It was certainly an unexpected surprise to Yui that she would be finally getting adopted at the age of 18. What's more, it was on the day of her 18th birthday too, which was 2 days ago! And to think that she was finally legal to leave the orphanage on her own, adopted or not.
Yui was never one to believe so much in things such as luck or destiny. But this surprise had made her think twice on her original belief.
Nevertheless, it was a pleasant surprise. She couldn't wait to meet her new family!
She had heard that, an even more surprising news, that they are Americans that adopted her since she is half Japanese and half American. She would think that they won't adopt half-bloods like her. Yui chuckled at that thought, 'I'm thinking Harry Potter terms' she mentally commented.
It's Thursday. Yui is feeling very nervous. Her new family was on their way to pick her up right now and Yui was wracking her mind to think of ways to greet them without making them regret adopting her. Sounds desperate but she really hoped that she gets along with her new family and would actually be able to be apart of their family and not just bound together as family by legal paper works.
Her worries were tossed aside quickly as the head of the orphanage appeared with a man.
Yui instinctively stood up, "Hello!" she meep'ed shyly. Usually she weren't that meek but for once she really couldn't muster up her usual cheerfulness and boldness.
The man chuckled. He looks to be about middle-aged and yet he still looks sort of young, "Hello Yui! It's nice to finally meet you" he greeted normally. Yui smiled back, 'So is he my brother? Father? Uncle?' she wondered.
"Yui, this is your adoptive father, Will Lennox" the head of orphanage introduced us.
"Oh splendid~" Yui blurted out before realizing it and blushed in embarrassment. Will just grinned at his adoptive daughter.
"Well here we are. Welcome home, Yui" Will pulled up his car at the porch and looked at Yui who was busy admiring her new home.
"Come on let's introduce you to Sarah and Annabelle" Will motioned at the woman standing at the door holding a baby in her arms. They walked towards them and Sarah immediately handed Annabelle, the baby, to Will so that she can hug Yui, "It is so nice to have finally meet you! Welcome home sweetie" she smiled when she let go.
Yui smiled back shyly, "Same here, thanks... Mom" she added softly.
Sarah and Will looked at each other, "Hey you didn't call me 'Dad' yet!" he mock pouted.
Yui giggled, "I was hoping you guys won't mind me calling you that.." she confessed.
"Of course not! We're really happy" Sarah picked Annabelle from Will and showed her to Yui. Yui smiled at the currently sleeping 5 years old, "Hey Annabelle..." she whispered and touched her little sister's cheeks lovingly. The 5 years old stirred in her sleep for a little.
"She have been insistent on waiting for you since early in the morning and refused to take a nap so now she's knocked out" Sarah laughed.
Yui felt warm inside at that news and felt even more bonded towards her adoptive little sister.
"Well look at us standing here at the doorstep! Come on in and check out your room~" Sarah giggled.
Yui walked in first and looked around. The house already wrapped her up in the loving and comfortable atmosphere, "So should I get settled in before the grand tour?" Yui asked with a small smirk. Will raised a brow at the sudden display of cheekiness, "Ooh cheeky. You and I, my dear daughter, will get along really well together" he grinned.
Sarah smacked her husband playfully, "Don't be teaching her bad stuff now, love. Second door to your right up the stairs darling" she told Yui.
Yui laughed. Not a giggle, but a real laugh. It was like a soft tinkle that goes easy on the listener's ears.
Her room was amazing.
Actually, 'amazing' sounds like an understatement. It was awesome! Yui immediately flung herself to her new fluffy bed and rolled around a bit, 'I'm home..' she thought to herself yet again in disbelief. She sighed in content and sat up.
She got off the bed and hummed as she walked around the room back and forth to organize her things. And before she knew it, it was done within half an hour. She took the liberty to change from her black t-shirt and faded skinny jeans to a more comfortable type of wear.
Metallic dark gray tank top with a pair of denim short pants. She looked at herself inside the mirror. Yui is tall for a girl her age, around 167 cm, and she had waist length black hair that is slightly wavy at the end without even doing anything to it. She tied her hair into a high ponytail. She took out her contacts from her emerald green eyes and wore her usual glasses.
'Okay done' she smiled to herself in the mirror after making sure that she was presentable before going back downstairs to be with her new family.
As she walked down the stairs Yui checked the wall clock that showed her it was currently 2.35 p.m.
"Hey mom. Where's Annabelle and dad?" Yui asked.
