, with his mask.
Zechs took a deep breath and leaned back on the nearest mobile suit. With his luck, she was going to hide his mask somewhere he wouldn't find it for a difficult two months. And he needed that mask, it was his punishment for being the opposite of the Peacecraft child that he was.
He stood and darted after her. This was a twisted game, but he could still win it. He was a lieutenant.
A/N: This is a very short first chapter even for me. I'll try to update soon, but my adds on this will be pretty relaxed. Anyway, what did you think?