Bad Boy's Changes

Chapter 12

Chess Wars

Allen yawned and sat up in his bed. No school today. No mission. He hadn't had one since his first one. So he got a book from his stand and started reading. It was reallt calm and peaceful today. Which was odd. It was too quiet. Way too quiet. Wait, today was Christmas. His birthday. He put his book down on his lap and frowned. He wished he never found out whihc day was his birthday. Only his age and he could use the first day of the year to signal another year for him. That would still be considered a birth day then. He scratched his head and sighed. "I suppose that explains why I woke up so early." Allen whispered.

He hoped Road wasn't planning anything. Her idea of fun is barbaric like torture. He's seen her 'play games' with the twins. Like hell he would ever trust her in a game. She would probably even try to cross dress him. Not something pleasant. Not a pleasant thought at all. Getting rid of those thoughts, he rubbed his eyes. He was a bit sleepy. Just a tad. He looked at the door and concentrated really hard. He heard many sounds, but it was still too quiet in the ark. Way, way, way too quiet. Okay, maybe he was being a bit paranoid, but come on! It's Christmas and you have three kids, Jackie, Lucy, and Charlye, the main culprits are the Lucy and Charlye, then you have Road and Jasdevi! "It doesn't matter. It's not my problem." Allen mumbled.

Allen dressed in a pair of pants and his casual black t-shirt. He finally got some clothes where they weren't all button up shirts. He stuck his shoes on over his socks and combed his hair with his fingers. He looked at his wristband and sighed. The skulls had to make another one after he lost his last one. They made a few actually. So he wouldn't have to wait for them. At least he lost the bracelet around Christmas break. So he wouldn't have to worry about school. Huh, funny how it makes him sound like a normal teen. Worrying about school. He was a Noah and he was worrying about school. Maybe that's all he wanted. To be normal.

Allen looked into the mirror and scowled. He was in his white form, but it bothered him. It also bothered him when he was in his black form. He knew what he used to look like, brown hair, silver-gray eyes, and pale skin, no scar. That's what he wanted, but it seems the curse took that away from him. He didn't know why he didn't just let the skulls make a bracelet to where it let him look like he used to. He just didn't want to hide himself. He shouldn't have to hide himself from a bunch of low life, scumbag, and greedy humans. They think that anyone stronger than them is a monster. Or if they look different. How would they like it if they were in that person's position and they were rejected and almost killed by people in your daily life and barely knew you? They were all demons. They deserved to die. "How's it feel to be on the other end?" Allen murmured.

Allen opened his bedroom door and took three books with him. He randomly walked around trying to find the library. He discovered that if he jsut walks without thinking aobut where he was going he wound up where he wanted to be. Like his feet instinctively took him there. If he's trying to think aobut which direction to go then he would get lost. Who knew? Right? Weird. "~ Oh Allen! ~" Road cheered in a sing song voice.

Allen stopped walking and looked around. Where did Road's voice come from? It wasn't from behind or from either side nor in front of him or anywhere around. Was it his imagination? Was Wisely messing with his head? He shrugged it off and started walking. " ~ Allen!~" Road repeated in a sweet, singy song voice.

Allen twitched and dropped his books. It wasn't from around him, but from above him. He looked up and Road smiled, giggling, waving then jumped off of Lero and Allen panicked. He didn't know what to do, even though she wouldn't really get hurt, he couldn't let her fall. He caught her around her waist and sighed. Why was his heart racing when she did that? He looked at Road, but he realized that he had fallen to the ground. The stinging pain in back was enough proof. Not to mention Road was on top of his stomach. He took his hands off of her waist and pulled her back, sitting up, rubbing his back. The ground was so freaking hard! "What the hell are you thinking!" Allen shouted.

"Why you so angry? I could've landed on my feet and if not I wouldn't of been harmed." Road said.

"I don't know! You fall from ten stories and I panic! What do you think? I'm suppose to be calm?" Allen responded.

"Eh? Wait, were you worried?" Road asked.

"Was I worried? I was. . . . . . *sigh*. Leave me alone. I don't know what you want, but it's a big flat no." Allen said, picking his books up.

Road smiled again. She hugged Allen and Allen tried to get up, but Road was sitting on his legs. He shoved her off a bit roughly and stood up. He started walking away and opened a door that said library. Road followed and Allen glanced back at her. "Happy Birthday Allen." Road said.

"What's so happy about it?" Allen responded.

