I know it's been a long time since I updated this story but I am gonna do it now!
Sasuke POV
Hinata and me were talking on our way to school about the band and its members. "So Ino is dating Kiba, Temari is dating Shikamaru, and Sakura is dating Gaara correct?" She asked.
"Yes that is correct." I answered when she got a text message. "Who's it from love?"
"Itachi, its from Itachi and Konan. I'm sorry Sasuke, their worried about me. Their the ones who found me after N-N-N-HE tried to rape me. They took care of me. Konan is the closest thing I have to a mother and a sister, Itachi is the closest thing I have to a father and he was my best friend." She answered shyly.
Anger bubbled up inside me. For about ten minutes we rode/drove in complete silence until she decided to break it.
"He misses you and Sakura you know. He talked about you personally every day." She whispered.
"Because he's scared." She whispered back.
"Scared? Scared of what? Itachi NEVER gets scared!" I basically screamed back at her.
"BECAUSE HE THINKS YOU HATE HIM! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHY HE WENT AWAY? OF COURSE YOU DONT! CAUSE YOU NEVER TOOK THE CHANCE TO GO FIND HIM AND ASK WHY! THE REASON HE LEFT SASUKE IS BECAUSE HE LOVED YOU! THE ASSINS WHO KILLED YOUR PARENTS WERE AFTER HIM! THEY KILLED THEM BECAUSE THEY WERE TALKING TO HIM THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE JUST HIS FRIENDS! IF THEY FOUND YOU TALKING TO HIM OR FOUND OUT THAT YOU WERE HIS BROTHER THEY WOULD OF KILLED YOU TOO. HE LEFT BECAUSE HE LOVED YOU AND DIDN'T WANT YOU TO GET HURT! DIDN'T WANT YOU TO DIE BECAUSE OF HIM!" She screamed back in anger. She got out of the car it was then that I finally realized that we were at school. "You should call him or better yet bring him back bring Konan back too. I killed the assassins. Your welcome. His number is 225-271-4009. Oh yeah in six months your gonna be an Oji (uncle)." she said and I wrote the number down so I could call him during break hour (lunch).
Still Sasuke POV (lunch {the phone call})
() = what their doing
' ' = what their thinking
As soon as we got out of class to go to lunch I went strait outside and to my car to make the call. I typed in the numbers and hit call.
'ring ring ring ring click' Itachi had picked up the phone.
Itachi: Hello?
Me (Sasuke): Itachi?
Itachi: Yes this is he. Who is this?
Me: Itachi, i-i-it's m-me S-sasuke. (By this time tears were running down my eyes.)
Itachi: S-sasuke is i-it really you? (I could tell he was crying too.)
Me: Yes Aniki its really me. Hinata gave me your number. Were dating and I think I love her.
Itachi: That's good Otouto.
Me: Itachi... I don't hate you. I-I-I w-want you to c-come b-back. I m-miss you Aniki.
Itachi: Okay Sasuke I'll be there in a couple of hours. Does Sakura know?
Me: Yes I told her. Bring Konan too, we'll get all your stuff tomorrow, your staying, I'm not gonna let you go
this time. I love you.
'click' I pressed end.
"So you called him?" Sakura said. Then sat down next to me, laid her head om my shoulder, and wrapped her tiny arms around one of my big ones and started to cry.
I wrapped my arms around her body in a hug and let her lay her head on my chest and cry there. I started to rub her back.
"I'm so happy were finally gonna be a family again. I miss him so much. Remember how every time we learned to play a new song perfectly he would take us out for ice cream?" she said to me still crying on my shirt.
"I miss those days. When he left I thought I would die. I almost did too. If it wasn't for you and Gaara I would have. I owe you my life." she said to me drying her eyes.
"No you don't Sakura. I will always be there for you you are my Ani. We are supposted to be there for each other."
Well thats the end of chapter 4. What did you think? Do you think I should make Naruto come back and try to take Hinata away from Sasuke by threatening to tell the cops that she was the murderer of her family and the others he made her kill? Answer it on my poll.