Note: Thank you for waiting this whole time, I'm terribly sorry for the extremely late update but my real life is quite busy for having twins. If you have comments, suggestions, flames, anything, please do. Tell the truth, I wrote half of this chapter last year and kinda confused about my own planning, hahaha~

Okay, have a nice reading~!

Disclaimer: Eiichiro Oda

No Romance Allowed part 7

Boa Hancock is dead?




Almost all men and women all over the seas cried a river when they read the news of Boa Hancock's death because of serious illness, unidentified and terribly mysterious. If not mistaken, they had just heard the gossips of strange accusation of the Queen of The Seas being slave of Tenryuubito, but why worse news followed so soon like sudden thunderstorm in cloudless sky, as if Luffy hated meat out of reasons and Sanji stopped adoring women? Why should beautiful women died fast? Why should the perfect, most beautiful woman ever created left the world?

"It wasn't fair!" Sweet Pea wept her tears sadly, "why should our Hebihime-sama?"

Margaret heard her best friend lamenting the bad news, but she knew she couldn't tell the truth to Sweet Pea. The more people knew the truth, the more dangerous it would be. She couldn't put Hebihime and those aw-so-lovely twins in serious problem. "Sweet Pea, I knew…"

"If someone must have died, why she couldn't be someone old like Elder Nyon? She's all old and misery and bla-bla-bla…" Aphelandra started crying, again. "Why that someone must be Hebihime-sama? Why should our strong and beautiful queen?"

That comment surely made Margaret speechless.

The most beautiful Kuja Queen got infected with such abnormal disease—changed her face, body, and hair into ugliest state. From the witnesses and Kuja's warriors convictions, believe it or not believe it, Hancock seemed had been through several deformations. Her pale and fair skin became darker, her bone shrunk badly, and her beauty definitely went wrong. Sweet Pea, Kikyo and Aphelandra might swear that the queen they had seen in the royal funeral ceremony looked quite similar with Elder Nyon—perhaps more than obviously, remarkably exact resemblance.

Perhaps it had been Elder Nyon in disguise, whatever; they couldn't have stopped their tears anyway. They felt very, very sad and forgot how to stay alert or even curious.

Sandersonia shown up last time delivered the news to the World Government. She stated that her elder sister passed away and gave up the shichibukai title. Obviously, that news put current position of the Isle of Women in critical state. Yes, and she said that their isle was under Luffy's protection. She was very happy when Iva herself had called and told her all the plans.

"Nice meeting you, my fellow Kuja! We are gathering here because there's royal news I have to tell today!"

"Yes, Sandersonia-sama!"

The crowd cheered, replying Sonia's greeting. They were all sad but sure, life had to go on. They also wanted to know who would replace Boa Hancock, secretly hoping one of the Gorgon Sisters. In the Isle of Women, the Gorgon Sisters was still the best fighters.

"From now on we have to live without big sister, means there's no Shichibukai protection anymore! It will be harder to sail and stay like what we are right now, but I knew we could do it! We can live without her!" Sandersonia claimed without doubt in her voice. She knew she was distorting the facts, but she could do anything for Hancock and her niece and nephew's sakes.

"That what sister wanted to say when she was alive."

"What, so we are without Shichibukai protection? How if some pirates came and claimed our Isle, what should we do?"

"I'm afraid Government will attack us for robbery or something…"

"How could we survive?!"

"WE ARE STRONG! NO ONE WILL HARM OUR ISLE!" Sandersonia stated confidently, she looked at the crowd and continued her speech. "WITH OR WITHOUT TITLE OR PROTECTION, WE ARE STILL THE AMAZON LILY, THE STRONGEST KUJA WARRIORS!"

"You are right, Sandersonia-sama! Together we are strong!" Kikyo screamed at the top of her lungs. "We are Kuja Warriors!"

"And you secretly have always wanted to join the Kuja Pirates since small." Margaret whispered softly to Sweet Pea, indirectly talking about Kikyo's dream. "Good luck to you, Kikyo."

"Huh, you are just being lucky for passing the test, miracle won't happen twice in a life time! LONG LIVE KUJA WARRIORS!" Kikyo retorted, whined a bit. "Why should I have broken my leg before the test, huh, LONG LIVE AMAZON LILY!"