"C'mon, cheer up! It's also Christmas. There's the feast, the presents, and at night, the ball." Road said.

"I'm not going to a ball." Allen said.

"Everyone is going. Even the kids and Jasdevi." Road replied.

"I don't care. I'm not." Allen responded.

"Millenie isn't going to like your mood. He loves this holiday. We all get each other gifts. Though, you didn't get anyone anything. Nothing new. You're not that nice." Road said.

"I don't have money either." Allen said, going down an aisle.

"So, are you coming to the longue with the tree and the presents and the big feast or not?" Road asked.

"No." Allen said.

"Why not?" Road said in a pouty voice.

"Many akuma are there. Being surrounded by too many akuma makes my eye itch and eventually hurt. That's my point." Allen told them.

"Well, we're not that cruel to the akuma that earned their little bit of respect. How did you know about that though?" Road inquired.

"I could hear you all clearly from my room." Allen answered, taking a turn.

"But the party is all the way on the other side of the ark." Road stated.

"Everywhere else is so silent that my hearing capabilities went very far this time." Allen responded.

"I heard you have keen senses, but I had no idea they were that good." Road replied.

Allen placed a book on a shelf then the toher two beside it. His fingers traveled down the books and he quickly glimpsed thorugh the books, picking five books this time. He went to a tale without looking up from his book and sat down. Minutes passed and he read several pages. He was quite a fast reader. It was like watching Tyki read, but Tyki took his time. Allen looked up from his book and Road waved. "You're still here? Get lost." Allen said bitterly.

"You're coming with me to the party Allen." Road said firmly.

"No." Allen answered, reading the book again.

"Allen please. You wouldn't want to disappoint the Earl, would you?" Road said.

"He knows how I am. I hate parties." Allen replied.

Road went on and on and on about Allen having to go to the party, but she was just wasting her time. Allen kept saying no and continued to read his book. Road pouted and whined, but eventually gave up and left. Allen sighed when he heard the library door close and went back to reading once more. He had taken a liking to reading lately. He just wanted to learn new things. It was so interesting. Not all of it was real though. Some was fiction. "Allen, come to the party."

Allen's head snapped up and almost popped off. He dropped his book, startled. He looked around and made sure to look up this time too, but no one was there. Wisely? No. It was someone else. "~ Allen! Come my son. Come to the party. Oh Allen! ~"

The Earl. Allen grabbed his book and put his leg over his over his other leg, knee specifically, and leaned backwards. He held the book with his left hand and used his right hand to flip through the pages. It didn't take long for the Earl's voice to come back though. "Allen! Allen come! It's not just Christmas, it's your birthday! You have gifts here as well. You may not like them or this, but you will participate in a family event." the Earl said sternly.

Allen sighed and closed the book with his left hand. He grabbed another book and decided to come back for the other three another time. He started walking towards the soft music he could hear with his good hearing, thank you for them, otherwise he would be totally lost. He never even went to the longue. When he got to a pair of big brown doors he opened them and a few people turned their heads to glance at him. Most of the akuma's eyes landed on his left arm that had been uncovered for the first time. He hadn't realized that. He looked at the akuma idly as he walked over to a chair and sat down to read. The Noahs all knew a few akuma were going to attack, but did nothing. He could handle himself. Allen glanced at a handful of akuma coming towards him, but made no movement. Did they forget he was a Noah? Some of them stopped when they caught his cold, cold eyes, but the higher levels that were brainless continued to come. Allen looked away, but didn't fear anything. Dice stood in front of Allen and all of the akuma stopped immediately. Allen looked away from his book one more time as he turned the page. "Merry Christmas akuma." Allen said softly, but coldly.

The akuma got in human form and bowed, apologizing, begging for forgiveness and leaving. They really left the room. Not wanting to pay the consequences. "Are you okay Allen?" Dice asked.

"Of course. You didn't need to do anything though." Allen said.

"Nonsense. You are my master. I must protect you even if you wouldn't get hurt in the process and as long as you say nothing." Dice said, walking away and smiling. "Happy Birthday Allen." he added.

"Maybe you should cover the innocence up." Earl suggesed.

"You find it revolting?" Allen asked, not looking up from his book.

"I've seen worse things in life Allen. That's not even close to revolting." Earl responded.

"Somehow that doesn't convince me." Allen said.

"Why are you here?" Road asked.

"I thought you were the one who begged and pleaded him to come?" Tryde queried.

