I hope you like it. warning: I'm not good at making fights seem real. I'm not a vilent person. R&R. Finally found out how to make new chapters! ((:
The Mortal Ride
The biggest mistake I ever made was agreeing with the flock when they said that we should kick Max out. We were lost without her. My heart was broken as I watched her look at me with those eyes that said, "You betrayed me. How could you? I hate you!" She didn't say anything to us. Nudge told her that we would still stay in touch, and that we'd call every day to make sure that everyone was still alive and well. Everyone agreed. But all she said was, "Don't bother. I won't answer. I won't call. If you want me gone, fine. I'm gone. But I'm not staying in touch. Ether you want me or you don't. You guys don't." Then she left. I hadn't seen her for a year.
The others tried to call her, but they'd get her voice message. After a while, her phone was disconnected. She stuck to her word. She didn't call.
The kids stopped eating. We stopped flying. At night I heard everyone cry. I cried along with them. Finally, I told them that I was going to find Max. I was going to bring her home. Everyone agreed to help me. We searched her Mother's house first. Not there. We were still searching. I would find Max if it was the last thing I ever did.
Happy. That's what I was. Happy. At first I was scared, but soon it became my life. One day, not too far from being kicked out of my family, I was attacked, and woke up in a bed. A girl was there. She treated me kindly, and better than anyone I ever knew. What we were about to find out would be shocking, and amazing. The best thing that ever happened to me. Happy.
New York. It was big. But I already knew that. I'd been there before with Max. We had our first kiss there. My favorite city. We had searched for hours, but no Max. We had desisted that we should go and get something to drink. We stopped at a club called the Pandemonium. It was for older kids, but with the help of Angles mind powers, we got in.
The song Potential Break Up Song by Aly and Aj was on. I took a sip of my coke, when I saw her. She wore a long white dress, which I bet was killing her, and had her hair all curly, and her smile- oh how I missed that smile. She was stunning.
But she wasn't looking at me. No, she was eyeing some boy with blue hair. She gestured for him to fallow her to the staff only closet. And he actually fallowed. He had the nerve to fallow my girl. Angle read my mind, and we ran toward closet.
"She's thinking about how amazing she is," Angle said, confused. "About how they will be so amazed at her skills, that they'll take her to Taki's afterwards, and buy her anything she wants. Now she's mentally laughing.
"They're talking about shadow hunters. Guy seems pissed. Like really pissed," said Iggy. "Now there's more people. Two males, one female. Not including Max. The one guy who fallowed Max seems really mad."
"What is a Shadow Hunter anyway?" asked Nudge. "Sounds fun. Hunting shadows. How do you hunt a shadow? If you tried to kick them, wouldn't your foot go right through? Maybe they use sunlight, or a light of some sort! I saw that in a movie once. It was the princes and the frog. You know, the Disney movie? I really like that movie. But I didn't like the voodoo man. He was scary."
I wasn't listening to Nudge. I slowly snuck around the corner, were there was another door that led into the closet. The flock fallowed me. Once inside, I tried to blend in, and seceded.
In the room, I saw Max. She still had her dirty blonde hair, tan skin, and leader like face. Next to her was another girl. She was expressionless, had black hair, black boots, black gear. Black everything. She was a very beautiful girl; but there was no time to drool. Especially if my heart was still Max's. Even if she didn't' want it anymore.
On the other side of the room was the boy with blue hair. He was scowling at the other people in the room. Mostly Max. On each side of him was one strongly built boy. On his left, a boy who look much like the girl by Max. A lot of blackness. The other boy, on the other hand, seemed to be the exact opposite. Golden, curly hair; gold skin; gold eyes; his expression reeked of self-absorbedness, and he seemed to know it. All and all, every person in that room was very good looking.
"You…" anger boiled in the blue haired boy.
"Are there anymore of you?" The gold boy asked.
"Any more what's?" Iggy was right. He seemed really pissed.
"Come on," Max rolled her eyes. "You know what we are, so why don't you just tell us what we want, and we'll make a deal." That couldn't be Max. She doesn't make deals.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I give you my word."
"You're word has no meaning to me, demon. You do know what a demon is, don't you?" He didn't answer.
"Demons," the gold boy said, tracing the word on the air with his finger. "religiously defined as hell's denizens, the servants of Satan, but understood here, for the purposes of the Clave, to be any malevolent spirit whose origin is outside our own home dimension—"
"That's enough, Jace," Said the black haired boy.
"Alec's right," the girl, who I was starting to believe was his sister, said.
"Yeah, I agree with him and Isabelle," Max said. "We don't need a history lesson. My head is already about to explode with everything those blasted tooters are trying to teach me. I haven't had much schooling my whole life, and now they try cramming every piece of history in my mind in just one year. It hurts, man." She rubbed her head, as if it hurt.
"Kill him, Jace," Isabelle said. Wait, what? What was Max doing with these people? They're killers? And Max is… is Max agreeing with this? I can't believe this. My mind filled with questions.
"Wait," The one who Max called a demon said. "I can tell you about Valentine." What would they want to know about a holiday? A cheesy one at that.