"LONG LIVE AMAZON LILY!" the cheered was shouted over and over around the Isle, seemed that they were calm enough to accept the sudden change in Kuja Kingdom.


Marigold smiled happily to her sister. "Time to break that news too, Sonia."

"AMAZON LILY, PREPARE TO BOW UNDER YOUR NEW QUEEN, SANDERSONIA!" Sandersonia, the new queen gave her first command to her people. Deep in her heart, she didn't really accept Hancock's decision, but she had no option.

"You are sweet-hearted and caring—yet you are strict, you'll be better queen than anyone else but me." Hancock explained pompously, however, tears started falling. "Please take care the kingdom, take care everyone. I have to hide until the news forgotten or until I face that son-of-bitch Donquixote Doflamingo for making my babies and I suffer… promise me, Sonia…"

"I promise, sister."

"Promise you'll help her too, Mari." Hancock said dramatically via den-den Mushi."Take care yourself too. Take care yourself well for me."

There, everyone then celebrated the royal news by cheering happily. They wanted to hold big party, but Sonia postponed it until a week later as last tribute for her sister. Hancock also heard the announcement via den-den Mushi, and she couldn't help smiling. Sonia had done her order well, she also had regained the trust from Kuja people, and that was the most important thing.

"Excellent job, you'll never disappoint me, Sonia, Mari…" Hancock murmured, hugging Acer and Fuchsia tightly. "See, your aunts do their best to protect us. Someday we'll repay them, okay?"

Those babies hummed, moving right and left—as if they understood what their mother had just said. Acer even tapped his small pillow and shrieked softly.

"That's my sweet boy…" Hancock put two of them in their cradle, and then she read the latest news in paper. She froze at the moment she saw Elder Nyon dressing as her as deformation corpse. Yeah, at least they said she got under extremely bad deformation and shrunk…

"What a humiliation, what a shameless of me~" Hancock released a long sigh. "How could I have betrayed all people hope as the most beautiful, sweetest pirate in the sea… damn that old witch!"

Somewhere in the Isle of Women, Elder Nyon got unstoppable sneeze. "Many people are adoring my photo right nyow, nyehehehe…"

Actually, Hancock really wanted to follow Rayleigh and Iva-chan's suggestion, which put her Isle under Straw Hats protection, but that perhaps would have been a bad idea, since people might know that there was connection between Luffy and her. Exposing her relationship with her most lovely Luffy was the last thing Hancock wanted to expose aside from her ex-slave status.



Luffy and his crew were sailing back around Calm Belt when they received the sadden news. It was Sanji at first, and he spilt his wine, losing the ability to speak—somehow frozen. Sneered, Zoro grabbed the newspaper from Sanji, and felt a bit shock reading the headline. His expression was rather blank when Nami passed in front of them.

"Stop looking at me that way," Nami said proudly, thinking Zoro stammered because she was wearing new outfit from Criminal labels. "I always knew that I'm beautiful."

"It's the… eh, you beautiful what?" Zoro turned his head, looking at Nami flatly. A sneer came across his face. "It's not what you think…"

"WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT, MOSS HEAD! NO FURTHER APPROACH TOWARD MY BELOVED FUTURE BRIDE!" Sanji turned into fire in seconds, kicking the swordsman with full power, which of course—Zoro successfully avoided that attack, throwing the papers in escape.

"As if I care." Zoro replied sarcastically.


Nami rolled her eyes, took the papers, and then opened it. She read the news as she always did every day. There's lots of chances of getting money that way, besides, she needed to know what was happening. Sure, she completely ignored the fact that Sanji and Zoro fought right behind her, throwing deadly attacks and swearing.

Then, her eyes caught the headline.







Nami's eyes widened in shock, didn't know how to give a proper react. It was around two weeks ago that they read that Hancock was accused as ex-slave, and she had died? How could she deliver the news to Luffy? They had returned to Red Line only to meet Boa Hancock, and suddenly she just died? Ah, well, the one she was staring in the news looked so weird and damn old.

What was the paper saying? Boa Hancock got deformation before died.

There was something suspicious—but of course, it could be true and Nami was afraid she got that disease. Shrunk into old and ugly form was her worst dream ever. Still, she smelt something fishy, but she didn't know what was that. Perhaps she could ask someone smart like Robin to analyze? No, Robin will give the worst scenario ever!

