Disclaimer: I own nothing, not even the idea of student/teacher AU fics. I read a Kurtofsky student/teacher fic on tumblr and it inspired me to do this.
Link: http(colon)(slashslash)wewrite(dash)stuff(dot)livejournal(dot)com(slash)1183(dot)html

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. The clock counted down the last few seconds of the school week. My entire class was silent, sitting at their desks anxiously staring at the large black lines drawing closer to the 12.

Brang! Twenty-odd students jumped out of their desks and ran for the door.

"Excuse me? Miss Lopez? Can I talk to you for a moment?" Santana glared back at me from the door. "I have Cheerios practice. Sorry, Ms. Fabray. I can't."

"I'll talk to Sue. Come back here and let's have a little chat."

She sauntered over and sat in the desk in front of mine. "What's up?"

"Nothing. I just want to talk. You're a smart girl. I know you can do better than a C in here."

She looked down at her hands in her lap, then stared back at me. "No, I can't. Maybe I used to be able to, when I was happy, but how can I concentrate on logarithms when all I can think about is Brittany? It just pours salt on the wound when Artie answers something correctly that he's better, he's smarter, and she chose him over me. I wouldn't expect you to understand."

I sighed. "And why couldn't I understand?"

She shook her head in disbelief. "I've seen the yearbooks from a few years back when you were here. You were head cheerleader, dating the quarterback, and an honors student on top of being President of the Celibacy club and a frequent lead in Glee club. God, even Glee club didn't bring you down. And me? I'm second best cheerleader after my ex-girlfriend with plummeting grades and a reputation as the school slut. We're on two totally different levels."

I smiled at her somberly. "I was very much a different person in high school than I was after I graduated. I guess I should go from the beginning. I just want you to know that you're not alone. So, yes, I dated Finn Hudson. Did you know his stepbrother is Kurt Hummel?"

She laughed and shook her head. "Who would've thought?"

"Not me. See, Finn was the type of guy that would see something with his own eyes, but then believe a story someone else told him without even doubting them. That worked in my favor a lot. So, I ended up hooking up with one of the other guys on the football team, and I got pregnant. This did not please Cel Club, but it was whatever. I told Finn that it was his, even though I'd never been with him like that. He believed me, as did everyone else, until this little brat Suzy Pepper stepped in. You could think of her as the geekier, weirder version of Rachel Berry, I guess. She told everyone the truth and Finn broke up with me. I had the baby, gave it to Suzy's mom, and continued on with my life. That was sophomore year. Then, junior year, we got some new Glee members, and one of them totally changed my life. I fell in love with her."

Santana's eyes widened when she heard "her."

"We saw each other in secret until we graduated. Then I came out to everyone, and we got married when we were nineteen."

Santana's gaze searched my desk for a picture of her.

"We just finalized our divorce last week. She cheated on me."

"Oh. Um, I'm so sorry, Ms. Fabray. I didn't know."

"No, it's okay. I'm still in disbelief that she chose that bitch over me. I would tell you her name, either of their names, but you know them, and it would be weird."

The teenager in front of me smirked. "Oh, come on. You want to tell me. You want to pass on this juicy bit of teacher gossip to a fellow Glee Cheerio only a couple of years younger than yourself."

I grimaced and bit my lip. "Fine. English teacher, Ms. Zisces? Yeah, she cheated on me with Sue."

To say that the girl's eyes popped out of her head would be an understatement. "What? Wow. Whoa. I'm really sorry." She glanced up at the clock.

"You should probably go to practice. If Sue comes in here mad and screaming at me, I would have no problem punching her. That wouldn't look so good on my record. But yeah, so now you know. I know how you feel. If you ever need anything, just let me know, okay? I'm here for you."

She picked up her bag. "Yup, I'm here for you too." She put her hand on the doorknob. "Really, anything you need. I turn eighteen next week, if you're interested."

"Go, Santana." Was that a proposition?

I wasn't expected her to offer that. I mean, the girl had very nice legs, and I did always love Latina asses. Her chest was nice too.

I shook my head. What was I doing thinking about a student that way?

So, I'm hoping this chapter is at least close to what I did before. Maybe even a little better? I don't know. I need advise for a plot, so reviews are always appreciated! :)