New Author's Notes: If you are reading this then, congratulations and thank you for finding the first rewritten chapter of my Halo/Mass Effect crossover, From Hell to Hell. My writing has really improved over the short time, I have been... well writing. It hasn't even been a year yet since I started.

I went back and read what I have wrote, which gave me the idea that I should rewrite the chapters to make them better in grammar, ideas, story, and etc. I just basically want to make the story better. So I am rewritting all of the chapters to make them better in every single way possible than their predecessors.

So anyway, here is the first rewritten chapter. Now I didn't really change a lot in the first chapter since it is a retelling og how Halo 3 ended, but I did fix some grammar mistakes. The main difference in the chapter is the last paragraph. There wasn't a lot I could work with. This is a short chapter compared to what I normally post now which is well over 10,000 words. But it will have to do since there is not a whole lot to write about in the chapter.

Even though the retelling of the end of Halo 3 might be a little boring, I still think it is a little important to have it in there since some people might not know a lot about it.

I hope you enjoy it and leave a review.

Disclaimer: I don't own Halo or Mass Effect. Halo belongs to Bungie or 343 Industries now, Mass Effect belongs to Bioware

Prologue Chapter 1: The Ending that leads to a New Beginning

"That's it! Gun it Chief!" exclaimed Cortana

Master Chief then slammed his foot in the accelerator of the Warthog. The Warthog then made the jump towards the hangar of the UNSC frigate the "Forward Unto Dawn". The warthog bounced on impact with the hangar's floor, which caused it to flip and tumble further into the hangar.

The Elite and the Spartan recovered quickly from the crash, but soon the Dawn shifted to the right side of gravity. A Scorpion Tank began to slide towards the Arbiter, Thel Vadam then sprinted at a pile of crates to take cover. The UNSC tank then plowed right into the pile of crates. The Chief leaped over the Warthog and looked over to see the Arbiter digging out of the pile of crates unscathed. The Chief nodded at the Arbiter, and the Elite nodded back acknowledging the Spartan that he is alright. The Arbiter rushed to the bridge while Spartan-117 ran to the hangar panel and plugged in his trusted A.I. companion Cortana, so she can take control of this frigate. Cortana then appeared with her glowing, light blue, holographic form on the panel.

"Hang on!" the A.I. shouted.

Cortana ignited the thrusters at full burn and launched the Dawn at full speed away from the exploding Halo. The Chief grabbed onto the terminal, hanging on for dear life as the Dawn left Halo's atmosphere. As the Spartan tried to stay anchored, the Warthog flew out, which struck John on its way through the open hanger doors and out into empty space. The Chief flew off the panel, and then glided down the floor towards the doors, with the self-destructing Halo looming beneath. The Chief punched his fist hard into the floor to get a grip, halting near the back end of the hangar. Cortana reached out her arm towards him, scared of losing him.

"Chief!" Cortana yelled with worry in her voice.

The Scorpion flew out towards the Spartan. Seeing the tank looming towards him, Chief ducked his head just in time as the tank flew over him, narrowly missing the Chief. The Scorpion smashed the floor behind John-117 and fell back towards Halo. John began to climb back up to Cortana. After a few precious seconds passed, the Master Chief finally made it to the holotank that contained the A.I he went through the Flood infected High Charity.

Meanwhile, the Arbiter made it to the bridge and sat down at the controls.

Chief braced himself behind the panel. The Spartan reached his hand to the panel to recover Cortana's chip to plug her back into his helmet. The Spartan felt the cold sensation go through his body as his A.I. companion was once again in his MLJONIR Mark VI helmet.

"If we don't make it..." Cortana said sounding as if she was accepting death

"We'll make it." The luckiest Spartan replied confidence in his voice

"It's been an honor serving with you, John." Said the A.I. using Chief's real name for the first time in a really long time.