"Oh you look cute in glasses!" Sarah got distracted while Yui blushed at the comment, "Thanks mom" she grinned. Sarah giggled back, "Annabelle is still sleeping on the couch. Your dad is outside in the garage" she informed while pointing at the back door in the kitchen.
"Okay" Yui nodded and walked out from the back door.
Upon entering the garage, Yui blinked in surprise at the massive sive of the garage, 'What do they have in here that possibly need that much space?' she wondered.
"... sure you'll like her, Hide" Yui heard her dad talking and she wasn't so sure if it was from her dad but she heard a grunt. She shook her head, 'Dad's voice aren't that gruff...' she thought.
"Hey dad?" Yui called out.
Will turned around with a surprised look on his face, "Yui! Uhm... I was... on the phone with a... friend" he said finally. Yui looked worried, "I guessed as much. Did I interrupt?" she asked guiltily. Will shook his head, "No it's okay" he said with a smile.
It was then Yui noticed the huge truck behind her dad, "Oh! Nice truck" she beamed.
Will looked surprised at the statement. Yui walked over slowly, unsure, "Is it yours?" she asked. Will looked unsure at that moment, "A work vehicle. Belongs to the military, I guess. But not ours" he added and pat the hood of the truck almost apologetically.
Yui nodded.
"So the grand tour, miss?" Will grinned.
Yui laughed and she could've sworn she saw the truck twitch, "Most definitely~" she said in a sing-song voice and took Will's extended arm like a lady being escorted somewhere. She looked back at the truck one last time before looking back front.
Yui flopped down onto her bed with a satisfied half-moan.
After the grand tour, she had spent time with Annabelle who had gotten awake after enough rest, prepared dinner with Sarah and they had just finished dinner. Sarah's cooking is awesome!Yui felt truly blessed to have been adopted into this family. She had found out that she'll be able to attend high school for her last year in a school nearby. She couldn't wait!
A knock on the door brought Yui back from her thoughts, "Coming" she called out walking towards the door to open it revealing Sarah.
"Hey mom" she smiled.
"Oh I could get used to this" Sarah giggled, "Would you like to accompany me to go shopping tomorrow? We can get your stuff needed for school and clothing" she especially sing-songed the last part. Yui is positively elated, "Of course!" she loved shopping but not as much towards buying things but to spend time with the one you're going with and there's just so many interesting things to look at!
"Splendid~ Well you should really rest up then" Sarah winked.
"Oh but I was hoping I could take a small walk around the neighborhood?" Yui looked sheepish at her own request. It was not really dark out yet but...
"I don't really see what's wrong with that. It's a perfectly safe neighborhood around here. Tell your dad though, he's in the garage" Sarah smiled. Yui raised a brow at that, "Again? What's he doing there all day?" she asked. Sarah smiled again, the smile that kind of seemed like she's hiding something, "Probably checking up the truck. You know, guys and their machines" she rolled her eyes at that.
Yui pondered for a while, "Oh.." she replied. She dashed back towards her bed and grabbed her purple hoodie before dashing downstairs. Oh not before she kissed her mom on her cheek, "I'll be back in an hour" she informed and headed towards the garage.
Yui don't know why but she felt the need to knock on the door before entering the garage. As soon as the first knock sounded, she could hear what sounded like a lot of gears shifting and whirring. Soon enough the sounds are gone and her dad's voice could be heard.
"Dad? Uhm... May I come in?" Yui asked uncertainly.
There's silence before he answered, "Of course. I don't know why you knocked in the first place" Will laughed nervously. Yui shrugged, "Mom mentioned something about men and their machines... So I thought..." she trailed off. She glanced at the truck she had seen earlier, "It never fails to amaze me every time I see the truck for some reason" she said softly.
"Oh, right well. It's a good thing you knocked then" Will scratched the back of his head, "So what's up kiddo?" he asked.
"I was hoping I could take a walk around the neighborhood? Mom told me to ask for your permission. She said it was relatively safe around..." Yui said and linked her hands behind her.
Will frowned, "But it's kinda getting darker out there..." he mused and looked at Yui. She had a hopeful look on her face, "But Sarah is right though. It is safe around so I guess it's all right" he smiled finally in approval. Yui beamed, "Thanks dad. I won't be long for more than an hour, I promise" she pecked her dad's cheek the same way she did to Sarah and jogged out of the garage.
