A/N: Wow, I am so sorry! Please forgive me! It's so hard to find time to write with my life!

Evan's POV

Oh God. Oh God. OH GOD!

What the hell have I got my scrawny little ass into this time!? I have a date with Randy Orton! Randy! ORTON! ORTON! Offspring of "Cowboy" Bob Orton! I'm in way over my head here! God! How could I let myself get involved with him! He's probably part of some stupid prank again at me just so he and the other jocks can humiliate me again just because I sing and I'm bi! So I like guys AND girls! It's not like I would hit on any of the guys from our school…okay that's a lie but my friends know what I mean.

I force myself to calm down and drown out my thoughts. I had to stay positive. What reason would Randy have to pull a prank or humiliate me? Besides, he's proven to be trustworthy so far, right? Curse my slightly bi-polar and rudimentary personality. It sways back and forth debating over simple problems and making them feel like they were the Da Vinci Code. It made me hate myself for being so insecure and love my creativity which could lead to a bit of insanity.

I'm not sure if that's healthy. Eh, I don't give a shit most of the time.

Tonight was going to be a blast. Now that I have my insecurities out of the way, I can finally think positive and fully prepare for my date. Wow, a date! WITH RANDY ORTON! At this final realization, I plugged my iPod in my turned up my happy tunes. Ironically the first song to play was "Good Life" by One Republic. Grinning like the happiest guy in the world and bouncing around like the Easter Bunny on crack was fun.

Well…There's no stopping me now. What now world? What else you got to throw at me?

Randy's POV

I playfully glared at Becky through my rear view mirror, "Becky…how?," I asked, beaten and feeling kind of used.

"I don't know what you're talking about Randy?" Becky innocently replied. I could definitely hear the malicious tone laced under her girly voice. Damn…she's gonna drive me crazy with all the guys she's gonna be attracting. What an Orton!

"Suuuure." I smirked, coming to a stop in our drive way.

I watched as Becky fixed her tutu and scamper back inside the house as I locked the car. Tonight was going to be awesome, I just knew it. I was fresh out of a relationship and looking to have some fun. A night out with a cute guy could…wait…what?!

Again, by thoughts decide to commit suicide at this point.

What the hell am I doing going out with a guy!? A GUY! How am I supposed to…you know what, never mind. I go out with John all the time, but not in that context. Although there have been a few times where... nope nope! Not going there.

I fall back in bed shuffling through my thoughts. This was torture!

But whatever the torture was, I had to push it aside because it was already 5:30.


OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD! IT'S FREAKING 6:55 AND HE'S NOT HERE YET! THE MOVIE STARTS ANY MINUTE NOW AND…okay, deep breathes Evan. He's probably stuck at the ticket booth or at the snack bar…or the bathroom…or out in the lobby…or maybe he just stood you up. I was standing there outside the theatre entrance all alone looking like a loser in my jeans and batman shirt with my favorite red hoodie over my body.

'He must've stood me up. There's no doubt now.' As I frowned, looking down at my watch, reading 7:00.

I was about to leave and go movie hop to another movie I wanted to see but wouldn't be noticed at when suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder. I thought I was being attacked so my first reaction was to swat away my harasser's hand, promptly knocking his popcorn bucket of death to the ground in an explosion of buttery goodness and a large drink down his shirt that now clung to his 'oh so delicious' abs.

Then I realized I had just ruined the shirt of Randy Orton.

"HOLY FRACK!? OHMIGAWD I'M SO SORRY!" I basically screamed, everyone who was nearby turned their heads and gave us suspicious looks and began muttering, judging us obviously.

"Hello to you too…" Randy sauntered, his arms still up and his face covered with Gatorade. I couldn't help take a moment that probably the hottest guy in my school was in a soaking wet shirt that clung to every curve of his rippling abs and his jeans were hugging his thighs in every right way.

I didn't even speak as we walked over to the bathroom. I immediately began dispensing paper towel and handing wads to Randy, only exchanging the polite "thanks" and "you're welcome."