The Master Chief finally rested his head back, exhausted from the events that occurred on Earth,the Ark, High Charity, and the new Halo. The Halo Installation suddenly exploded, which engulfed the hangar in a binding white light. All goes blank as John closed his eyes.


There stood, on what is now UNSC's most important and respected memorial, Lord Hood, the Arbiter, and eight Marines armed with Battle Rifles.

Lord Hood now started one of mankind's greatest speeches. He took off his white military hat to pay respect for those who fallen and have made a huge contribute to the war.

"For us the stormed as passed. The war is over.'' Lord Hood bowed his head to show his endearment, "But let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return. For their decision required courage beyond measure…sacrifice, and unshakable conviction that their fight, our fight, was elsewhere."

Flashbacks of the front half of the "Forward Unto Dawn" crashed into one of Earth's oceans. The UNSC arrived quickly onto the scene of the wreck with emergency boats, Pelican dropships, and UNSC Frigates. An engineering crew cutted into the Dawn with torches on a section of torned frigate that survived the Ark. The Arbiter emerged from the wreckage, and he looked over the humans before him. Even after the battle with the Covenant Loyalist over Earth, the ocean still looked as beautiful as ever.

Back at the memorial

The Arbiter watched the memorial, the Elite stood solemnly with the Marines. He listened to the UNSC's leader say his speech for the human's heroes that died in action to the onslaught of the Covenant and the horror of the Flood, so humanity can live on.

"As we start to rebuild, this hillside will remain barren, a memorial to heroes fallen. They ennobled all of us, and they shall not be forgotten."

Admiral Hood placed his hat back on, and saluted. The Sergeant of this honorable memorial turned to the other marines present at the event.

The Sergeant issued orders to the marines, "Present arms!"

Seven Marines raised their Battle Rifles with the pride and each fire a single burst of three shots: a 3-volley salute. The view panned over the Ark Portal, now closed and silent.

Later, Hood and the Arbiter stood alone at the Memorial, which appeared to be a Pelican wing, decorated with pictures of the fallen, including Commander Miranda Keyes and Sergeant Major Avery Johnson and so many other soldiers that fought bravely for humanity.

"I remember how this war started. What your kind did to mine. I can't forgive you. But..."

Hood held out his hand to the Thel Vadam, the Arbiter.

"You have my thanks. For standing by him to the end." Lord said as he made a reference to the one who won them the war, Master Chief.

The Arbiter slowly shook Admiral Hood's hand with his own four fingered hand. After letting go, Hood turned to the memorial once more to look at a sad site that he thought he would never think they would ever see or really anyone would ever see, the Arbiter shared Lord Hood's sad gaze.

"Hard to believe he's dead." The UNSC leader said with sadness, still not wanting to believe the most famous Spartan, that won the war for the human race, is with other Spartans that are M.I.A. "Maybe he can finally be at peace and be happy forever more" Lord Hood thought.

The Elite in silver armor looked away towards the Assault Carrier, Shadow of Intent, which hovered silently in the sky of Earth.

"Were it so easy." The Arbiter finally spoke to Lord Hood. A phrase he said to Master Chief when he saw him on Earth, when the Spartan aimed a M9 Magnum at his throat.

Thel Vadam left the Memorial. His Separatist Phantom headed back to the Shadow of Intent, which still hovered in about the same position the Portal to the Ark once was. The Arbiter meet Shipmaster Rtas 'Vadum on the bridge. The white armored Elite with some missing mandibles looked at a holographic image of a planet.

"Things look different, without the Prophets' lies clouding my vision. I would like to see our own world… to know that it is safe." Rtas 'Vadum said as if he is looking at his home world for the first time.

"Fear not. For we have made it so." The Arbiter spoke with pride and confidence.

The Arbiter clenched his fist to his chest, as a sign of honor.

"By your word, Arbiter." Supreme Commander, Rtas 'Vadum spoke with respect as he repeated the gesture the Thel Vadam made.

The Arbiter took a seat on the command chair, as he assumed command of the "Shadow of Intent". The silver armored Elite spun on his chair.