"I did, but he said no, no, no, no, no, no, no, and hell no!" Road replied.

"You kept track?" Tyki asked.

"That wasn't even half." Road informed.

"He hates parties." Wisely told them.

"I'm not too fond of them wither." Mercym said.

"Then how come Allen is here?" Sheryl asked, gathering everyone's attention.

Allen looked up from his book and at everyone's stare. The Earl didn't tell them. Maybe that was a good thing. He couldn't just say that he thought about Road's pleading and agreed to come though. "The Earl asked me to come." Allen said as if it were nothing.

"What! You'll listen to him, but not me!" Road whined, stomping her foot.

"You're annoying." Allen stated simply.

"That still doesn't mean anything." Road said.

Allen closed his book and put it on the stand beside him. He put his chin in his palm and frowned. He seemed pretty calm and in a good mood, as good as the grumpy man can get, but he was clearly aggravated, annoyed, and a bit angry. Of course. Was that also frustration? Over what? Road probably. Allen looked away from them and looked. . . . . strange. "I don't have high respect for you." Allen said, nonchalantly.

"You respect the Earl?" Tyki asked, stunned.

"He has more authority than I and as far as I am concerned, he's not annoying like you guys. Also, with what I know, he's stronger than me and much, much older. He has earned my trust so there would be no reason not to give him my respect." Allen said.

"And you have no respect for me?" Road asked.

Allen turned his head away and a few people started snickering. "Not much. You are just like a little girl who runs around trying to play games and hurt people and doesn't do too well in school without help. You're just a slacker who searches for fun and trouble." Allen said.

"Like you're mature either. All you do is frown and get angry over every little thing and agrue and so on." Road responded.

"Not constantly." Allen said.

"Especially not lately." Tyki remarked.

"I still don't want to be here, but the Earl wouldn't leave my head. It is agitating." Allen said.

"It was not." Earl said, protesting like a child.

"You were screaming in my head and I couldn't even focus on reading." Allen said.

"It is your birthday. You should be more excited." Lucy exclaimed.

"Yeah." Charlye agreed.

"I'm not a party or an excited kind of person." Allen said bluntly.

"Clearly." Jackie said.

"I can just as easily walk out." Allen responded.

"No, you may not." Earl said.

"Why not? It's not like I'm going to do anything." Allen replied.

"Just let him leave. It's not like anyone really wants him here at a party. He'll just ruin it." Jasdero said.

"Yeah. He's a party pooper." Debbitto said.

"For once I agree with them." Allen said.

"You're agreeing witth them on an insult about you?" Tyki inquired.

"Sure. It's the truth."" Allen said, shrugging.

"You are a bit strange." Dice said.

"Yet, none of you have figured me out." Allen muttered.

"I hav ean idea. Allen, do you like chess?" Sheryl asked.

"It's not bad. I guess. I've only played the game three times." Allen said.

"Wanna play a game?" Sheryl asked.

"That's boring!" the twins shouted.

"He didn't ask you." Tyki replied.

"Sure." Allen answered Sheryl.

"At least Allen is doing something." Road said.

"It's stradgeical. Something that's useful in combat." Earl said.

"That's true." Tyki said.

"It's like a single war is a game of chess. Sheryl happened to notice this fact and started playing it." Earl said, watching Allen and Sheryl.

"Y'know, it doesn't look that boring, it's only learning how to play that is boring." Allen told them.

"How did you learn how to play?" Road asked.

"A scientist at the Order and another exorcist that died a long time ago taught me so neither one of them would be completely bored while their companion was away." Allen said, moving a chess piece. "It was a way to pass the time so I did agree to learn, but only played a few games not including learning expierences with the games."

"I see." Road mumbled as she sat beside him. "You like chess?"

"I guess." Allen answered.

"Then can you teach me?" Road asked.

Allen moved his knight and looked at Road. Why did she ask him to teach her everything he knew even though she knew probably half the things? "I asked if you wanted to learn how to play chess before and you said no." Sheryl said in a childish pouty voice.

"That's because you're old. Allen is around my age. I can trust his word. Boring to learn, but fun to play." Road said.

"Unless of course you lose or if you like to win and if you lose and you keep trying until you win by using your determination then that's another story." Allen said.

"Sorta like a person who likes challenges, but continues on until you are victorious, right?" Road asked as Allen moved another piece and took one of her Dad's pieces.

