This is my first D-gray Man Fanfiction so sorry if the characters all a little or a lot OOC

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If you don't ):

"Brother, I'm going up to pick up some food for the resistance," Lenalee called to her brother as she made her way towards the door.

"Wait Lenalee!" Komui shouted running in.

Lenalee sighed; she knew it couldn't be that easy.

"You know how dangerous it is with all those Akuma's running around!" Komui exclaimed.

Lenalee rolled her eyes.

"Brother, I'm a colonel, I could take care of myself!" Lenalee exclaimed.

"But-" Komui whined.

"I'll be fine, There's a reason I'm a colonel" Lenalee said trying to ease her brother's worrying.

"Lenalee, If you get hurt I can't be there to heal you since I have to take care of all the wounded from the last raid!" Komui said referring to the raid the Black Order Resistance did on an Akuma base just a few days ago.

It didn't turn out well…..

The only reason they had it was because Lavi thought it was a good idea because someone from the Noah family, the one's who create the Akuma, was there.

The raid was a total failure and a lot of Soldiers died.

That's what made Kanda and Bookman demoted Lavi.

"I'm going! Jerry ran out supplies and if I don't get more we will starve," exclaimed Lenalee.

Komui sighed and took something out from his pocket.

"Here, I made it just in case we get separated," Komui said handing her a bottle of healing herbs.

"These ones I made special, they'll heal you of any poison or any of that sort and it will heal your injuries, you can either drink it or just splash it onto yourself, drinking it makes your injuries heal quicker but splashing on yourself is quicker if you're in a battle. And don't worry, another reason its special is that it only works on mages!" Komui exclaimed.

"So only Kanda, Bookman, Lavi, Krory, Miranda and I?" Lenalee asked naming them in order of their ranks (except she put herself out of order).

Kanda and Bookman were Generals, Lavi and Lenalee were Colonels and Miranda and Krory were Majors.

Komui is a general as well but since he doesn't do combat a lot of people don't count him as one.

Komui is the chief of the medic department of the black order resistance and an expert white mage.

All though all of them could use magic the only three that are experienced in real magic are Kanda, Miranda and Komui but Kanda barely uses it unless it's an emergency and all of them are white mages .The only magic the others knew were enchaments for the weapons to amplify their abilities in battle.

Black magic is too dangerous for anyone to use.

"Yes," Komui replied.

"Bye, if I'm not back in an hour or two your aloud to send Krory or Lavi after me," Lenalee told Komui knowing how he worries.

Lenalee arrived at the store and scanned her area she was in to make sure there was no way for an akuma to catch her off guard.

She needed to be prepared; being one of the colonels was a hard job that included being the target of the akuma and the Noah family.

Lenalee opened the front doors of the store.

"Hello?" Lenalee asked, her voice ringing through the store.

"Guess the Akumas got here first," Lenalee predicted. "I guess that means I don't have to pay," Lenalee thought as she took an item off the shelf.

"What should I get?" Lenalee looked through the shelves "I should of asked Jerry, he is the cook. I guess I should just take whatever I could, it is technically free," Lenalee started grabbing whatever she could. Until she noticed something white on the ground in the corner.

"What is that?" Lenalee walked over to it and realized it was a person.

A boy.

"Mr.! Are you okay!" Lenalee asked running over to help the "Old man" or at least who she thought was an old man because of his hair.

Lenalee checked his pulse.

"He's still alive," Lenalee said aloud.

Lenalee propped him up so she could see his face.

And realized this boy was not an "Old man" but a kid.

Another one of the things Lenalee noticed was the red scar running down his face from his forehead down the rest of his face.

The last thing Lenalee noticed was his left arm was red and scaly with black nails and a black cross marking on the back of it.

Lenalee predicted it was from an akuma attic.

Lenalee tried to wake him up by poking him and shaking him but neither seemed to work.

Lenalee gave up and draped his arm around her so she could lift him or at least drag him to the Black Order Resistance. Lenalee refused to just leave him there.

"I could get the food later with someone else to help carry it," Lenalee thought as she stood up dragging the white haired boy.

Surprisingly he was a lot lighter than he looked.

Lucky for Lenalee the Black Order Resistance was just a few minutes away.

Lenalee prayed that they wouldn't run into an akuma on the way back.

She knew she could take one but if there's more than one akuma than well she's dealing with one the other may attack the mysterious boy.

A few minutes after they began moving towards the resistance they were attacked .By one level three akuma.

