Harry sat behind the wheel of his rusty old Ford, his girlfriend in the seat next to him.

"Oh God, Harry," she whimpered, "We're gonna crash!" She slid across the seat to cling to Harry, making crashing a very real possibility.

"Move, Daisy." Harry impatiently shrugged her off. "I'm an excellent driver, and as long as I'm not distracted we will be fine."

Fortunately, the pair arrived at the restaurant in one piece. They walked in, and were quickly seated by the Maitre D'. A waitress slid over to their table within a few seconds.

"Welcome to Bella Luna," the rather busty waitress said. "I'm Marianne, and I'll be your waitress this evening. Can I get you anything to drink?"

Since it was a Muggle restaurant, Harry ordered a Scotch. Daisy got a glass of red wine, and Marianne hurried off to the bar to get their drinks.

Daisy scowled. "What was that?" When Harry gave her a confused look, she continued on. "How come every time we go out, you flirt with the waitresses? It's like I don't even matter to you!" she pouted.

Harry knew well enough by now to just let Daisy rant, and then apologize once she ran out of steam.

"Sorry honey, I didn't realize." he said smoothly.

"Sure, sure," Daisy grumbled, more resignedly than anything.

Dinner proceeded with no more jealous whining or breakdowns. The pair's plates had been whisked away and the dessert menu brought out when everything started to go downhill.

Daisy was scanning the dessert menu, grumbling about how everything was high in calories and was going to make her fat, when the restaurant suddenly went quiet and all heads turned towards the door.

A stunning red-head and a pretty brunette stood in the doorway, chatting with the Maitre D'. He quickly grabbed two menus and guided the two women towards a table near Daisy and Harry. As they passed, the brunette and Harry made eye contact, and their eyes widened with recognition.

"Harry?" she said.

"Hermione!" Harry flung himself out of his seat to embrace his former best friend. "It's so good to see you again! What are you doing here?"

"I'm here with Ron for work," she replied.

"Ron?" queried Harry incredulously.

"Oh, you didn't hear? We got married, in the summer. This trip is also part of our honeymoon."

"Hermione, that's fantastic!" Harry exclaimed, hugging her again. "Congratulations! I didn't think he'd ever have the courage to ask you out, let alone ask you to marry him!"

"I know right?" laughed Hermione. "But he did! He's here on business for a few weeks. I didn't want to stay home alone, and I felt that going to the Burrow would be such a hassle for poor Mum, so I came here instead! We're also going to sight-see of course. And then Ginny came along for company…"

Here, the gorgeous red head stepped forward. Harry could only stare, rooted to the spot, all of his best memories from his teen years swirling through his mind.

"Hiya Harry," she said shyly.

"Excuse me," a shrill voice interjected, "But it's late and we must be going!" Daisy grabbed hold of one of Harry's arms, her fake nails threatening to cut through the fabric of Harry's expensive jacket, and dragged him out of Bella Luna, barely giving him enough time to extract the bills from his wallet to pay for dinner.


Unsurprisingly, Daisy was angry.

"Harry, what was that? See, you just proved what I've been suspecting for months! You don't care about me at all do you? Flirting with the waitress, and then you have the nerve to hit on those two British girls, even though I have specifically asked you not to! What is wrong with you Harry? I have shown you that I would do anything, ANYTHING to be with you, but then you go and do things like THAT! And that's only what you did while I was watching! Who knows what you do when I'm at home, thinking of you!"

Harry pulled up into the driveway of Daisy's house.

"Get out Daisy."

She sat, shocked, for a second, then shook herself and stumbled out of the car.

"Fine. If you don't want to work it out, I don't even care. Goodbye Harry James Potter, we're through." And with that, Daisy slammed the door and marched up the front steps to her house, using a shiny key to unlock the door.

Harry sighed and pulled out of the driveway onto the street. It was bad while she was yelling but now he was more relieved than anything. For the first time he knew exactly how Ron had felt when he and Lavender broke up in their sixth year at Hogwarts and Harry felt renewed sympathy towards his former best friend.

Pulling onto the highway, Harry sighed. He had sought refuge in the muggle world after the war and his falling out with most of the magical community but he hadn't realized how lonely he really was. Dating muggle girls wasn't an effective way to solve the loneliness. He couldn't tell them the truth about himself so the usual cycle was three dates and then on to the next girl. As time had gone by the choices had gotten worse and worse, ending with the jealous bimbo he had just left crying on her front porch. Ironically, she had been his longest relationship since his teen years.

His choices hadn't always been bad. Sure, Cho turned out to be a basket case, emitted to the psych ward at St. Mungos after a rather spirited argument with a garbage can, but Ginny…

Harry stopped his thoughts right there. Ginny was his past. He had to accept it after all these years and just move on.

The problem was it was easier said than done.

Harry had been trying to chase Ginny out of his mind for over four years now and he just couldn't do it. Maybe because she had been everything but his first kiss. Maybe because they were meant to be. Maybe because she had taken root in his mind and now the roots had gone too deep. Harry didn't know. All he knew for sure was that he would never be as happy with someone else as he was with her.

And then, he had gotten one glorious glimpse of her tonight. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. And she still looked at him the same way, like he was her best friend and confidante.

But regardless, what happened after the war had happened. There was no getting away from it. Harry and Ginny were over and no amount of magic or fate could change that.

Harry turned left and pulled into his own driveway. His house loomed above him, looking every inch as empty as it really was. Harry turned off the ignition and stepped out into the frigid night air.

So much had changed for him. He lived in a country across the seas, away from every horror that had plagued him from his childhood. Hermione was married to Ron. His best friends were no longer even acquaintances to him. And he had given up a magical lifestyle. He had lied to so many people that he barely knew who he really was. And, worst of all, his life was devoid of love because he had thrown it all away.

Regret filled the great Harry Potter as he stood and stared up at the stars. As quick flash passed through the sky; a shooting star. Even though Harry knew it was just a rock, burning up as it entered Earth's atmosphere, he closed his eyes tightly and made a wish anyway.

Across town, a certain fiery haired girl saw the same shooting star, and made the same wish.

I wish she would give me one more chance.

I wish he would give me one more chance.