Disclaimer: I just bought the Teen Titans!* Sarcasm (Titans aren't mine)

Gar meandered through the halls of his school, waiting for first class to start. His first class was Geometry, but he was really looking forward to Biology; his second class. Both his parents are scientists, and he had inherited their love for science. Still daydreaming, he continued to wander around.

Coming from the other direction was a girl his age with her nose buried in a book. She had black, shoulder length hair which made her pale skin look even paler. Her violet eyes flickered back and forth as she absorbed the story.

Inevitably they collided, knocking the bookworm's book to the ground. Gar's green eyes widened in shock as he quickly helped to collect her things.

"So sorry, I honestly didn't see you." He began to apologize. The bookworm simply flipped up her hood and walked away, right as the warning bell rang. Gar blinked and rushed off to class, his thoughts on the quiet bookworm.

Before he knew it, the class ended and it was time for Biology. 'Finally!' he internally cheered. Locating the spacious Bio room, he walked in eyeing the posters that lined the walls. Sitting at one of the "pods" (group of two tables) was a girl with dark-chocolate brown hair pulled into a ponytail. She was currently staring out one of the windows, her sky-blue eyes held a distant look.

Right before the bell rang, six more students rushed in. 'Brings the number to an even eight.' Gar counted silently. The other six paired themselves off, leaving Gar with the girl sitting alone. Shrugging, he walked over.

"Hey, I'm Gar." He introduced himself. The girl grinned back at him.

"My name's Harmony." She told him. Gar smiled, taking the seat next to her.

"Good Morning, class!" Mr. Parkins, the teacher, shouted. "Hope you like where you're sitting, 'because those are your seats for the rest of the year." Gar and Harmony exchanged glances with a grin.

"So, we're 'Bio Buddies' now." Gar whispered. Harmony nodded in agreement. Both turned their attention back to Mr. Parkins, who was writing on the whiteboard.

Soon the class ended and Harmony hopped up. "English next," She sing-songed. Gar stood as well, brushing his chestnut brown hair out of his eyes.

"Really? Me, too." He admitted.

"Go get your stuff and hurry. We might be able to snag 'neighbor' seats again." Harmony told him. Gar hurried off to his locker, grabbed his stuff, and then rushed to class. He entered the room and spotted Harmony, who was waving him over. She was talking to another boy with sandy-blond, slightly spikey hair and green eyes.

"Gar, this is my very, very Best Friend, Kai. Kai, this is my new friend/Bio Buddy, Gar." She introduced the two. The teacher clapped and the new trio found an empty cluster and sat down, ready and attentive.

"Alright, students, to break the ice I've divided you into groups of four, and in your groups you will write a short story over a topic of your choice. When I call your group, please sit together." She began at the start of the alphabet and grouped her students off. After an aggravating wait, she finally reached the "L's".

"Garfield Logan, you will be working with Rachel Roth, Harmony Vulcan, and Kailer Yoshima." Gar winced at his full name, but grinned upon hearing his group members. Since Harmony and Kai already sat the table, they patiently waited for Rachel to join them. Imagine Gar's surprise when the bookworm appeared within their midst.

"Are you Rachel?" Harmony asked kindly. The hooded sweatshirt nodded, though it was barely noticeable. "You can sit here." Harmony continued, clearing the space between Gar and herself. Rachel silently sat down and waited.

"First things first, let's spitball some ideas. I suggest something we all like writing about." Kai said.

"Um…what about Heroes?" Gar questioned. "That gives us a variety to write about."

"Kay, that could work. Anything else?" Kai asked.

"I think one of the Heroes should have a dark secret they're hiding, but it gets revealed and they have to learn to accept each other." Harmony answered.

"Good one, Har. What about you, Rachel."

"…None of them should be normal. They're a…Family of Freaks, for lack of a better term." She whispered. Harmony nodded in agreement and Gar grinned.

"Okay, so we've got a great idea and a plot to match. Now, we need characters. I'll go first!" Harmony proclaimed.

"Her name will be Silver and she has the ability to morph, but only into certain animals. Wolf is her primary, all around form. Horse for speed. Dolphin for water missions. Her flying form is the Snowy Owl." Harmony looked at Kai, who was writing everything down; he nodded for her to continue. "She's got dusty-blond hair with silver streaks, blue eyes and always, always wears fingerless gloves."

