Yeah, i`m writing this crossover. i`ve checked the Tron crossover thing and i noticed no one had done this before so, i`m the first to do so. AHA. this story is a AU so it got some Legacy stuff but not much. hope you enjoy this and this will be Shego centric not Kim.


A Tron and Kim Possible cross-over

Chapter one

In Memoriam

It had been five years.

Shego couldn`t actually believe that it had already being that long. She was at her home, lying down on her bed looking at the ceiling. She hadn`t thought about it until now, but it had been a really long time since Kimmie had disappeared from the world.

Shego glanced around the small apartment she was living in. it was well taken care of, with many books and other accessories. Her eyes then fall on the newspaper clipping that was taped upon the wall across the desk.


June 7 2004

The young hero of our world had been reported mission earlier this week. Her companion, Ronald Stoppable had filled the police upon the disappearance of young Kim Possible whom earlier today had went on a solo mission when all contact were cut from the young redhead. Everyone is minded to keep an eye out for the familiar redhead as families and friends await news.

Shego had been surprised to see the announcement on the news that night. She had simply seated there as the anchor announced the disappearance of Kim Possible. At first, she had been in ecstasy that the goody two shoes wasn`t going to be on her way anymore, and that she will finally being able to do as she please without a challenge. She had enjoyed it.

At least for a short while, namely three weeks.

Then, she was starting to get bored. No one had proved to be more of a challenge than Kimmie used to be so Shego had removed herself from Drakken`s employ finding no challenge in working for him anymore and had decided to go solo in her work.

She had worked around the world then, keeping moving around, doing odd jobs for people for the right prices, and she found herself keeping tags on how the Kimmie hunt was going.


January 12, 2005

After nearly six months in the hunt of what happened to the young hero, the police had reached a dead end. With nearly a good part of the people involved, no trace nor a piece of information as to what happened to the girl had been reached and the case had become cold.

"It`s like she simply disappeared from the face of the earth," a police man of the investigation said, "We can only go with guesswork at this point."

If this is indeed the case of Kim Possible, our prayers are to the family and friends of the Possible family.

Shego had remembered burning something when she had read that newspaper that day. She couldn`t believe that they were giving up on Kimmie. The girl had saved their hides more than she could count and they were simply giving up on her. Shego had then decided on doing a little investigating herself unto the other side of the law, trying to find out whether someone knew something about what happened to Kimmie but she had come up empty after nearly three months of searching.

The months had started to fly by and Shego had found herself losing hope of ever finding the redhead, and found herself missing her terribly. Never before she had ever wanted to be able to find someone and give them a good kick in the ass for making her worry so much about her.


March, 9 2005

The head of the government agency Global Justice, Betty Director, had declared the young girl dead. After many months of searching and using all the links they have, it would seems that it will be. Most of the world had joined on this day in a large celebration of Kimberly Ann Possible`s passing. She will always be remembered in our memories. Once again, our prayers go to the family and friends of this amazing young girl whom had given most of her life to make us believe that there is some good in the world and that it was worth fighting for.

Shego remembered that day well.

She had went to the Memorial Service that Middleton had given in Kimmie`s honor. The entire city, if not more had showed up. All of the people Kimmie had helped in the past had showed to give their respect to the young girl. Shego had remembered seeing Kimmie`s parents. They were a wreck, and her rival mother`s look like she hadn`t had a wink of sleep. Her father was saddened also, comforting his wife with his hand. The buffoon was the worst of all, he couldn`t stop crying and even lost it, yelling to the top of his lungs, "Kim is not dead, Kim is not dead," and it had taken a couple of people to remove him. All that sadness in one place, had made Shego shed a few tears or so (not that she`ll ever admit it) and she had made a promise that day on Kim`s grave.

"I will find you Pumpkin," she said, "Even if it the last thing I do."

Looking back at it now, it would seem that it will be really the last thing she does for she had run out of options of where to look for the redhead and she had grew frustrated and angry with herself for not finding her.

She seated up from her bed, rubbing sleep out of her eyes and glanced toward the clock.

5:00 A.M.

Lately, she had been losing a lot of sleep and she spends her time poring over newspaper clips to see if there was anything she missed or overlooked. She couldn`t simply accept that Kimmie was dead like that, just like the buffoon could accept it during the Memorial. Last she checked, he had went to Japan couldn't bear to stay in Middleton no longer, for the memories of Kim were too much for him to handle.

Shego stood up and walked toward the bathroom to wash her face. She knew she wouldn`t be able to fall back asleep now that she was awake. She brushed her teeth and after that splashed cold water on her face before looking into the mirror.

A green haired woman looked back at her with shoulder length ebony black hair and sharp green eyes which looked blood-shot from lack of sleep. Sighing, Shego took a shower and stepped back out, wearing only a towel, her wet hear weighting down and stopped hearing a ringing noise.

Shego glanced back toward her bedroom, wondering who was calling her at this early in the morning. She had never given her cell number to anyone as long as she remembers and took the slick black phone, checking the caller I.D.


Shego pressed the answer key and put it against her ear.


"Shego is that you?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"It`s Wade," the voice said.

"Nerdlinger?" Shego repeated, "How did you get this number?"

"Internet," Wade answered.

"Is there a reason for this call?" Shego asked, relaxing a little.

"Off course there is a reason I was calling," Wade told her, "I was going to call Ron, but I didn`t think it was such a good idea with how hard he took in Kim`s death…"

"Is there a point to this?" Shego asked.

"I…I got a message today," he said.

"And why does it concern me?"

"It`s from Kim."

Shego nearly dropped her cell phone at this point.


"I know it sound insane, but I recognize the numbers where it came from. It`s her Kimmicator no doubt,"

"Did you trace it back where it came from?" Shego asked, now curiosity running through her like fire.

"Yes, it came from an building from L.A.," Wade said, "I think it was Flynn`s ARCADE."

Shego narrowed her eyes.

She had know of this place, back in the eighties it was a great hang out place for gamers, but it was closed down when Kevin Flynn had disappeared without a trace, but that was years ago.

"Why would Kimmie be in L.A.?"

"I don`t know, your guess is as good as mine,"

Shego was pulling some clothes on and threw on a black jacket.

"I`ll go check it out if it means anything to you," she said, "Let`s hope it gives us a clue on what happened to Kimmie."

"Okay, thanks again."

"Did Kim have any mission in L.A. the month she disappeared?"

"Hang on, let me check," Wade said, "No way….that can`t be right."

"What is it?"

"Kim`s last mission was at that exact place," Wade said.

"Okay, i`m going to L.A. right now," Shego said.

A clue about Kim shows up and Shego is on the trail. What will she find?

Jacques0 out.