I blushed when Randy took off his shirt and began patting down his body. I had to stop myself from drooling and get back to wringing Randy's shirt in the sink, getting the blue Gatorade out of it before it stains.

"Look, it's too late for that shirt. It's fine, I have ton of them at home just like it, you don't have to…" Randy said, but I interrupted,

"No, no, it was my fault. Besides, what're you going to wear?" I began, "You can pull off the shirtless look, but I think the theatre has a health policy" I joked a bit, to raise the tension.

With an approving chuckle, Randy answered, "Well, I don't exactly like the feeling of wet cotton on my body. Chaffing, you know?" He grinned, looking me in the eyes with his steely-blue hues. I knew he could see the blush on my cheeks. Then I got an idea.

Taking off my hoodie, I handed it to him, "Here, it's way too big on me anyways so it should fit you perfectly." Nervously smiling, I shrugged, flashing a small toothy apologetic grin.

Randy looked me in the eyes again, as if he's made a 'it's too late to turn back now' look and took my hoodie, "Sure."

My grin grew even larger when I saw I was right. My hoodie was like a snug shirt on him, the zipper showing just the right amount of his chest and gave the right feel of decency. After adjusting my hoodie on his body a little bit more in the mirror, he turned to me again.

"You know what, I don't think anyone would like it if we walked into the movie right now. Especially with what just happened with the popcorn and my drink and all. Too much attention." Randy hastily suggested. I knew what he meant though.

"Yeah, the janitor of this place probably hates you and me now." I laughed. He grinned along with me.

A few minutes later, Randy and I were back out on the streets of St. Louis, his wet shirt in my hand and my hoodie keeping him warm. The winds at night always chilled and sent goosebumps down my bare arms.

"Oh hey, here." Randy noticed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I blushed a deep red that could even match my hoodie. His hip was at my side and I could feel the heat radiating off of him. I quietly got out a "thanks" and he just grinned.

St. Louis this time of year was always peace and relaxing. Since it was fall, the tourism had died down a bit with the school year and the summer events had shut down. Now it was the St. Louis I've come to love, the street lights illuminating the side-walks, the cars quietly purring down the streets, and the skyline just accenting and defining the autumn sky.

I hadn't noticed that during this entire time, I was nuzzling my head into Randy's chest at a stop light. My thoughts were stopped when a car had honked, urging us to go.

"Oh" I said, not knowing what to say. This time it was Randy's turn to blush. He seemed, comfortable. I couldn't really explain it. It was like he in a trance, but he was also aware of his surroundings. I could feel my heart flutter when I realized his face looked so beautiful under the orange tinted street light, exposing his defined jaw line and deep sunken and intense eyes.

We briskly walked across the street walk, awkward waving at the driver who had honked at us, only getting an eye roll and a wave of the hand in response. Once on the other side, Randy had decided to pick up the conversation.

"So, where do you want to go?" Randy asked.

I was a little surprised, but I couldn't help it, "Huh?"

"Our movie was kinda ruined, so, you want to go somewhere else?" Randy stopped in mid step, nervously scratching the back of his head, "Unless you just want me to drop you off at your house so you…"

"Yes!" I got out, "I mean NO! I mean," I was so jumbled up in my head, "I mean, I do want to go somewhere else…with you" The last little part came out more like a mutter. Randy's face immediately cheered up in response.

"Great! Um, I was actually wondering if you wanted to go to this karaoke bar my dad likes to hang out at sometimes. I was planning to take you there someday." Randy offered, his eyes unable to meet mine. He was biting his lip and the toe of his foot was digging into the concrete. If I didn't know any better, he was flustered! For me? FOR ME! And that's not all I caught in that message.

I raised an eyebrow, playing along to this little game, "You mean you were planning to ask me out again?" I knew how to be a little devil when I wanted!