"Fufufu, what a bad luck. Boa Hancock died so ugly in the photo. I think she is cursed." Robin's half body grew from deck behind and read the paper in Nami's hand. No one knew how much Robin heard and how long she had been there all that time. Hana-hana no mi was such horrible fruit. "Have to tell Luffy as soon as possible."

"WHAT? NOO!" Nami refused that idea. See, Robin just gave the worst plan ever! "We are returning back to meet and help her for Luffy's sake, how can we tell him she died already?"

"Should we keep it secret?"

"We're so close with the Isle, at least…"

"So we are telling Luffy?"

"I still feel there's something missing here, but…"

Realizing Robin and Nami together discussing the news, Sanji finally joined them. "Let's keep it a secret since this is too awful to be true, why their love should go this hardest path, what I must do to help Luffy for healing his broken heart because he just lost his beloved?"

"Curly eyebrows, somehow you look happy." Zoro stated blatantly, muttering. "Still feeling jealous aren't you—"

"No matter how my heart crushed because of the jealousy, I still felt the pain that this world had just lost the most beautiful… erhmm, second ehh… third after Nami-swan and Robin-chan!" Sanji tried so hard to conceal what he really meant. "Oh, oh, this is very disappointing, I've never seen her alive and up close, she must have been so delightfully pretty—but she died…"

The girls ignored him after all.

Luffy and Usopp walked into the deck and asked what's for lunch. Luffy's rubber stomach growled, asking for ransom. "Sanji, what's for lunch?"

"ANYTHING, CAPTAIN!" Sanji cried, biting his lips sadly. "ANYTHING FOR YOU!"

"What the? Why so sudden?" Zoro raised his brows, looking at Sanji curiously. "Oh, I see… Boa Hancock just di—" Zoro couldn't finished his words, both Nami and Robin tackled him and Robin silenced his mouth.

"ANYTHING YOU WANT TO ORDER, DEAR CAPTAIN?" Sanji asked, still biting his lips. He just couldn't bear the sad news. Come on, what could he do to lessen Luffy's heartbroken feeling toward his lover besides giving his best skill? Sanji was a good guy after all, just having too much love for every woman.

"All of your cooking is best! Just triple all!" Luffy grinned widely, and then cheered up happily. "yeay!"

"Luffy, is there any chances you had changed your gender? Why Sanji became so sweet it disgusts me." Usopp decreased his volume, "He acts sweet only to girls…"

"Do you wanna die, Ussop?" Sanji showed his evil grin, and then in seconds he screeched. "Oh dieeee…"

"Huh?" Usopp became curious. He felt there was something wrong, but ah hell who cared.

"Dieeee…" Sanji screeched one more time, after that he went into the kitchen, crying even more desperate than ever. "Oh, nooooo, why, why must… uooghhh…"

"What to do for wasting time? Usopp, do you have idea?" Luffy seemed so bored. "Ah, let's make something fun from newspaper!"

Nami and Zoro gasped, while Robin from her reading chair chuckled. Luffy almost never, never ever read or open books, why now he got interest in reading newspaper? THIS IS SO BAD SIGN!

Zoro stuttered, "Luffy, errr… what do you want to do?"

"Of course reading!" Luffy claimed. "Feeling like I could be smarter!"

"No use of keeping secret then…" Robin curved a mysterious smile. "Just give in, Nami."

"Do something else! Help Sanji!" Nami grabbed the papers back. "Oh, Luffy, reading would be the worst thing ever! Chopper could be smarter that way but not you!"

"Tcheeeh!" Luffy smacked his lips, taking back the papers. He always thought that he was smart, what's wrong with Nami. Usually Nami was the one that always motivated him to read. She also called him enemy of papers, using papers only to clean his butts. Duh, everyone needed papers for butts.

"Nonsense! Perhaps there's news good enough to—"

"There! There! It's Isle of Women!" Usopp screamed happily. "Oh, joy!"

"Even the air and the land smells like love." Sanji came out from the kitchen, remembering his horror memory in Peach Island. "So different with that damn, God forsaken place. Oh, look! Are they welcoming us?"

They could see some Kuja's warriors were waiting at the shore, weapons in their hands. Elder Nyon was between them, covering her mouth in tears. Oh, here they come! Here they come! Perhaps they could help Boa Hancock and the twins!

"Can't wait to see Hancock!" Luffy laughed. "She must be happy to see us."










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