A/N I know these are usually boring and no one reads these, but please read on.

I have not read 13 Reasons Why. This story is a spin-off of it, but I have not read it yet. I only know the gist of the story. So if there are things in here that are so far off that it's not even funny, I apologize. This is just an idea that has stuck with me for a long time, and now I'm finally writing it down.

So enjoy!

Chapter One

Quinn Fabray

Finn walked home from school on a windy autumn day. He kept his head down, knowing that there were people staring at him in the park that he had to cross through in order to get home. You see, people felt bad for him, and he hated seeing pity on their faces. Pity for him.

Rachel Berry had put a gun to her head exactly one month ago. Rachel and Finn had been together at the time and she seemed happy most of the time...he never understood why she killed herself.

The police had confirmed it suicide and the gun belonged to one of her dads.

As Finn was walking up to his front door, he noticed the cars were gone. His mom and Burt were probably still at work. Kurt's Moped was gone, he was probably out with Blaine again.

Finn walked up the front steps and got out his key to open the door. He suddenly tripped over something in front of the door. He didn't fall, but he quickly regained his balance.

At the front of the door Was a brown package, Finn picked it up, not looking at who it was for. Probably Burt, he was always getting packages.

Finn unlocked the door and walked in, setting the package down on the table. He opened the fridge and found a roll of raw cookie dough, he tore away the wrapper and started to eat it like a carrot.

Finn set his backpack down and opened his Biology book. He found himself stealing looks at the package that was a foot away from him. Finn finally gave into his wants of looking at it, and pulled it toward himself.

He read aloud:

"Finn Hudson
26 Feathers Chapel Rd.
Limo, Ohio."

There was no return address.

Finn was excited, he had never gotten a package, unless you count all that crap that he always ordered that was in the middle of comic books. That stuff never worked, and if it did, it didn't last long.

He tore at the brown paper and out fell tapes. He looked at them confused, he had not seen a cassette tape or a tape player in years. Finn walked into his mom and Burt's room and looked in her closet. He knew that she used to have one.

He finally found it and went back to the table. Finn quickly counted up the tapes; there were 13.

He noticed that each of them had numbers on them. The numbers one through thirteen. Finn found the one that was labeled with a one and popped it in the tape player. He pressed Play.

"Hi Finn. Do you remember me? You might, or you might've just tried to forget about me."

Finn's Eyes widened. It was Rachel's voice! He was so confused. How did these tapes get here? what is this? Is he being Punk'd? Is it some sick joke? He quickly regained himself as she kept talking.

"A while ago, that would've been hard to forget me. If I were gone I know that Glee Club would've been empty without my voice. But, I bet a quarter of the students at McKinley High are just now realizing that I'm gone. The other quarter still don't know I'm dead, and that last half? They don't give a rat's crap. Except for you Finn. I know that even though you might've hated me...you still cared. I could tell the last time I saw you. What you said and the way you looked at me, Finn I could tell you cared."

Finn was incredibly confused, but he kept listening.

"Anyway, Finn, right before I killed myself I made these tapes for you. I was originally going to give each tape to the person it was dedicated to, but I figured they did not need an explanation. If anyone, you deserve these tapes. And not as a punishment, but because out of anyone, you deserve to know. Did I just repeat myself? I did write all of this down, but..."

Finn had a shadow of a smile on his face. Only she would write down what she had to say for something like this. Rachel even wrote down what she was going to say in case she got the message machine when She used to call people.

"Anyway, Finn, each one of these tapes is a reason why I killed myself. Finn Hudson, you are one of them."

What little smile was on Finn's face fell at that moment. He would've never thought that he was a reason why Rachel Berry had killed herself.

"Reason One why I killed myself. Quinn Fabray. Quinn never did like me, I always thought that it was because I loved you Finn, because I was annoying, because I had a better voice then her. Don't get me wrong, she was good, and not meaning to sound arrogant, but I was better then her. Then one day, I found out why she really hated me."

Suddenly the front door opened and Kurt and Blaine stumbled in. Finn pressed pause. Blaine whispered something into Kurt's ear and Kurt giggled. Then he looked up and saw Finn staring at them, confused.

"Oh, we didn't know that you were in here."

Blaine looked over Kurt's shoulder and saw all the tapes. He took off his pink sunglasses, "Hey, what's that?"

"Nothin'." Finn said, pushing them away.

"Nothin' my butt-crack."

Kurt threw back his head and laughed. Finn swallowed hard, luckily they didn't press anymore and went up into Kurt's room.

Finn picked up the tapes, tape recorder, and walked over to his room to finish the first tape. He sat on his bed and pressed play.

"The reason why Quinn hated me was because deep down, she knew that you loved me, Finn. She knew it and it tore her apart. She couldn't take it, seeing you secretly steal looks at me...she hated it. The day after you broke up with her after losing Nationals, she saw you kissing me in the library. From then on, I know she promised herself that she would make my life a living nightmare. And that she did.

"Finn, do you remember the end of school dance? I do. Well, you and I were dancing and you started to kiss me. I kissed you back and then one of the football players came by and ripped my dress down, revealing my pink dragonfly briefs. I had been on my period that day, and everyone could notice. My face burned and as I ran out to the ladies' room, I saw Quinn's smirk. A smirk that I would be seeing a lot of. She had known that I was on it that day because after decorating the gym for the dance, I was complaining that I had ran out of tampons."

Finn's face burned, not only out of embarrassment at the words like 'tampons'; but because he did remember that day. He remembered the laughs, Quinn's smirk, everything. And he especially remembered not sticking up for her.

"From then on I tried to avoid her. But Finn, do you know how hard it is? You just can't avoid a person, especially one that's out to destroy your life. Anyway, after that, Quinn was the person who started the We Hate Rachel Berry Petition."

Finn bit his lip. He remembered that Petition, he didn't sign it of course, but he didn't put a stop to it either.

"Everyone signed that petition. Even people that didn't go to that school signed it. So people that didn't even know I existed had signed it. Jesse signed it." Rachel said quietly. She sighed and Finn's heart kept falling, he was so mad at himself for not putting a stop to that petition. If he had... He knew that they would've listened, maybe in a way he could've prevented her death.

"So Quinn Fabray is one reason why I killed myself."

:D so... Do you like it? Should I continue it, or shut it down? Gimme your thoughts on the story and I will update soon!