Randy's eyes suddenly went wide and mouth agape. I laughed at his reaction.

"No, no, I was talking about…" Randy sputtered. I had to wipe away a tear of joy for a second.

"It's okay, I get what you mean. And I would be flattered to. I'll sing you a song for free, since I ruined your shirt and all." I answered, nervously laughing, feeling the tinged heat of a blush rush across my cheeks.

Randy sighed, then with a sideways smile, "Great!"

Randy's POV


I couldn't help but die a little inside when the Gatorade had splattered all over it. At least the stains are out of it though. But still, I wasn't expecting Evan to react like a ninja and knock out our munchies like Jackie Chan. Where had he even learned that move? Wrestling? (A/N: *wink wink*)

My thoughts went awry when Evan began leaning into my chest. I knew he was thinking about something creative and artsy because he always got this glint in his eyes whenever he had an inspiration. He was probably thinking about the night life of St. Louis. It really was beautiful.

I liked the way that the clouds reflected off the river in rivulets, then following the movement of a single wave until it crashed onto the shore. It always fascinated how artists like Evan can replicate imaged like that with such ease. It truly is a talent.

When I asked Evan if he wanted to go to that karaoke bar, I hadn't realized that I had said that other part about asking him again. I didn't even realize that I DID want to ask him out again. I guess all I really wanted to do was listen to him sing. Besides, he did owe me a song for my shirt.

"What if I sang, 'Too Sexy For my Shirt" Evan asked out of the blue. I had look up and laugh at that idea. He was snickering and his arm was wrapped around my hip and my arm around his shoulder again. He gave up this hoodie for me so I had to repay him somehow.

"That would be a riot!" I answered, "But I think that I'm sexy even with my shirt on." Evan gave me a light punch to me stomach, pulling his hand away as if punching me had hurt.

"Your abs would like to agree." Evan said smiling. At this point, we were walking by the river, the bar still 7 blocks away. And right now, with a street light over us, his chocolate brown eyes were shining. I mean SHINING! It blew me away. It was like someone has replaced his eyes with Topaz gems.

And his smile. His was smile was so adorable; I couldn't stop staring at his lips. Lips that I…

My thoughts again were halted when the other part of my brain started talking.

What am I doing? How are you falling for this little pipsqueak?! You should be out with a girl in your jeep right now dancing the frisky cha cha up and down her landing strip, not with this adorable little piece of man meat.

The last part, the side that liked Evan regained control.

The opposite parts of my mind were fighting for dominance. One part wanted to take Evan right then and there and the other wanted me to push him over the railing and into the river. I decided to do neither, as they would both probably end bad. Instead I just smile smirked and stuck my hands in my pockets with the thumbs hanging out.

Both sides had to admit it though; it was nice being out in St. Louis again. I felt like I could've stayed out here all night, just walking through the streets. It was nice being this relaxed, not worrying about being popular, or keeping an image, Hell, or having a girl around my arm at all times when my "friends" were around. I don't feel as so much pressured to have Evan at my side rather than keeping my reputation intact.

It just felt…natural.

"So how much farther till we get to this bar?" Evan asks, running his hand along a railing happily.

I look down the street a bit further down. Over on the right side was a neon green and blue sign that said "Star Bar" with a huge shooting star flying over it in an animation.

"Just a bit down the road. You can see it from here." I said, pointing down the road. Evan smiled and hoped on a street like the guy from 'Singing in the Rain' and spied down the street with his hand horizontally over his eyes.

"I know that place! They've invited me a few times, but I never had time to go sing." Evan said, hopping off and catching back up to my side.

"Yeah, it's a nice place. My dad likes to go there with his wrestling buddies every now and then." I explained, "C'mon, they're expecting us!"

We strode into the bar, immediately greeted by the bouncers there, "Hey, Randy! This your friend?" one of the bouncers said, holding Evan back first. He froze and nervously smiled, his eyes meeting mine.

