~Nobody's Fool~

I was told to write more Mater/Holley stories, and so Ta-da! Your wishes have been granted!

-Some of these are humanized FYI-


"Ah fin'lly did it!"Mater cried ecstatically, doing a little dance while his spy girlfriend looked on.

"Did what?"

"Completed mah life's dream!" the tow truck answered excitedly."Ah rode in a heli-copter, jist got me sum rocket boosters, an' a girlfriend!"

Holley's eyelid rose, "so, your life's dream was to finally get a girlfriend?"

"Well, it was actu'lly ta git me sum rocket boosters. Ah din't think ah'd git a girlfriend," Mater admitted with a small pout. The violet spy car chuckled before nudging her beau.

"You should consider yourself lucky then. You've achieved all of the above."


Mater picked me up, his unshaven face scratching my own soft one with the five o'clock shadow I always told him to shave—spinning me around in ecstatic circles, shouting unintelligibly. I could hear some of the town's residents laughing along with me, mixing with the warbling of the television. I'd definitely never seen the tow truck driver so happy before, and he continued to twirl me around, whooping in delight, my short curls whipping around my face. With a laugh, I allowed myself to revel in his joy. Both he and his town took racing quite seriously, especially when one of their own was out there.


"This…is… nice!" Mater cried leisurely, undercarriage touching the sand as he relaxed, the sun shining brightly on both him and his girlfriend."Shoot, we outta do this more often!"

Holley chuckled, "you're just lucky that my mission ended early, and that it happened to be in Hawaii. Don't forget to thank Siddeley."

"Well dad-gum, a'course ah thanked 'im!" the tow truck admonished," Ah've got manners!"

The violet spy car peered out from beneath her visor, watching as her beau began to make a small sand castle with careful precision. Calming Hawaiian music drifted out from the bar behind them, the sweet aroma of freshly cut pineapples coming from the tavern as well. Holley breathed in deeply. It was nice to be on vacation.


Mater cautiously pushed open the door, glancing around for a moment. Sally had given him the key to Holley's room, only after promising that he wouldn't play any pranks on her. He finally spotted the spy in question, lying on her bed, fast asleep.

One arm was draped over the side, the other tucked under her pillow. Her short black curls spread to the side, revealing more of her pale face. An exposed leg peaked out from under the blankets, and she slept peacefully, calmer than when Mater often saw her. He noted that she was wearing her usual violet pajamas, her favorite color. Not wanting to wake her, he placed her balloon and card on the nightstand, and after gathered his courage giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Happy birthday, Holley."


"Ah dun't git it!"Mater cried exasperatedly, "she told meh tha' it was jist a re-cone mission!" the old rusted tow truck turned to the spy car next to him, who shook his cab with a sigh.

"She didn't want you to worry," Finn cringed as he moved, the dents and deep scratches against his chassis speaking for themselves.

The tow truck turned towards Ramone's shop behind them with a huff, "well lot of good tha's done! Lookit her! If she'd done told me ah woulda come!"

The elder spy car looked through the window Mater was scowling at, seeing his partner on the lift inside, and looking far worse then he, and being tended to by Ramone. She had more dents then the tow truck even, deep gashes on her sides, oil leaking from them and some covering her hood as well. Finn shook his cab once more, flicking the oil —that wasn't his own— off of his hood. "This mission was a particularly dangerous one, and Ms. Shiftwell and I were largely unprepared."

Mater sighed,"ah know, but ah wish she'd tell me when she's gonna go off on riskeh' missions."

Finn nodded, "she knew how you'd react."

"It's weird though," The tow truck mused, tearing his eyes away from the prone form of his girlfriend,"ah always saw you guys as industrable."

"As what?"The spy car questioned bizarrely.

"Ya know, industrable. Not able ta' git beat up or hurt."

Finn pondered for a moment before realizing what the truck meant,"oh, you mean indestructible? Well, no, we aren't indestructible; as I'm sure you can see."

Mater nodded,"you's jist like otha' cars, 'cept for the spy-stuff." The tow truck risked a glance inside the shop once more, flinching when he saw Ramone cleaning Holley's wounds.

"Sometimes I wish it was otherwise, "Finn muttered.


Holley gradually pried her eyes open, blinking away spots. She was greeted with the tacky wallpaper of her Cone #4, and something leaning against her. Turning to her left she met the familiar sight of Mater, sleeping peacefully with his air filter rattling every so often. She smiled warmly before stretching, tires and axles alike groaning in protest. Mater lazily smacked his lips but continued sleeping, mumbling something incoherent under his breath.

Well, this was certainly going to get the rumor mill going again. And while they hadn't of course done anything, some cars had wild imaginations. But they would certainly do this again, Holley decided. Mater was a good car to watch old spy movies with.


There was a loud clatter from within Ramone's shop, and the Impala quickly rushed back inside, having been talking with his wife outside for a few minutes. Once he entered he was met with the sight of Mater hanging sideways off of the lift, tow hook wrapped around himself and the lift to keep him from falling off completely. "Mater, dude, what did you do?"

"Sorry!" the tow truck apologized, greeting the Impala with a buck toothed smile, "but Ah've gotta go!"

"Go?" Ramone inquired incredulously," go where, man, I'm not finished with your check-up!"

This time a much larger smile split the trucks grill, and he answered contentedly," Ah've got mah date with Holley."

In the end, Mater was unable to attend his date for another half hour, and when he did finally show up he was covered in several more dents, all of them from Ramone's wrench. Though he was still smiling cheekily when meeting up with Holley, not seeing his injuries as anything to complain about. They were only a lesson as to never, ever try to rush Ramone, whether it be during a paint job or a check-up.

And so it has begun. I will update soon, but review please!

~Cookie goes to whoever knows where I got the 'industrable' thing from ;)~

~I will never-ever-own Cars~