"Yes, but this game isn't like many others. Some calll it a sport, but it only works 'the muscles' in your mind. That's how many have put it. In other words, it takes time, patience, calmness, and you have to not only keep track of your pawns, but your enemy. Each pawn can only move so many spaces and you have to make sure you'll be safe in the end. You have to plan ahead and expect the enemy to make a movement. That's one of that easy things about games. You know all the rules and you know all the weaknesses and strengths of your opponent. It would be besat if the person you're up against is someone you know of course. It gives you the upper hand. . . . . . like this. Check mate." Allen said, moving one more piece.

"Huh? What? Already?" Sheryl asked, looking at the board closely.

"That's a new record." Tyki muttered, lighting a ciggarrette.

Road grinned and laughed at her Dadn's reaction. Sheryl immediately reset the board and forced ALlen to play again. It was like watching Tyki and Allen in a game of poker. "Hey, he isn't cheating, is he?" Jasdero asked.

"You can't cheat in chess. I didn't even know there was a chess board here." Allen responded, folding his arms indignitantly.

"Allen gots a point. No cheating in chess. None that I can think of that is." Earl responded.

"I would like to try a game with you Allen." Lulubell said.

"What? But I'm not done with him yet." Sheryl whined.

"I accept Lulubell." Allen said.

Lulubell sat down in front of Allen and took the first move. Allen took a simple move and put on his poker face. "Liek the Earl said Road, not only is the war like chess, but if you compare it to many things you will see the resemblance. I see chess as the main game like war. There's a king and then there's his underlings. Yes, underlings would be an approipte word. Anyways, in battle, it's highly impossible to lose at least a few warriors. Thus the reason for akuma, finders, and even scientists in some cases at the Order, but, to be a good ruler, your utmost important goal is to lose the least amount of comrades as possible. If so, then in the next battle you will have even more comrades then your opponent. Just because you won a battle does not mean you won the war. Understand?" Allen said monotonelessly.

"But how would there be battles with this?" Road asked.

"Simple. When one pawn takes on another. Like, if I were to send the queen after the knight if need be. That would be a battle. Only one will remain victor, but that does not necessarily mean I win the war. I still have the king. The king must be killed to win the war. In this case, the king would be the Millenium Earl and the Order's king would have to be the heart of innocence." Allen responded, moving a piece and looking at her.

"He sounds like a wiseman in a fight." Wisely said.

"He sounds like an adult." Skin said, chewing on a piece of candy.

"He is eighteen now." Sheryl said.

"He is much smarter than we thought." Tyki said.

"Why would the Earl be the king Allen?" Road asked curious, wanting to know how Allen got that assumption. They told him nothing.

"He's in charge of the akuma and the Noahs." Allen said.

"That's not your only reason for saying that, is it?" Earl asked.

"No." Allen moved a piece and took one of Lulubell's. "But I've noticed that not only do the akumas feel a need to listen to your orders, but so do the Noahs. Not like robots like the akuma, but in a similiar fashion so to speak. Also, not only do you have the highest authority, you've been around longer than any of us here, correct? That would make you the wisest in a way. I do have another reason, but. . . . . . it's nothing much. I don't even believe it's true. Just a weird theory that came to mind once." Allen said, glancing at the Earl.

"You have humor in your eyes. What's so funny?" Earl queried.

"Lulubell is losing." Allen said.


Road counted the pieces and compared them. "Road, there's another thing you need to learn." Allen said.

"What's that?" Road asked.

"The number of soldiers doesn't matter. As long as the king stands still. You see, nothing is impossible. It's just that two against one is the better odds, but that's also a weakness." Allen said, taking another one of Lulubell's pawn.

"Go on." Road ushered.

"If two people were to go up against one person not only does power matter, but teamwork. They have to know how to work together and be in sync. Sorta. It's best to know one another's weaknesses and strengths or where you and that person coperate in a balance. The mind and the body need to work together for a person to walk and breathe. The same goes for a team. One may be the brain and one may be the brute force. Another way to put it would be where the two people split that equally. A good pair for both of those would be Skin and Wisely. The other pair would be Tyki and Lulubell." Allen explained.

"As long as the two can't work together then the opponent will win, yes?" Road responded.

"Correct." Allen said, watching Lulubell take a piece of his own. "Teamwork is the main key. So, one whole person could defeat a whole army given the right reasons. Also, sometimes, many people listen to someone. Following every order like a dog and giving their own lives if asked. Terrists are a good examples, but I suppose the akuma and even us Noahs at times would be a good example, but we don't always follow orders accordingly. Then, if you've come to understand Cross Marian, he is able to expect everything from everyone. A human alone is a genius, but humans together as a group are stupid. Not everyone will agree completely unless you are like Lulubell and will agree with smoeone's opinion if their your master." Allen firther explained.

