Maxie looked at the little stick and then the instructions, and back again. Plus sign equals baby on board. She looked at the other three tests lined along the sink. Pink. Two lines. Damn smiley face. Pregnant. Damn. Damn. Damn.
Now what? First thing, get an actual blood test from some clinic way outside of town. There was no way in hell she was pregnant. But if she was, there was no way in hell she was going let the whole town know by going to GH.
She needed to find out the date of conception if, in fact, anything had been conceived. She had to tell the father. First she had to figure out who it was.
Damn her libido.
Abby sat at her desk with her purse in her lap, tapping her foot like crazy, caught up in terror. Oh, God. This could not be happening. She wasn't ready for this. Michael wasn't ready. Oh, God.
Maybe there wasn't even anything to worry about. Abby clutched her purse and thought about the at-home pregnancy test inside. The workplace wasn't appropriate to take a pregnancy test. She had stopped at a drug store before coming to work with the intention of taking it when she got home, but the waiting was killing her.
She leapt out of her seat and sped
off to the restroom.
Of course once she was inside, her nerves got the better of her.
Come on. It's just a little pee on a little stick. Don't think about it. Just relax.
At last, Abby only had three more minutes of waiting to do. She took the time to think about what had gone wrong. They used protection, always. Abby was on the pill. Unless she forgot. Did she forget? Abby checked her watch.
Two and a half more minutes.
Sam was crying. Again. Ugh.
"Sam, you okay?"
"Yeah, sorry," she left as got hopped to the floor from the examining table. If she had known that Patrick was there, she would have controlled herself better. Or at least tried. "Hormones."
Patrick smiled at her. Sam was beaming, despite the tears. She was finally getting what she had wanted for so long. "Good. I heard you were here and I just wanted to check on you."
"Oh, sorry. I don't want to keep you from important work."
"Stop it, Sam. This is important. I almost can't believe it. I mean, if it was anyone else I wouldn't believe it."
"I know. I'm kind of scared to believe it myself. I'm already worried that something's going to go wrong."
"You can't think like that. You just worry about being happy and healthy for your baby."
Sam's smile widened at that. Her baby. She couldn't wait to get home and tell Jason.
"Thank you for looking out for me, Patrick. I hate being in the hospital, but you always make it more bearable."
"I get that a lot. Now leave, go tell your boyfriend he's got a mini you on the way."
"Fiancé," Sam corrected on her way out.
Okay, I know I suck for starting a new story right now, but this has really been nagging me. It'll probably only be a few chapters anyway. Thanks for reading.