Thank you to everyone who´s still with me. Another chapter and again, the L-word :-) Enjoy! Oh, and let me know what you think.

Warning: M (slightly) and the L-word.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm... that´s so good..." Dawn moaned and Steve felt his body react to her immediately.

"A bit deeper...mmmmm, yeah... like that... " He swallowed hard and forced himself to relax, which seemed to be an impossible task right now when her low moans and pleasured sighs filled his bathroom.

"God... you´re soo good, Babe." 'Fuck!'

"Uhhhh yeah... right there... right... there."

"Dawn..." he moaned silently, cursing his body that betrayed him. Her slender back pressed against his chest, her fingers squeezing his thighs while her oh so delicate ass pressed against him in a way that made him forget the reason he was here. Here, in the tub, with this beautiful woman in his arms that rested her head back against his shoulder, moaning and writhing in pleasure.

And then he saw the mischievous smile on her full lips.

"You´re doing this on purpose?" he asked, confused, frustrated and incredibly hot and bothered.

"You are good with your hands, Babe... maybe I´m just exaggerating a bit." she admitted with a giggle that made Steve even harder if that was possible.

"I´m trying to help you by massaging your back and you..."

"What, Commander? You´re not ready to handle this challenge?"

"Damn woman!" he growled before biting down on her neck, carefully avoiding her left shoulder where she was shot. The bandage was still on and Steve had offered to help her replace it after having a bath.

"Mmmmmmm..." she moaned and this time she wasn´t exaggerating. This time it was a genuine moan but it made his blood boil even faster.

"Stop playing games, Sunshine." he murmured and his lips closed around her earlobe while he gently slid his hand to her stomach where he began to soap her soft, warm skin. The faint scent of vanilla filled the room and he chuckled inwards when he imagined Danny´s comments. He´d never see the end of it, smelling like vanilla.

"No playing here, Babe... this is so good..." Dawn´s fingers began to tighten their grip on his thighs when his hands began to spread the soft foam over her breasts, ever so delicately touching her without actually being too sensual. Still he could feel her nipples harden and press into the palms of his hands.

Shifting slightly behind her, he needed to find a position that was more comfortable. Right now, he felt like he´d explode if she wriggled her little ass against him one more time. Her face showed him what pleasure he was giving her and what his stimulations inflicted on her. Her eyes closed, a look of pure bliss and desire on her face, her lips slightly opened. She was beautiful.

Cupping her full breast in one hand, Steve slid one hand down her flat stomach and let his fingertips draw slow, lazy circles on her skin under the water. He heard her gasp and watched her part her legs a bit more, arching up against him. Only to hiss painfully when she added too much pressure on her shoulder against his back.

"Fuck!" Dawn hissed and Steve sh-shed her gently, removing his hands from her to wrap his arms around her. He heard her disappointed whine.

"Maybe this wasn´t such a good idea." he mumbled, forcing his own breath to slow down and his body to relax.

"It was a great idea... don´t stop." she murmured.

"You´re in pain, Babe."

"I´m in much more pain without you touching me. I´ll be careful... just please don´t stop."

Steve smiled cockily when he heard her beg for him to touch her. He considered following her beg, knowing that she was already close. But he knew that her shoulder would hurt much more later and she wasn´t really up for that. He didn´t want to hurt her so he smiled apologetically and kissed her softly on the other shoulder.

"Sorry Babe..." he murmured. Dawn drew in a deep breath, knowing he was right, still it sounded more like a strangled sob.

Waking up Steve took a moment to clear his head. But as soon as he realized that Dawn´s warm body wasn´t next to him, he was out of bed in an instant. Grabbing a pair of linen pants he took his gun and slowly made his way downstairs, his bare feet making no sound. He saw the doors to the lanai open and after checking that everything was okay, he placed his gun on a shelf in his living room before he went outside.

He saw her figure in the dim moonlight, standing on the beach, the waves crashing against her feet. She was only wearing a white top and tiny grey sleeping shorts and Steve couldn´t help but stare at her ass when he slowly made his way.

"Hey Sunshine." he whispered and Dawn turned to him, smiling sadly.

"Hey Sexy."

"Can´t sleep?" He sat down in the still warm sand and waited for her to do the same before he pulled her onto his lap, hugging her to him tightly. It never ceased to amaze him how perfectly she fit into his arms and how right it felt to have her this close. She was completing him a way that scared him but at the same time he loved how she could keep him at his toes.

Dawn leaned her head on his shoulder, listening to the waves. This felt so good and she didn´t care about moving back inside. She could spend the rest of her life in his arms, listening to his heart beat, feeling his breath on her skin and his strong arms holding her protectively.

"Dawn?" Steve asked after a few moments of silence and she mmmm-mmmm-ed without looking up. Steve didn´t say anything but put a finger under her chin and lifted her head so he could see her eyes. His thumb began to brush against her soft skin and her eyes watched him gently, with so much love, he had to swallow.

"I love you, Dawn." he finally whispered and he could watch the visual effect his words had on her. The tension left her body and she relaxed completely. Her face softened even more and her smile grew in intensity and beauty. And tears formed in her grey eyes.

"I love you." he whispered again, his eyes never leaving hers. He finally said it and he had expected it to be much harder. Instead it felt like he had opened a door inside his heart by voicing those feelings. A door that held so many emotions, buried years ago, but never forgotten.

"I love you too, Steve." she replied and pressed her lips to his in a sweet kiss.

"Special Agent Grayson, I had assumed that you were smart enough to understand a friendly warning. I can´t help but feel disappointed that I was wrong about you." the soft, smooth voice startled her and Dawn´s eyes narrowed, taking in the elegant yet smaller than she had imagined figure of Wo Fat.

"I´m not sure I should be flattered that you apparently took the time to profile me, Wo Fat. And I certainly don´t care if I personally disappoint you by not reacting as expected." she said coldly, instinctively grabbing at her gun that disappeared. When she looked at Wo Fat again, he held her gun in his hand, watching her with a cruel smile.

Dawn cursed herself. She wasn´t in a good position, half naked in Steve´s bed with Wo Fat towering above her. Steve! Where was he?

"Your decision might cost lives, Special Agent Grayson. Are you sure that is what you want?" His voice was sweet like honey, soft and maybe that made it all the more threatening.

"I want the truth and I want you to spend the rest of your life behind bars for each and every crime you committed." Dawn said, grabbing the sheets to hide her barely clad body.

"Like I told Mr. McGarrett once, you might not like what you find when you start digging. The truth is not always the answer, Ms. Grayson, it sometimes is nothing more than a piece of a puzzle that only leads to pain and confusion. Even when we know everything, things wouldn´t start to make more sense."

"As you know from my profile, I´d rather make up my own mind instead of relying on your words."

"Very well, Ms. Grayson. Just remember that every action triggers a reaction. Are you willing to live with the consequences of your actions? Are you willing to live with the blood of innocent lives on your hands?"

"What do you mean?" Dawn looked at him confused. He didn´t make any sense, yet her gut told her that she should know what he was talking about.

"Could you forgive yourself if your actions, your decisions would endanger the team? Kill one of them? Kill McGarrett? Could you live with that?"

Dawn felt cold fear grabbing her heard, squeezing it tightly until every breath became painful. No. NO. NO!

With a bolt she shut up, staring around only to find the bedroom empty. No Wo Fat.

"Hey... shsh..." Steve´s voice calmed her down. His caress was soft, gentle, assuringly. And Dawn threw herself into his arms, not caring that her shoulder began to throb painfully. She pressed her lips to his, kissing him feverishly and not allowing him to protest when she straddled him.