"Oh no" Lenalee thought as she gently laid the boy with a scar down on the ground. Lenalee I jumped up and kicked at the level three akuma.

"A level three, this may take a while"

Minutes passes like Lenalee predicted and the akuma was getting tired. The level three akuma noticed the white haired boy and a thought came to mind.

Lenalee took a breath; she was starting to get worn out as well.

The level three akuma dashed forward at the nameless boy.

Lenalee caught on quickly to what the akuma was doing.

Lenalee ran in front of the boy, knowing she would get hit.

Lenalee didn't know why but she felt this connection to this boy and she didn't even know his name.


Lenalee was thrown backwards as the akuma hit her.

"So this is how it ends?" Lenalee thought as she tried to get up but couldn't.

The akuma was preparing a blow that would kill Lenalee and she knew it.

She knew she was going to die.

And she also knew there was nothing she could do about it.

Then Lenalee remembered- the herbs!

Lenalee reached within her pocket but found she was bare handed.

"It must have fallen out during the battle!" Lenalee realized and scanned for the herb.

Lenalee saw on the ground was the bottle in shards around that boy.

"It must have fallen on him," Lenalee looked at the akuma again.

It was preparing a big and strong blow to kill her.

Lenalee closed her eyes waiting for the impact

. But instead she heard an explosion but she wasn't hurt, so how-?

Lenalee opened her eyes to see the white haired boy standing in front of her, his arms spread out.

Another thing Lenalee noticed was a barrier of some sort between the akuma and the boy with her.

"A barrier?" Lenalee asked out loud.

"No …. Well sort of," The boy smiled a innocent smile "I'm not sure of what it is but it's not a barrier, it deflected the akuma's attack back its itself!" The boy exclaimed.

"What's your name?" Lenalee asked standing up realizing she didn't feel the pain she felt a few seconds ago.

"Allen … I think," The boy said, his bright smile turning into a confused face.

"Allen, how did you do that, what was that?" Lenalee asked referring to the deflecting barrier words came out a little harsher than she meant them to be.

"I-I don't…" Allen's eyes starting getting heavier.

Lenalee ran towards Allen as he fell down.

"I forgot, magic uses a lot of energy if you're not prepared to use it and that was a powerful spell it only makes sense he passes out. I hope he's okay….." Lenalee thought as she placed Allen's arm around her again .

"Lenalee!" Lenalee turned around to see a red headed colonel with an eyes patch coming over with a pissed off samurai General.

"Why are you guys here?" Lenalee asked as Lavi ran and Kanda walked over to her.

"What was that explosion and who's he?" Lavi asked pointing to Allen.

"The explosion was it really that big?" Lenalee wondered in her mind.

"Allen, I don't that much about him, I found him at the store. By the way we need to go back there, everything's free," Lenalee exclaimed.

"The explosion?" Kanda asked cutting straight to the reason the two came.

"A level three akuma attacked us, I was knocked down and Allen protected me before passing out again."

"Again?" Lavi asked.

"When I found him, he was passed out"

"So you decided to bring him back, he's useless and we don't need more useless things lying around!" Kanda snapped. Lenalee glared at Kanda for being so cold hearted.

"But he's not useless, he saved me and the herb my brother made that only works on mages worked on him!" Lenalee exclaimed. Kanda rolled his eyes.

"Just because he could do magic doesn't mean he knows it….. Tch."

"How did he save you?" Lavi wondered ignoring Kanda.

"I'm not entirely sure but he created what looked like a barrier but wasn't. It deflected the akuma's attack back at itself. That's what I think caused the explosion"

"Could white magic do that Yu?" Kanda glared at Lavi who just grinned at his reaction.

"Shut up you usagi if you call me that again I'll move you down another rank" Kanda threatened.

Lavi remained quiet, after that whole raid on the akuma's and losing a lot of soilders, Lavi has been trying to get his spot back as a general.

Kanda ignores him though and the other General, Bookman, Lavi's grandfather, wouldn't even consider it and kicks Lavi's ass every time Lavi brings it up.

"No, white magic could create barriers, heal wounds and cure poison but it could not deflect attacks!" Kanda exclaimed.

"So he used black magic?" Lavi asked.

"That seems right," Kanda answered.

"So we're bringing him back?" Lavi asked.

"Che" Kanda replied as he walked off towards the Black order Resistance.

"I'll take that as a yes" Lavi said as he took Allen out of Lenalee's arms, placed him on his back and he and Lenalee caught up to Kanda, to make their way towards the Black Order Resistance.