"Did you just make fun of her?" Road asked.

"Not entirely, but always following orders isn't always good. You're not ever always right. There will come a time where you fail and when you're wrong. More than once. If you look at it, for everyone to start off you have to be a beginner. Meaning, we were all just as pathetic as the humans once before." Allen said, takking another piece, but also losing one.

"So you're admitting to mistakes?" Tyki asked, sitting down, watching the small game war.

"I've made many. Childhood is where you make the most mistakes. Childhood is where you learn everything you need for life when you grow older." Allen responded honestly.

"Name one of oyur mistakes." Tyki said.

"Going back to the Order. Twice." Allen responded.

"Your turn." Lulubell said softly, frustrated.

"Also, you have to have more then one plan. Not everything will happen accordingly. That's where's the saying expect the unexpected, comes in. Always be prepared. You also have to know when to retreat. When to not fight a losing battle. Outsmart the trickster. Be absolutely cunning. Keeping everything in mind, you have to go after your objective. Your mission must be carried out, but there will be times when you must retreat. When, where, and why is the trick. Or. . . . . . trick the enemy. Make them think you retreated and make a small ambush. You have to look at every small detail thoruoghly. You can't always go by your gut, instincts, or wing it, but you can't always go by logic or theory. You will have to take chances. This is a lot to take in for you Road. Do you even understand?" Allen said.

"A little, but with how you're saying this, do you keep this all in mind while you're making a plan?" Road responded.

"You can't use everything, but it's best to use this knowledge depending on the scenrio, yourself, and the safety of your comrades and the objective of your mission. That's why not everyone is cut out to be a leader. You see, I have a photographic memory when it comes to this stuff." Allen said, taking another one of Lulubell's piece.

"So, how do this have to do with chess?" Road queried.

"I was explaining how the game is similiar to war and how to be beter at it. You do tend to screw up a bit Road." Allen said, staringa t her.

"How rude." Road responded.

"The truth hurts. I tend to ignore it if I don't like it though. I do have my limits as well. I also have a weakness that I know of, but do you know where the best spot is to attack the enemy in life?" Allen replied.

"Eh? What'cha ya talking about?" Road asked.

"The back of the neck is the most unguarded place on the human body during a battle. This is a common fact known to many people and a lot of people will protect that spot, but then their enemies caught on to that and stopped attacking there. Now, hardly anyone protects themselves in that area. If you hit it just right, the person's neck will break, killing them or if they're lucky, paralyzing them. Depends on the person. Some may even just get knocked out. Check mate." Allen told her, taking another piece that belonged to Lulubell and leaving nowhere else for her to take her king. "Concentration, deermination, focusing, and much more, these are all keys to winning. And that is that. If you wish to learn Road, I will teach you how to play chess."

"Are you going to keep talking like a wiseman?" Road asked.

"Maybe. I only speak what comes to mind and out of my mouth. Half the time I don't even think before I talk. Which isn't too wise for a wiseman, huh?" Allen jooked.

"Nah. I like it. It makes you looked even smarter then the Earl. I had know idea you knew so much about war and stuff like that. I would like you to teach me how to play chess though." Road replied.

"Then it's settle. You mind moving Lulubell or would you like one more go?" Allen asked.

Lulubell bit the inside of her lip. WHy did this boy make her so frustrated? He knew what he was doing from the inside out. It was so odd. "No. I've had all the fun I need." Lulubell said, standing up and moving.

Road got in her seat and Allen showed Road how to set the board up. "Who would've thought Allen would've wound up doing this? He's enjoying himself. He definitely isn't a party person, but he's an excellent asset to our side Lord." Sheryl said.

"Indeed he is. Indeed he is." Earl replied.

"Oh, Road, remember one thing. Your strengths are your weaknesses as well as your weaknesses your strengths." Allen said.

"What does that mean?" Road asked.

"If you rely too much on your strengths you'll fail. Too much faith in one thing is never good. It'll only lead to your demise." Allen explained.

"Understand captain!" Road said and on wen the little game of chess war.

Cut! Please review and I won't be able to update for awhile. Maybe around the 3rd of August or a little after. Please and thanks for understanding. Yan Luna4373