Heloo fellow Ouran otaku ( fans whatever you want to call yourself.) This is not my first anime Fanfic but it is my first for Ouran high school host club series. So please tell me if I should continue or hang it from the tallest tree. (readers: Hang! Me: Harsh…jkjk) but Enjoy and R&R!
"But why do you have to go! My family can provide the medical care your mother needs Tamaki, you don't have to leave!"
He grabbed my hand and looked me straight into my eyes with such a serious look I never knew he had.
"My grandmother demanded it and I can't go against her, and I could never think to ask your family for help after everything you have done for me. I must go but please don't cry Miki I'm sure we will meet again."
I stare into his eyes and will my tears not to fall
"But you were going to leave without telling me, without saying goodbye…"
He gently grabbed my chin and tilted my head up
"The reason for why I couldn't tell you were for my own selfish reasons, because if I did tell you and I saw you cry - I wouldn't be able to leave"
As he said these things my tears still didn't fall, he continued
"If I told you, I would have lost all my control, like this"
He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against mine.
The kiss was gentle, salty and wet.
But that's because Tamaki's tears fell on my lips.
Once our lips parted all I could do was stare at him, all I did was stare into his tear-filled eyes.
"Ta- Tamaki…"
"I'm sorry Miki, I do love you and I know that we will see each other again, but I don't know if you would still feel the same. But now I must go for my mother's sake, please remember me."
He kissed me one last time on my forehead and started to walk to his cab.
"Tamaki!" I yelled after him
But he didn't look back; I could leave it like this.
I ran to him and embraced him
"I promise to look after your mother; I won't let anything happen to her! So please don't worry…cause…because I know it's hard for you."
I felt him stiffen at my words, but then he held me tighter than he ever had before
Once he let go he got into his cab and his eyes never left mine even as the cab drove away
Once he was out of my sight I finally let my tears fall.
It's been many years since I last saw him, and I'm surprised I suddenly thought about our last moment together.
I'm Miki Kimiko and I am 15 years old going on 16 a couple months. I have left my home in France and have been sent to Japan to connect to my roots and learn how to become an appropriate successor to my families businesses.
In other words, I am about to start my sophomore year At Ouran academy.
The rumors and the music room
Sigh…I can't believe how Fashion missing these school girl uniforms are. Good thing I modified mine…I can't believe Father made me come live with him for the next year.
"You need the full Japanese experience" is what he said
Well I say Japanese experience my a-
"Look at that girl over there, who is she?" I here I girl whisper as a group of her friends stare at me.
"Oh that's Miki Kimiko, her mother is a famous French fashion designer and her Father is Kazeyah Kimiko the famous chef-"
"Oh yeah I heard her parents transferred her here because she was becoming way to friendly with the French boys back home-"
"Oh well I heard she beat her maids and forced them to do horrible things-"
"Ugh what is a girl like that doing over here? Does she think she's special because she has a different uniform than us? Ugh I hate snobs"
I continue to walk down the halls with my head held high as I hear the false rumors swarm around me.
Damn spoiled brats, they couldn't keep their pinkie finger out of gossip if a gun was pointed to their head.
I rearrange my violin case strap and continue to look for a quiet place to practice.
I don't know how these rumors started, I mean I did break my maids ankle because I tripped on the rug, but my family let her take a break and paid for all her medical expensive.
And yeah I did have many guy friends but I wasn't fooling around with them.
And as for my uniform, I simply refused to wear those ugly yellow poufy sleeved dresses. I rather like my blue boy blazer, black button scooter skirt, and to die for knee high socks. It's basically the boys uniform only more fitting with a skirt instead of pants. I don't see why it's such a big deal.
I keep walking around the school, and it becomes quiet as I find I'm all alone in a hallway.
I lean against a wall and lay my books on the floor and just stared at the wall.
I'm not going to get worked up because a couple of girls said some stupid things. I'm going to make the best of this little experience!
Once I got myself together I continued to walk down the hallway, but something caught my eye.
Not far off I see a door that says "Music room 3"
I breathe a sigh of relief and head for the door
"Finally a place where I can be at peace."
Once I get to the door I push it open and a blinding light and rose petals attacked me.
"Welcome to the Ouran host club!" A group of boys chanted as I finally got my sight back.
"What the…"
And I saw him.
Yeah so this is the first little chapter I decided to write because I'm watching my darling host boys right now! So I hope you guys enjoyed! And if you did then I will continue and post as soon as I can!
Now review and thank you!