
It's the tenth chapter... yay!

I PROMISE to update 'Preggers' tomorrow. :D

So... I said I would update. Here goes. :P

Cammie's POV:

"Sanda's coming to de pardy, Sanda's coming to de pardy," Riley sing-songed, spinning dizzily in circles around our lounge.

"Remind me why we're having Santa at Riley's birthday party again?" Zach asked, attaching the other end of a 'Happy Birthday Riley' garland to the archway.

"Because we thought it was the least we clould do when she wanted Dora the Explorer, Bob the Builder, and a real life Barbie too?" I tacked it down, and turned to grin at him.

"Oh, right." He kissed me on the cheek, pulling me into a hug. "God I'm glad there's two of us."

"Me too."

"Too bad Avery's not big enough to be a part of it - this will be one to remember."

"You're right there."

I grabbed a pink balloon and began to blow it up, then tied it to a few more and pinned it to the ceiling, along with a gazillion pink streamers.

"I'd better go get her ready - the others are gonna arrive soon. Do the rest of the balloons and streamers, will you?"

"Yes ma'am." Zach bowed sarcastically.

I poke out my tongue at him. "Lee-Lee, come get dressed!"

Riley skipped my way, and followed me to her room meekly.

"What do you wanna wear?"

She spread her arms wide, eyes wild. "Everyting!"


"I can see you had a hard time," Zach said accusingly, eyebrows raised. "While I was working my butt off, you were concocting that ensemble."

He nodded to Riley, who was not-so-secretly pinching an M&M from the bowl, dressed in: a Happy Feet t-shirt, frilly fairy skirt, tool belt, and her favourite pair of Car's slippers.

"Hey." I raised my hands defensively. "She wanted to wear that, and who was I to stop her?"

Zach shook his head disappointedly. "A responsible parent, that's who."

"Oh - hi Mum!"

"Hey kiddo."

Rachel walked through the open front door, arms full of presents, which she quickly off-loaded to the nearest table, so she could find her favourite granddaughters.

"Grandmummy!" Riley sprinted down the hall, and into her arms, smiling with undisguised glee. Glee that may or may not have something to do with Rachel constantly spoiling her. Or not.


Soon parents began dropping off Riley's many friends from kindergarten, many of whom squealed with delight upon seeing the massive pink bouncy castle we'd hired for the occasion.

Once they had depleted their energy supplies considerably, the hyper toddlers, Ri-Ri included, got a visit and gift from Santa 'himself', a thing that many were rather happy about.

After this, it was time for fairy bread, cupcakes, candyfloss, ice cream, and the cake - which was chocolate with decadent raspberry icing and completely coated in pink Pebbles, as per Riley's complex instructions.

Then it was time for 'present time', cue the giving of many dolls, teddy bears etc.

"Hey Mum." I dropped into a deck chair next to her, watching as Riley & Co. had 'one last go' on the bouncy castle before home time.

"Hey." She was too engrossed in Avery, whom she cradled in her arms, to elaborate.

Giving up with a sigh, I called the kids in as their harrassed parents arrived. They then flocked to the door where, as well as the goodie bags we'd made up the night before, Riley handed out the gifts she'd just been given.

I stood aside with Zach, observing the spectacle. "Does she realise she's not supposed to do that?" He whispered with a grin.

"I think so - maybe she just feels sorry for them," I whispered back, nudging him with a shoulder. "But then again, maybe not..."

"Well... she always has had a generous soul..."

I smiled, and encircled him into a hug.

Thanks for reading. And the reviews I got last time. :D

Hoped you liked.

Now... I think I'll update next once I get: 15 reviews. That should give me enough time to write the next chap. :P