"Yeah…he's gonna be singing for us tonight!" I said, bumping my elbow into his side, "C'mon Bruno, what's he going to do? Let him in!"

Bruno leaned over Evan and glared into his eyes, then suddenly burst out laughing. His deep voice resounding in the small area before you actually got into the bar.

"Okay, Randy." He turned back to Evan, "Run along you little squirt! Just be nice to our Randy now." He gave a quick wink to me and I rolled my eyes.

Bruno was like an uncle to me, so he knew a lot about me.

Inside the bar, people were mingling and standing tables, drinks being passed around, and a few servers here and there picking up empty glasses. It was a pretty classy place compared to other karaoke bars. The difference about this one was that it didn't have an age policy and usually kept a family setting except for certain nights which were clearly advertised outside.

On the far side was the stage where the DJ and 70in LCD HD TV was. Tables littered around it where guests could enjoy food and the singers. Christmas lights lined the upper part of the walls around the room, keeping a nice ambient atmosphere in the room. Not too riskay, not to boring.

"Well hello to you two!" A waitress came around from the bar and hugged me. She had dark brown hair, a slim waist, and a killer smile. "Randy! It's been too long! C'mon! Rob was wondering when you'd get here. We got a nice table for you by the stage and the food will be out in a jiff!"

I smiled and pulled out a trey and propped it against her waist, "It's good to see you too Hannah!" I gesture to Evan who's looking a little shy and hiding behind me a bit, "This is Evan! He's the singer from my school."

She grinned happily and reached behind me and grabbed his cheek, "Well ain't you the Cutie! Randy sure knows how to make adorable friends!"

I blush a bit, hoping Evan wouldn't see me.

"Alright, just go to the table with the Red roses and if you want to sing now, just go up to the DJ and request a song." She explained, and then walked off to collect more dishes.

I looked at Evan who was still rubbing his cheek, "They sure are friendly here."

I laugh, "Yeah, I've been coming here since I was kid."

We take a seat and watch the most recent singer. It was a random stranger. A blonde with cowboy boots, tight jeans, and a white blouse. Stereotypically, she was singing some Carrie Underwood.

"…this just can't be happening to me~ this was just a dre~am…hmmm" she ended the song beautifully. "Thanks er'body." He southern accent was strong. Evan and I just clapped and enjoyed the shows. Our food appeared in the middle of the next performance.

A businessman, a drunk businessman, a normal regular that I've heard a few times, and a random guy who I'm pretty sure was tone deaf all sang while Evan and I ate. We made jokes at the people and the songs they sang.

"Ohmigod! That was one of the worst renditions of "Hit Me Baby One More Time" ever! Britney would be rolling in her grave if she were dead!" Evan laughed, his cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk. I cuoldn't help but laugh too.

"Hold on, lemme get a picture of you real quick!" I giggle, pulling out my phone and snapping a quick pic of Evan. He smiling with the sunshine on his face and a mouth full of fries. This was a keeper.

"Duh I look shecksi?" Evan grinned, chewing his food.

I show him my phone screen and his face lights up again, but suddenly a strained expression crosses his face and he's grabbing at his water. I stand up and begin patting his back and I watch as he swallows his food in one big lump of potato. He coughs a bit and takes another gulp of water.

"Ummm…are you…?"

"Yup! Sorry for that little scare!" Evan bursts out happily. I grin when he stands up and cracks his fingers and start stretching as if he were an Olympian.

"Soooo…you wanna hear me sing now?" Evan offered. I just nodded and sat back in my seat. I watched Evan's cute little butt hop up from his seat and bounce onto the stage. I couldn't help but laugh as he interacted with the DJ, picking what song he wanted.

Finally, a familiar tune filled the air. A melodious harmony reverberated through the room, the riff of an acoustic guitar, the simple beat of a drum, and the subtle hum of a bass. Evan took the mic off its stand, nodding his head and tapping his foot to the beat. I watched, as the intro began to lead into the first verse, that Evan's face turned from his bubbly expression to a more stoic and more…vulnerable side of him.

