*6 years later*

Clare's pov:

Eli and I are happily married along with Alli and Adam. Adam officially became a dude after our high school graduation. Eli proposed to me on my graduation and he waited until I was done high school so we can go to college together. Eli and I graduated the same year. Eli refuses to let me work just in case we have kids. Eli and I are rich along with Adam and Ally. Eli is a writer and he owns his own car shop. Adam is an artist and he co-runs the car shop with Eli. They named it Goldsworthy and Torres reparse shop. Eli was on his way home from the car shop and I have a great birthday present for him. Today is his birthday and trust me it's a surprise.

"Clare, I m home!" Yelled Eli from downstairs.
"Be right there!" I yelled back.

I grabbed both of the gifts and walked downstairs. When I did, Eli was hanging his jacket up.

"Happy birthday" I said.
"Clare, I hate when we celebrate" Eli whined.
"You didn't hate it last year when we had birthday sex" I smiled.
"Well that's different okay and I can only give you gifts" Said Eli.
"Please, you will like it" I said.
"Fine" Eli sighed defeated.

I gave him the big present first. Eli opened it and was confused. Eli pulled out a black onsie that said #1 father. Eli picked out other baby clothes that I bought.

"Clare, are these mine for when I was a baby?" Eli asked confused.
"Here's your next gift" I replied handing him the envelope.

Eli opened it and pulled out my ultra sound. I found out last week that I was 2 months pregnant. Eli's face lit up.

"We're having a baby?" Said Eli with a smile growing on his face.
"We're having a baby" I smiled.

Eli got off the couch and ran to me. Eli picked me up and twirled me around. Eli kissed me on the lips and placed my feet back on the ground.

"When did you find out?" Asked Eli looking at the ultra sound.
"Last week" I replied.
"Why didn't you tell me, I would have went" Said Eli.
"I wanted to surprise you on your birthday" I replied.
"How far along are you? 2 or 3 weeks?" Asked Eli looking at me.
"2 months" I said.
"You're 2 months?" Said Eli.
"Yeah, why do you hate it?" I asked.
"No, I love it, we will have the baby sooner" Said Eli with a smirk.
"Yeah" I replied.
"I love you and I love you baby Goldsworthy" Said Eli kissing me on the lips than my stomach.
"We love you to" I replied with a smile.

*10 years later*

No one's pov:

Eli and Clare are still married and have 3 kids. Clare is 30 while Eli is 31. There first child was born when Clare was 21 and Eli 22 and it was twin boys. The first one born looked just like Eli and they named him Adam Elijah Goldsworthy and the second one born looked just like Clare and they named him Daniel Thomas Goldsworthy. They are 9. The last one they had was a daughter. They named her Katerina Emma Goldsworthy. She is 7. Katherina looks like Eli and Clare. She has Clare's hair but Eli's thin hair and Eli's green eyes.

Adam and Alli are happily married and have 2 kids. The first one born was a boy. They named him Kyle Elijah Torres and he is 8. They had him at the age of 22. There second born child was a daughter and they named her Annabeth Clare Torres. She is 6. Alli and Adam are 30 just like Clare.

A/N: This is the last chapter hope you enjoyed.