Hey guys!

Here's a new story that I'm thinking about making into a 3-4 shot.

Sooo... Here goes!

3rd POV:

Cammie was sitting at her desk, doing yet more paperwork, when she heard.


She looked up and into the determined and surprisingly sympathetic eyes of Bex.

"It's Zach."

She flinched. "Wh-"

"He's gone. He's missed all of his check-ins... But we didn't want to alarm you... Not in your current condition. He's M.I.A. No one knows where he is."

"Someone knows," Cam said, repeating what he said to her that day.

"I'm so sorry. If there's anything... anything we can do for you, let us know." Bex squeezed Cam on the shoulder reassuringly. "I'll leave you now." She walked away.



He's gone.

But at least she isn't.

Cammie smiled through her tears, for all was not lost.

She dropped her gaze to her heavily pregnant stomach, and cradled it in her thin arms.

"I guess it's just you and me now," she murmured to her, deep in thought.

You like? (*smiles hopefully*)

Please review! :P

And lemme know if it's worth creating another chapter!

IF you do want another couple of chaps, I will, fingers crossed, get my thoughts typed up and published soon. :D