"We're on an open bed truck on the highway…" Evan began, staring off onto the bar, "…rain is coming down and we're on the run; think I can feel the breathe in your body" his eyes slowly sweeping across the crowd. We gotta keep on you running till we see the sun."

His eyes land on me, "Oh you got a fire and it's burning in the rain, thought that it went out but it's burning just the same. And you don't look back not for anything." His lips turn into a smile,
"Cause you love someone, you love em all the same. If you love someone, you love em all the same!"

His face is bright and back to being energetic again, bouncing along with the beat, "Oooo~oo, I'm feeling you heartbeat! You coming around, coming around, coming around so…" he places the mic back on its stand and continues, "If you can love somebody, you love em all the same. You gotta love somebody, love em all the same singing Oooo~ooo, I'm feeling your heart beat!"

He hops off the stage and into the crowd, twirling around customers, directing lyrics towards other singers. He stops on a bar stool when he reaches the bridge, acting lonely, toying with a glass of coke, then suddenly jumping back into the chorus, rushing back to me.

He pulls me by the hand onto the stage, his fingers interlocked with mine while my other hand scratches the back of my head.

"I'm feeling your he~art be~at." Evan lulls, his eyes gazing into my chest, out interlocked hands now rested over my heart. It was racing, the excitement rushing through my veins. Then I realized, I felt another pulse, except, it was in sync with mine. I could feel Evan's heart rate flowing at the same speed as mine as our hands slowly but surely fell away.

I was blushing but hopefully the lighting neutralized the redness as the crowd applauded us. Evan grinned and passed the microphone back to the DJ, bowing, and quickly bouncing off. I followed him off where he was being bombarded with compliments.

I thanked the manager, the bouncers, and the rest of the employees as Evan and I left. It was a relief to get out of there. Too much tension. Too much liability for Evan. He didn't seem to care though. His eyes told me he was satisfied just being around me.

"Wow…that was…" I said, as we began strolling down the streets again, only this time, a few pounds heavier.

"Fun?" Evan asked. I laughed.

"Yeah. It was." I admit, then turned to him, "We should do this again some time."

"We should." Evan said, noticing how dark the sky was now. It was pitch black, the stars were out as the night's nightlight, serving as beacons for our dreams. I was dreaming right now in real life. Here was the most adorable boy I knew, standing on the side of the street, hoping that my thoughts wouldn't montage like a sappy romantic comedy movie with an entire theme song to track it.

Evan pulled his phone out, clicked the screen, and frowned at what he saw. "I'm sorry. I gotta get home soon."

I smirked, "Yeah, same here. Lemme get ya a cab!"

"No, it's okay. I can…" Evan started, but I had already hailed a cab.

"Here, I have the cab fare covered. Get in!" I insisted.

"You sure?" Evan asked, rubbing his arm nervously, "I mean, it was nice enough that you got me food and I ruined your shirt but…"

"Just this once, alright?" I said.

Evan grinned and began getting into the cab, but he stopped and looked at me, "Before I forget or lose the balls to do this but…"

Suddenly, Evan is in front of me, blushes, then out of nowhere, jumps up and leaves a peck on my cheek. I step back a bit as Evan blushes, nervously smiles, and rushes off.

I watched as Evan frowned inside the car, but I was left astounded on the side of the road.

What had just happened?

A/N: Omfg. I guess I'm back? Idk. Sorry for not updating this in a year. I know right. You can see how my writing style has obviously changed. Ugh. But I'm so much better than I was a year ago. Don't you think (directed towards my old followers.) Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed and if I get at least 5 reviews, I'll have the next chapter up in a couple days. I'm at the point where I can write 2000 words in 1 day or 2 now. Haha!

Also, for more of my work, you can follow my current story on the Young Avengers fandom featuring Hulkling and Wiccan, or otherwise known as Wickling. So, yeah…bye!