"Oh," Jace said. "And what would that be, umm? That he's back, and he's going to kill us all?"
"Valentine is dead. He burned, there were witnesses. And I doubt anyone's missing him." Max's words were venomous, and filled with hate. "You'll say anything to save yourself, won't you? All the more reason to kill you. Go ahead, Jace."
He pulled out a knife, said something, and it started to glow. I had had enough. I jumped away from the wall, and said, "What's going on? Why are you trying to kill this guy, Max?" the others joined me. She was shocked. But not as shocked as me when the blue haired boy lounged for Max, knocking her down, and using his claws (were those there before?) to leave scars in her body. I ran forward to help, but the three strangers were there first. Jace sunk his knife into the boys back; Alec pulled him off of her, and Isabelle was helping Max up.
I looked at the blue boy, but he just turned to dust. Literally. My attention turned back to Max. "Are you okay…" I started forward, but the boys blocked my path, and Isabelle was yelling at me.
"who do you think you are? Just barging in on other peoples, PRIVET, conversations? You could have gotten her killed! Distracting her like that!"
"What are you guys doing here?"
"You know them?" Max ignored Isabelle, and stared at all of us.
"What are you doing?" she asked again.
"What are you doing," asked Iggy.
"Yeah," Gasman said. "You look like you're from some murdering cult, or something."
"Who are they," Alec asked.
Max seemed reluctant to answer. "They're the flock." Isabelle steamed red.
"The flock," she said, as if it was a dirty word. "The ones who kick you out? You're supposed family? They actually have the nerve to come here?"
"Prepare to me your makers," Jace said. "Because when Izzy gets mad, there is no stopping her from killing whoever she's made at."
"They can see us," Alec said. And they all seemed to realize that at the same time.
"Um, yeah," I said. "Were not blind. Well, except Iggy.
"Did we mark ourselves?" Isabelle asked Jace, who nodded.
"They have the sight," Max said, not sounding all too pleased about it.
"We should take them back," said Alec.
"No," Max and Isabelle said at the same time.
"They have the sight."
"Um, question?" Nudge raised her hand. "What is the sight?" Wait. She didn't go all motor mouth on us? That's a first.
"The sight," Max explained. "Is when you can see things that normal people aren't supposed to see. Like me, for example. I'm supposed to be invisible to you guys. But, since god hates me, he is insisting that I have this conversation with the last group of people I'd really want to have it with. And the only way to make me have this conversation is to give you guys the sight. Thank you god."
Nudge looked ashamed for asking. "Max," Angle said. "I get that you're angry, but you don't have to take it out on Nudge."
Max wasn't the one who spoke this time. It was Isabelle. "Well, little girl, I believe she has the right to take it out on you guys, seeing how you kicked her out. And no, I'm not afraid to talk to you like this because I know you have the brain of 16 year old. Max should have the right to hate all of you. I know I do; and that's just because you came here. First you tell her to leave, then you come her and almost get her killed. What kind of family are you? Don't give up what you have. Ever."
We were all taken aback. Did Max tell her about the wings, and powers? How else would she know about Angles 16 year old mind?
"Come with us," Alec said.
Max and Isabelle throw up their hands in frustration. "Yes Alec," Max said. "Bring my former family to my new home. Let them know where I live so they can mess up my life further. You go man." The two girls stormed away.
What was he thinking? Bringing them to our home. The last time that happened it turned out good. But these were people Max knew. People she trusted, cared for, loved; and what she got in return was hurt. This was by far the stupidest idea he's ever had.
I watched as they came up to our building. On the outside, and abandoned church. On the inside, a magnificent castle. "You live in a church. Max you're not even religious. But it's still cool. I wish we could live in a church. Are there alters in there? That would be cool, having alters to go by, don't you think? Kind of creepy, but still. Is it abandoned? I looks abandoned. Please tell me there are no mice in there. I hate mice. And rats. What's the difference between a mouse and a rat anyway? Is it that it's bigger, or…"
As Nudge when on, and on all I could think was, How did she go from a nonreligious Max to mice and rats in one minuet? We entered the elevator. I looked at the boy they called Fang. He was watching Max's expressionless face. Like he had the right to. Not after what he did to her. He caught me staring, and I scoffed, and rolled my eyes. His eyes dropped to the floor. Good.
Where were they. They were supposed to be home ten minutes ago. I was hoping Max was alright. I couldn't lose her. Then I heard the elevator.
I was talking about the movie Push (How'd I go from Coco hair coloring to Push the movie?) when I saw Max's new home. I stepped out of the elevator, and onto the marble flooring. This place looked like it was fit for a queen. There was statues, and pictures of angles, everywhere.
I was admiring everything when I heard someone yell, "Oh thank the angles you're okay. I was worried sick. Where have you been?" A girl with fire red hair run up to Max and her new friends, completely missing us.
She hugged them, lingering on Jace a little longer then necessary, then turned to Max. "Mom and Luke have been worried sick. I had to lie to them saying the Clave called asking about you progress."
Max laughed happily. "calm down, Clary. I just got delayed."
"Well, I hate having to sit and think I might have just lost my only sister."