I don't own any of the characters.
I was curious about the Professor's past , so I decided to make my own version of how he grew up. I figured he was a nerd.
Buttercup was cleaning out the garage like she was told to as her punishment for getting in a severe school fight. She had almost killed Princess for spreading that rumor about her being a lesbian. She really hated her, and honestly she didn't regret what she had done. It was worth almost getting sued and being forced to clean the house without super powers for the next three weeks. She was going to pick up a forgotten basketball on a shelf in the garage, when she noticed a book at the very back of the shelf. It looked very old and beat up. The cover was dust covered. She cleared the dust with her hand and read the cover.
My Journal: Peter .
Buttercup was intrigued by it and began opening it up. What harm could reading a Diary possibly cause to her? She opened it and started reading.
Dear Journal 8/16/87
I'm actually feeling pretty confident for my first day of School. My clothes don't look half bad, I got the coolest haircut, and my mom finally allowed me to watch rated PG! I know it seems pretty stupid for me to have a Journal, but since we just moved to a new town we don't have a T.V yet, so I had to find something to occupy me. Besides I bet one day I'll look back on this Journal, you know when I'm rich and famous? I can't wait till then. I have a feeling that tomorrow will be so far out; I hope it's nothing like Elementary school. I never want to relive that again. It was Hell (my mom wouldn't approve of me using bad language, but this is my personal Journal she doesn't have to know what's inside)…At least I hope she won't find out. I'd never be able to do anything on my own. I'm glad dad is on my side. It gives me something to fall back on; you know the oldest trick in the book. If one parent says no, ask the other one. Even though I'm an only child my parents don't give me all their attention like their supposed to. I hate that. Every Summer I have to go to stupid camp Harmony, and trust me if theirs synonym for lame that camp was definitely it. It's an all boy camp, and the age variation is dumb, I mean who puts a 9 year old with 14 year old boy? There's a huge difference in height, weight, and puberty. Ugh the P word, I hate it so much, mostly because it's not being very kind to me right now. I'm 12 years old today and only 4 feet 11 inches. That's only 2 inches taller than the legal non car seat age. One more thing I hate about myself. At least my haircut got rid of my overly shaggy hair. Well it's getting late I should be going my curfew is 8:00 p.m. sharp no longer and no less. As my mother always tells me.
To future me: Peter.
Buttercup was pretty set off by what she was reading. She knew that the Professor, like any normal human being, had once been a child, but she never really thought about it. The idea of the Professor as a young nerd with a Diary was enough to keep her laughing for days, but she couldn't tell anyone about it just yet. This was way too good to be shared; it was going to be her little secret. She knew she probably shouldn't be reading the Professor's Diary, but she couldn't help it. The first entry only made her want to keep reading. She flipped through the thick book; each individual page was filled with lots of neat hand writing. She went back to the first page and read began reading the second half of the page.
Dear Journal 8/21/87
Remember when I said I was excited about going back to school, well I lied this might have been the wor-. Buttercup heard footsteps coming. She quickly hid the book once more and pretended to be sweeping the floor. When the professor walked in he was met by an innocent looking 13 year old Buttercup. She might as well have had a halo by the way she was cleaning quietly. She looked up and pretended to look astonished when the Professor walked in.
"Oh hi Professor, I was just cleaning like I was supposed to." She said as she swept the floor faster. He had felt bad seeing Buttercup cleaning like this, but she deserved a punishment, and this one was the one given.
"I was just coming to check on you." He said as he turned around and walked back up the stairs. Buttercup patiently waited for him to leave before she even thought of getting the Diary out again. She really thought about it, it was extremely tempting, but in the end she decided to leave it for tomorrow. She went back to cleaning and was done in an hour. She came out of the garage and saw that lunch was already done and ready. She walked up to the kitchen and joined everyone else. After reading the Professors Diary Buttercup couldn't help, but feel awkward. How did the Professor go from not such a bad kid, to major science geek, to creator of the greatest thing since French toast? All of this thinking made her even more eager to go back to back and read more about him. Bubbles stared at Buttercup with a look that said "Are you going on a Diet?" Buttercup realized that in all her thinking she had forgotten to eat, she'd been picking at her food for 5 good long minutes, and Bubbles was getting suspicious. Buttercup was enjoying knowing something that her sisters didn't, it made her feel …special. More special than she already was. The rest of the night went on pretty quickly though. She didn't have any trouble sleeping, and her dreams were filled with possibilities of what could have happened to the Professor. Cleaning out the garage had never been more fun.
So, how was that chapter?