"Take us home."Thel Vadam commanded as he and every other Elite on the Assault Carrier, was eager to see their home planet, Sanhelios safe and sound.

The Shadow of Intent left Earth, to rejoin the remains of the Covenant Separatist fleet in space.

Back to the memorial

The camera showed that underneath the print "UNSCDF March 3, 2553", the number "117" is carved into the metal of the wing, next to a new medal for the hero that would of looked greatly with his other medals, and the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy is taped to the upper right of it as a tribute to the famous John-117.

The back end of the "Forward Unto Dawn"

A feminine voice is spoke to a floating man in dark green armor.

"Chief? Chief? Can you hear me?"

The Master Chief, alive and awake, floated in zero gravity in a dark debris-filled hallway on board the Dawn.

"I thought I'd lost you, too." Cortana breathed a sigh of relief.

Chief turned on his helmet's lights and looked at a hole that was behind him in the hallway. He drifted to his floating MA5C Assault Rifle, and holstered it on the magnetic plates on his back. John-117 then began to drift towards hole at the end of the hallway.

"What happened?" The Spartan asked Cortana.

For once Cortana said three words that many people that wouldn't believe she would say.

"I'm not sure. When Halo fired, it shook itself to pieces. Did a number on the Ark. The Portal couldn't sustain itself. We made it through just as it collapsed."

The Chief reached the end of the hallway, which opened up into the vast empty space. 'The Forward Unto Dawn' looked as if it was cut half perfectly, it floated in a cloud of debris, with ends of it still literally red hot from the Slipspace cut.

"Well... some of us made it." Cortana then spoke with a little disappointment as she referred to the Arbiter who was nowhere to be found.

The Dawn's remaining half continued to drift aimlessly in unknown space. The Chief decided to glide further inside the ship, finding a row of cryotubes, complete with a holotank to plug Cortana into.

"But you did it. Truth and the Covenant, the Flood..." The Chief plugged Cortana's data chip into the holotank and she appeared on the holotank with her glowing blue form. "It's finished."

The Master Chief turned off the flashlight on his helmet. The Chief placed his Assault Rifle in one of the rackets on the wall, so he could grab it incase anything happens.

"I'll drop a beacon. But it'll be a while before anyone finds us." Cortana said sadly.

The man climbed into the cryotube that was in-front of Cortana's holotank and next to the rack where he placed his MA5C ICWS Assault Rifle.

"Years, even." Which disheartened John since Cortana can only be active for seven years before she thought herself to death. The Master Chief began to think what he would do without Cortana in his life, but his thoughts were quickly interrupted, as the cryotube door began to close.

"I'll miss you." The A.I.'s words were filled with emotion that you would never thought a computer would ever have; sadness and care.

"Wake me when you need me." Master Chief spoke his final words to his last living friend on the half of the Dawn.

Cortana smiled and nodded her holographic head to John. The cryotube closed and sealed itself, which froze the Master Chief. Finally, the rest that Spartan 117 needed since he first encountered the Halos.

Cortana dropped the Dawn's beacon, hoping the message will get found so she and Master Chief could one day be saved.

Unbeknownst to the Spartan and A.I. that this ending of the War, the Covenant, the Flood, Halo, and the Ark, opened up a whole new beginning and doorway to a universe that would change the life of the first human Spectre and his highly skilled team on his ship. The fight may have been finished but a whole new war was just beginning, a war against a timeless race of synthetic organic machines, that was known as, the Reapers.

Old Author's Notes: Thought I retell the ending of Halo 3 to get a good setting and that it is an easy chapter to post. REVIEW!

New Author's Notes: If you have gotten this far, then thank you for rereading the first chapter. Even though it is the retelling of the ending of Halo 3, I think it is pretty important to put the chapter in it.

I usually update a chapter for each of my stories in a certain order.

I hope you liked the chapter, and I really hope you leave a review.