Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything from Twilight!
I was never going to tell Alice she couldn't plan anything ever again. As I looked around at the church Leah and I would married at in a matter of minutes I was absolutely blown away. Flower petals covered every inch of the isle in many different colors making it look as if a rainbow had fallen from the sky and crashed down on to the floor causing a beautiful mess of color. The lights were low causing the room to glow as I waited for my bride to walk down the aisle. Of course Jasper was my best man and Alice was Leah's maid of honor. I felt my friend place a hand on my shoulder as the music started letting me know that Leah was about to walk down and join me any second. I thought my heart was going to explode from my chest when I got my first glimpse of her when the doors opened.
She was wearing an off while since she fought tool a nail when she suggested she wear pure white. The gown had a low bodice with a V neck which swooped low, but not enough to really show anything. The sleeves were thin sheer white lace with little hearts sewn in to the fabric with our initials in the hearts. The skirt of the dress was long and flowing like a Victorian ball gown with little hearts and flowers around the bottom coming up in swirls until they reached her waist and that is where they stopped. Her long dark hair had been curled and then piled on her head and her makeup was light except for the dark shadowed and smoky effect around her eyes. In her hands she held a bunch of water lilies as she slowly walked down the long aisle towards me. I lost my breath at the sight of her.
It did not take her long to reach me and I took her hand in mine as we listened to everything the minister said. I saw my parents in the front row smiling and crying as well as Leah's mother and brother. Emily, Sam, Bella, and Jacob were sitting in the very back row and much to my amusement the women were wearing black. I probably would have laughed had it not been such an important moment in my life. When the minister asked if we would like to say anything we both shook our heads no. We had decided that later on during our honeymoon we would say private vows to each other.
When he pronounced us husband and wife I let my lips crash down against hers before she had a chance to completely move her veil out of her face and I ended up getting some of the lace in my mouth mixed in with the kiss. It was a sloppy first kiss, but it was memorable and I guess in the end that is what really mattered. As long as we were officially married none of the other stuff was really that important in my opinion. I never thought I would want to get married after Bella and yet here I was now married to a woman I loved more than I could ever have loved Isabella Swan.
"I cannot believe that we are actually married." She said with a bright smile as we walked down the aisle together. "I feel like this is just some sort of weird dream and I am going to wake up any minute and realize that none of it was real. I mean I can't believe that I married the guy who was a total pervert to me when we first met. I remember spilling my drink all over you trying to get you to back off and yet you were as persistent as ever."
I kissed her softly before replying. "Well I saw something that I wanted and I went for it. I knew that one day you would be my girl I just never thought we would actually be married. Still, I wouldn't change any of it for all the money and movie star women in the world. From the moment I met you I was a one woman man. No other woman on the face of this earth or any other planet for that matter could get my attention no matter how hard they might have tried."
"Now you are just trying to butter me up." My wife teased with a smile as she leaned in to whisper something in my ear. "You better be buttering up for the next eight month's as well. They are going to be the toughest of your life."
It took me a moment to realize what she was trying to say. "Leah are we, are we pregnant?"
Leah laughed and nodded as I picked her up and spun her around not carrying about the looks I was getting for it. "Well technically I am pregnant, but you did put the baby there in the first place so yes I guess you could say we are pregnant. I wanted to wait to tell you until today. This is my wedding gift to you and I really do hope your happy about it. You are going to make an amazing father."
"So that is why you stopped smoking with me." I said as I set her down to her feet. "I wondered what was up with you, but I never thought for a second you may be pregnant. Love this is the best gift you could have ever given me and the timing was perfect. You and I are going to have a baby!"
"Yes we are." My wife smiled again reaching for my hand. "We have officially started our family and we don't have to worry about our baby being born a bastard. Now let's get to that reception because there is a wedding cake with my name on it!"
AN: I hope that you all enjoyed this story. I think it ended on a nice note. I didn't want a whole lot of drama in this story and so I kind of kept it simple well simple in my opinion lol! I would love to hear your thoughts about this story and let me know what story I should work on finishing next.
Please R&R like always!