The Lost Princess

Epilogue: Forgiven

"And that's what was happening behind the scenes during this latest mess," Serena finished. "So does that clear things up?"

"Yeah," Amara answered faintly. She was still reeling from all of the information that she'd had to process. Michelle, Trista, and pretty much everyone else except Seiya and Katherine were in the same state. The sky soldier felt a little faint…especially when she realized that until just recently, that her sweet, innocent little kitten had been a being of power and light that had been around since before the world was formed. When she thought about the way everything could have ended, she had to suppress a little shudder. Even though it was new information to her, and the crisis was averted, thinking about the idea of Serena being gone for good, even though she would have been in Paradise, caused a pang.

"So Michael and Raphael pulled their heads out of their bloody arses and realized it was your choice?" Katherine asked. "That's good! I thought I might have to knock some heads together."

"I just told them how I felt and let myself get a little teary. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be."

"I hope you never get mind-control powers; if you add your 'Look' to that sort of thing, it's like handing Lucifer five nuclear bombs and the key to Paradise."

"If I ever got those powers, I'd probably try to figure out how to get rid of them," Serena replied calmly. "I'm happy the way I am."

"So are there any other bombs you'd like to drop on us before we go on with our lives?" Rae asked.

"Nah, no more insane secrets…as far as I know. Unless Chaos has a kid or Lucifer somehow manages to break out, which is not likely, I think the trouble's pretty much over."

"So what did you use your last spark of power to do while you were jumping off a skyscraper?" Katherine inquired.

Serena hesitated slightly; as thinking about what she'd reversed brought her pain, even though, hopefully, she'd ended that. Even so, she knew that it wouldn't hurt her in the eyes of anyone in the room. Besides, she'd said no more secrets. So she answered after a moment; "I righted a wrong done long ago. I healed Adel."

"As in fixed the damage Malos did?" Katherine asked.

"It was my fault she ended up like that in the first place."

Yaten reached over from behind Seiya and whacked the blonde lightly upside the head. Seiya shot him a dirty look, but the silver-haired boy ignored him. At the same time, Katherine snickered.

"How many times does anyone have to tell you that that wasn't your fault?" Yaten asked her.

"You're wasting your breath, my friend," Katherine remarked from off to the side. "I swear, sometimes I think that someone here could get a splinter and Sere here would find a way to make it her fault."

"I would not! Well, maybe…" Serena flushed slightly. "I just couldn't leave her like that. I want her to be able to really live her life."
"All right, let's quit picking on poor Serena," Mina piped up. "She tries to be fair to everyone and she's too forgiving for her own good; there're worse character quirks she could have."

"You forgot being too soft-hearted for her own good," Amara remarked.

"I love her the way she is," Seiya informed Amara, wrapping his arms around Serena. "The last thing we need is two of you, Amara."

"I wasn't saying we needed two of me," Amara growled.

Giving Serena a peck on the cheek and then releasing her, Seiya grinned wickedly. "Good," he replied saucily. "Because then, I'd need to dig up blackmail for the other one." He waved an envelope in the air. "I never figured you for a romantic comedy fan."

"GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE-." And the rest is history.


Serena quietly slipped into her house, and tiptoed past her aunt Lisa and her mother, who were speaking in the kitchen. She crept past Sammy and disappeared into her room. She had just settled down on her bed when there came a soft knock. "Dove, may I come in?" Adel asked. Serena closed her eyes briefly, steeling herself for reproach, and answered, "Yes. Come in." The door opened, and Serena could see her cousin for who she really was. Adel was her strong, confident cousin once again, rather than a prisoner of her own mind. 'She would never have been a prisoner if not for you,' a voice in Serena's mind whispered. The blonde looked her cousin in the eyes, preparing herself for the reproach and coldness she felt she deserved.

"Thank you."

Serena looked up in surprise, and then looked around the room, trying to find out if someone else was in the room.

"Don't be a bloody idiot, Dove. I'm talking to you. You saved me; you freed me from the last of Malos' grasp."

"It's my fault you even ended up like that in the first place," Serena whispered, her eyes lowered.

Adel reached over, and Serena half-expected to get smacked, but instead, Adel gently lifted the blonde's face upwards. "Dove, look at me." Her voice was soft, gentle.

Serena obeyed, meeting cerulean colored eyes much like her own.

"It was never your fault. You got scared; you were only eight. Malos still would have gotten one or both of us at one point. Stop blaming yourself. How many times do you have to be told that?"


Adel pressed a finger to the blonde's lips. "Don't. You are by far too unselfish for your own good sometimes. You forgive everyone freely, whether they deserve it or not; but you blame yourself for things that are beyond your control. Besides, you saved me. You freed me then, and you have freed me now. The first time, you pushed the daemon out of me. This time, you pulled me from his grasp. And you have brought peace. I always knew that you would; why else would I call you Dove?"

"Do you forgive me?"

Adel sighed mentally. "There's nothing to forgive," the older girl said softly. "But since you ask me to forgive you for something; I forgive you for being incapable of blaming other people for their sins."

Serena giggled, and Adel pulled her younger cousin into a hug.

The End

AN: All right…so this story's done. But before anyone starts wailing and begging for more, I'll say this; I have a few plot bunnies scampering around that will make a few good stories. The thing is; I don't know which one to choose. So I turn to you, my readers. I will give you what ideas I have, and you can cast your vote via review. I'll count how much of each idea, and pick the most popular one.

First Idea: Mess with a bit of the 'Time Traveler's Wife' concept, except Sailor Moon style. Serena starts disappearing for weeks on end, and no one has a clue what's going on…until an unexpected visitor shows up in Seiya's room on Kinmoku.

Second Idea: I'm starting to wonder what would happen if the monster from Stephen King's IT ever happened to enter Sailor-verse. I can tamper with that plot line, and see if Serena makes it out with her sanity intact,

Third Idea: Serena's mom is dead, and Ken Tsukino gets a new girlfriend; Sammy and Serena don't like her. Chaos ensues.

Fourth Idea: Princess Kakyuu gets kidnapped, Serena's mom is dying of cancer, and Serena is totally out of control. The Starlights need some help, but they need to help the Sailor Scouts get Serena back to her mellow, sweet self first.

So just review and tell me what idea you want me to do. And do not post more than one review vote. I will not count it. Remember, guys; majority rules here.