Once she was out of ear shot, Ironhide spoke up, "She's a sharp kid" he commented gruffly.
Will laughed nervously, "I just hope she's not too sharp for her own good" he replied. Ironhide didn't reply. He was busy figuring out why he had felt such immense pride and glee when she stared at him with a look of admiration.
It's really peaceful around here. Sarah and Will were right. Yui was glad she took the decision to take a walk around. She took a deep breath and glanced up at the sky and kept on walking straight on the path. Before she realized that she had to keep her eyes on where she's going, she had bumped into someone. Quite literally.
Yui fell on her butt, "Ah crap. Sorry I wasn't paying attention to the road" she winced as she tended to her sore butt. A hand appeared before her face and she looked up to see a young man around her age with spiky brown hair falling over his gray eyes, which looked apologetic and concerned.
"No don't be. I could've evaded from running into you. No pun intended" he chuckled softly at the last part.
Yui accepted his hand and let herself be pulled up gently by him. She felt a bit awkward at the moment and she was sure it showed on her face, "So uhm... My name is Luke. Luke Terrance" he flashed her a beaming smile.
"Yui... Yui Lennox" she smiled politely in return.
"Lennox? I never knew they had a daughter your age and we lived just a few houses apart" Luke looked confused. Yui laughed, "That's because I was adopted. It was very recently too" she explained. She was silently hoping that he won't ask anymore questions or indicating them.
"Ah sorry I wasn't trying to be nosy... I mean I know I am at the moment but... GAH!" he scratched the back of his head, obviously really embarrassed at his attitude. He looked quite red at the moment too. Yui couldn't help but giggle at him, "Don't worry. It's awkward and all but I know you don't mean any harm" she smiled.
Luke blushed even more, "Well that was smooth of me. I wasn't always this much of a dope in front of girls" he chuckled.
"Oh a ladies' man are we?" Yui raised a brow and tried to look offended but the smile on her lips kind of gave it away. Luke grinned, "More like a ladies' gentleman" he offered. Both of them laughed at that, "What are you doing out in the dark? I bet Mr and Mrs Lennox are worried" he grinned.
"Oh!" she checked her watch. She have around 10 minutes to get back home. She sighed in relief, "Well yes I think so. I'd better be getting home then. It's nice to meet you, Luke" she smiled.
Luke looked timid, "Would you let me walk you home?" he asked, "I mean since I live a few houses away only!" he tried to cover it up. Yui raised a brow, "Mmhmm. Sure" she nodded. Luke beamed.
When Yui and Luke reached her home, she saw that the garage door was open and the truck was revved up. Yui saw her dad beside the truck mumbling something to himself. She frowned in worry and walked over to her dad.
"Dad? What's wrong?" she asked and looked at the truck, "Work?" she asked.
Will nodded, "I'll be back before dinner tomorrow" he informed and looked at Luke, raising a brow, "You are?" he asked. Luke smiled sheepishly, "I guess I didn't really introduce myself properly around the neighborhood. I'm Luke from the Terrance household" he said. Will looked relieved, "Ah... You live a few houses next to us" he said.
"Luke here and I bumped into each other. Quite literally" Yui laughed. The truck gave a rather loud and weird sounding grunt. Yui blinked, "Is there something wrong with the engine?" she asked worriedly and touched the now heated up hood of the truck.
Will rolled his eyes, "I doubt that's the problem" he knocked the hood lightly with his fist. Yui laughed, "Don't abuse it" she scolded playfully and stroked the hood gently, feeling the engine purr softly underneath her palm.
"I won't. Much" Will grinned. Yui shook her head. Will looked at Luke who eyed the truck funnily, "Well young man. I think you should head home now. Thank you for walking my daughter home" he said. Yui felt warm inside hearing Will refer to her as his daughter. She smiled, "Thanks Luke. See you around" she waved.
Luke nodded, "No problem, both of you and yeah.. See you, Yui" he smiled at the girl before turning on his heels and walked back towards the direction of his house.
"I think you have an admirer, Yui" Will teased. Yui blushed, "What? Impossible" she waved it off. She hugged her dad, "Good night dad. Stay safe and see you tomorrow. I'm serious about not abusing the truck by the way. God knows what you military men use him for" she laughed.
"Good night and yeah stop nagging" Will smirked and kissed the top of her head.
Yui then jogged back into the house, bade Sarah good night, kissed Annabelle's head and then head to bed.