"Me next!" Gar cried. "Beast Boy is green. Literally. His skin, hair and eyes are green. He also has shifting abilities, but he can shift into all animals, including extinct and mythological creatures. Beast Boy is also very persistent and loyal to a fault." Gar concludes. Kai quickly jots this all down.

"Alright, my Hero can bend or control the elements, but he favors water and electricity. He goes by the name Strike. Naturally he's 'Besties' with Silver. And…uh…He can't use an element unless there's a source nearby. He can't generate them; only bend them to his will." Kai explains.

"That leaves you, Rae." Gar said.

"Rachel." She corrected. "Raven is an empath with telepathy, telekinesis, and Dark Aura. Born on Azarath, and she's Half-Demon. Oh, and she can't show emotion because they affect her powers."

"Okay, now we need a team name." Kai looked at everyone. Gar squirmed in his seat and waved his hand. Kai nodded to him.

"Teen Titans!" He burst out. "I think we need two or three more Titans, though."

"I agree. But they can't help with the writing; they can be in the story as major characters, however." Harmony promised. The bell rang, so they agreed to meet at lunch and continue to plan there.

As Gar placed his things in his less-than-sanitary locker, a large hand clapped his shoulder. He whirled around and spotted two of his good friends; Victor Stone and Richard Grayson.

"Yo, man, we still sitting together at lunch?" Vic questioned. Rich nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, but I got someone I want you both to meet." He assured. "Come with me." Walking into the cafeteria, he instantly spied Rachel. She was the only one wearing a hood. Harmony and Kai were already seated next to her, chatting about something or other.

"Hey, Rae!" he said merrily, stealing the seat to her left.

"Rachel." She automatically corrected.

"Anyway," Gar interrupted, "Vic, Rich, these are my new friends Rachel, Harmony, and Kai. We're sitting with them at lunch today." He explained pointing to each respectively. Vic and Rich sat down and started conversing, just as the cafeteria doors opened and the room fell silent.

Standing in the doorway was a tall, tanned girl with fire-y red hair. She was wearing a purple shirt and light blue jeans. Her curious eyes were a bright lime green. She gazed around the room before sitting at an empty table.

"Who's that?" Harmony asked, tipping her head curiously.

"She's the new girl." Rich answered. "I can't remember her name though."

"Be right back." Harmony said, standing up. She walked over and introduced herself. After a minute or so, both girls walked back. "Everybody, this is Kori. She's from the Amazon." Harmony said.

"Salutations," Kori grinned, giving a tiny wave. The table waved back, making room for the foreign beauty. Gar looked around the table and opened his mouth to talk. Having second thoughts, he snapped it closed, and shook his head as if to clear his head.

"Something up, Gar," Kai questioned.

"Nah, I was just thinking that maybe Vic, Rich, and Kori could also be Titans." He replied.

"Titans?" Vic quizzed.

"In English 10, we were put into groups and told to write a short story about a topic of our choice. Rae, Har, and Kai are in my group." Gar explained patiently. "We're writing about a team of Heroes called the Teen Titans."

"So, you wish for us to become Heroes by dumping us into toxins or getting bitten by radioactive spiders?" Kori asked, confused.

"No, we want you to create a fictional Hero to put in our story." Harmony laughed.

"Preferably someone that's not normal." Gar added. Vic nodded in understanding.

"Like a Cyborg, Half-man-Half robot. He could have cannons in his arms, or something like that, Right?"

"Yeah, the freakier, the better." Kai confirmed.

"Oh, I wish for my Hero to be an alien form the planet Tamaran. She shall have the power of flight, super strength, and shoot star bolts from her hands and eyes." Kori exclaimed excitedly.

"What's her name?" Kai asked, scribbling everything down quickly..

"I do not know." The amazon stated sadly.

"What about Starfire? She does shoot star bolts from her hands, after all." Richard suggested. Kori clasped her hands together and nodded happily.

"Alright. Your turn, Rich." Gar told him.

"Robin. Former sidekick. Knows karate and creates his own gadgets, like the Bird-a-Rang. Has an arch-nemesis named Slade." He responded. Kai finished writing, and for the rest of the lunch talking about random topics.

As they were packing up for their next class, Harmony offered to write the summary and first few pages in the story. They accepted her offer and she took the blank notebook home with her.